/SMB/ATC_ERROR - ATC check errors

The following messages are stored in message class /SMB/ATC_ERROR: ATC check errors.
It is part of development package /SMB/UTILITY in software component SV-CLD-FRM-INF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Utility Functions".
Message Nr
Message Text
000ATC Checks for Solution Builder Content
001No classes to check
002Start Deletion of existing ATC check results
003Deletion of existing ATC check results successfully finished
004Start execution of ATC checks
005Execution of ATC checks for ABAP classes
006Table access violation for class &1 found
007Consistency error for class &1 found
008Class &1 has not been executed
009Start checking Table access violations
010Start checking Consistency of definition
011Start checking Class execution
012RFC connection error: &1 &2 &3
013RFC resource failure when calling RFC destination &1
014Start writing check results to central repository
015Number of ATC check results: &1 objects
016Transformation of to XML successfully finished
017ATC check result is written to central repository
018Execution of function not allowed
019&1 records inserted into table /SMB/ATC_H
020&1 records inserted into table /SMB/ATC_NVP
021&1 records deleted from table /SMB/ATC_H
022&1 records deleted from table /SMB/ATC_NVP
023You have no authorization to perform this task
024Error during Insert into table &1
025Error during delete entries from table &1
026Pull ATC check results from global repository
027Start writing check results to local tables
028Cleanup ATC results from source system &1
029Enter Source where ATC check was executed
030No data found for cleanup
031Undefined error during RFC execution for object &1 and destination &2
032Selection parameters
033Start date for check execution: &
034Execution of function not allowed
035You're not allowed to execute transaction &1
100System ID: &1
101Table access violation: No &1 access for table &2 defined
102Consistency error in definition of table &1 and lock mode &2
103Consistency warning in definition of table &1 and lock mode &2
104Class &1 was not yet executed in test system &2
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