The following messages are stored in message class /SHCM/EMPLOYEE_ODATA: .
It is part of development package /SHCM/EMPLOYEE_BL in software component CA-HR-S4-OP-BP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Employee: Business Logic".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& - Employee ID not found
001Archive Server Configuration missing
002Failed to Create Image on Archive Server
003Invalid image format
004Deletion of existing image on Archive Server Failed
005Tag already exists:&1
006Enter same employeeid, external employeeid, employment id and user name
007End date should be 31st Dec 9999
008Multiple employments during the same time period is currently not handled
009No Authorizations to maintain Service CostLevel
010Deletion of Service CostLevel Failed
011Please enter a valid tag name
012The entity could not be created or updated.
013CalendarDate is a mandatory field. Please enter the CalendarDate.
014Multiple Work Agreement found for Person &1. Please enter a Company Code.
015Person &1 and Work Agreement &2 do not match.
016Key fields are missing.
017Work Agreement &1 does not exist.
018Work Agreement is inactive for the Person &1 for the calendar date &2.
019Work Agreement is not found for the Person &1 and the Company Code &2.
020Work Agreement &1 is inactive for the calendar date &2.
021Given PersonExternalID &1 does not exist.
022Tags cannot be created as all employments are terminated.
023Enter a maximum of 24 hours.
024System settings does not allow this &1 to be used.
025Migration job is in progress.
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