/SMB/BBPRJ_INST - PCC-CE message class

The following messages are stored in message class /SMB/BBPRJ_INST: PCC-CE message class.
It is part of development package /SMB/COMMON in software component SV-CLD-FRM-INF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Commonly used objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
001Error reading input file: &1
002Invalid line type. Line in input file: &
003Invalid field description structure. Line in input file: &
004Default value without field description. Line in input file: &
005Missing object ID. Line in input file: &
006Neither country/region nor default version of BCS: & exists
007Neither country/region nor default version of CATT: & exists
008More parameters with the same DE. BCS: & DE: &
009BCS parameter: & from file not found in BCS: & Language: &
010Error: & reading BCS: & parameters from system
011Value without field description. Object: &
012Additional parameters are not supported for CATTs. CATT: &
013Log number: & is missing for CATT: &
014EM Error reading program parameters from system. Program: &
015Parameter: & does not exist in program: & selections
016Disallowed program parameter value structure. Program.: & Parameter: &
017Unsuitable workbench request &1. Problem type &2 (see long text)
018Unsuitable task of workbench request &1. Problem type &2 (see long text)
019Unsuitable customizing request &1. Problem type &2 (see long text)
020Unsuitable task of cust. request &1. Problem type &2 (see long text)
021Client & is not defined in table T000
022Execute eCATT procederes in this client: Not allowed
023Activation NOT allowed in a system with a productive client
024Required client setting "Automated Recording of Changes" not set
025Changing repository/cross-client cust. not allowed (system setting T000)
026Activation is prohibited in system & client &
027Activation is possible only when logged in English language
028Program &1 parameter &2 value length is too long
029BC Set & does not exist in system
030CATT & does not exist in system
031Program & does not exist in system
032Unknown error
033Phase finished with errors
034Definition file conversion to objects finished succesfully
035Start definition file conversion to objects
036Error converting input file
037Start country or region version selection
038Country/region version selection finished succesfully
039Error in country or region version selection
040Target language & does not match scope item languages &
041Start objects parameters selection
042Object parameters selection finished succesfully
043Error in object parameters selection
044Value set already activated
045Phase finished with warnings
046Values will be overwritten (requested by user)
047Successfully activated
048Activated with warning
049Activated with errors
050Not activated - error
051Unknown return code
052Success: & Errors: & CATT Procedure Serial Number: &
053Finished. Without status handling.
054Finished with unknown status => Error
055Process finished with error. Data has been partially changed
056Process finished with error. Data has not been changed
057Process finished succesfully. Data has been changed
058Process finished with error. Data has not been changed. (Test run)
059Process finished succesfully. Data has not been changed. (Test run)
060Unknown language. Line in input file: &
061Error: Difference in requested country/region. Program/File &/&
062Error: SAP Note number & is not implemented
063Error: Prerequisite Building Block & is not implemented
064Scope item & finishes checking w/o any error
065Scope item & finishes checking with errors
067Component & is not installed in your system
068Component & Sys. rel ( &) is different from the required release ( & ).
069Component & SP( & ) is lower than the permitted SP ( & )
070Component & SP( & ) is higher than the permitted SP ( & )
071ECATT & in BB & of scenario & does not exist in system
072Transaction Code & in BB & of scope item & does not exist in system
073BC Sets & in BB & of scenario & do not exist in system
074Required SAP Notes number : & in & scope item is not implemented
075Required SAP Notes number : & in & scope item does not exist in system
076Scope item & does not exist
077SAP Note Number & : Completely implemented
078SAP Note Number & : &
079No building blocks in & scope item
080SAP Note Number & : Download failure
081SAP Note Number & : Remote Function Call ( & ) error
082SAP Note Number & : Does not exist
083SAP Note Number & : Not released
084SAP Note Number & : Successfully implemented
085SAP Note Number & : Failed to implement
086SAP Note Number & : Successfully downloaded
087SAP Note Number & : Can be implemented
088SAP Note Number & : Incompletely implemented
089SAP Note Number & : Cannot be implemented
090SAP Note Number & : Completely implemented
091SAP Note Number & : Obsolete
092SAP Note Number & : Obsolete version implemented
093Choose Message Text instead of Type
094Put your cursor on a note
095Required SAP Notes number : & in & BB & not implemented
096Required SAP Notes number : & in BB & does not exist in system
097Building Block & is different from the Building Block in the BB Library
098Scenario & has already been activated
099& scenario is not assigned to favorite solution
100eCATT Test Configuration & does not exist in system
101Log number: & missing for eCATT Test Configuration: &
102Success: & Errors: & eCATT Procedure Serial Number: &
103Error during eCATT execution
104Transaction & does exist in system
105Type of activity & must be interactive
106Standard text ST / & does not exist in system
107Document Object & in the language & does not exist in system
108No further detail for this activity
109& BB in & scope item not activated yet. No detail data
110Favorite solution not found
111BC Sets Definition & in & BB of & scope item does not exist in system
112Successfully activated. See detail in log &
113Activated with errors. See detail in log &
114Not activated - error. See detail in log &
115& param in & scope item not defined in User Settings (External Documents)
116& parameter in & BB not defined in User Settings (External Documents)
117& parameter in & activity of & BB not defined in User Settings
118Activation not allowed: Client & has role "Production"
119Transport requests must be maintained
120Check phase finished with errors-activation will not continue
121Test run finished with errors
122Test run finished successfully
123Activation stopped with an error
124Activation finished successfully
125Manual Step that requires manual confirmation
126Manual Step with transaction code that requires manual confirmation
127External Link that requires manual confirmation
128System Data Container: &1 does not exist - Scenario: &2
129System Data Container: &1 does not exist - BB: &2
130Target Sys: &1 does not exist - Activity: &2 of BB: &3
131System Data Container: &1 does not exist - Solution: &2
132Activation hits the stop point
133Test system: &1 not exist - BB: &2
134Activation interrupted by &. Running activities are completed first.
135Scope item & finishes checking with warnings
136The BB & in & scope item has already been activated in this client
137Only scope item property can be changed
138The building block & in your scope item was not activated in this client
139No System Data Container generated so far
140Activation canceled by program (with log)
141Activation canceled by program (without log)
142Batch activation scheduled without execution time
143Batch activation scheduled with execution time
144Activation started
145Activation canceled by user
146Scope item & checking starts
147Solution & finishes checking w/o any error
148Scope item & checking finishes
149The BB & already activated in this client
150The BB & is currently being installed in & scope item by user & on &
151Scope item & can be activated
152Activation ownership: Scope item & is owned by &
153Activation ownership: Solution & owned by &
155SAP Tutor application (iTutorPlayer.exe) not found!
156Solution & finishes checking with errors
157ECATT Name & does not exist.
158Secondary Activity Maintenance mode switched on
159Secondary Activity Maintenance mode switched off
160Activation not possible; maintain installation data first
161Maintain either internal installation data or use external data
162BB &1 cannot be activated because Business Function &2 is inactive.
163Error calling &1 via RFC destination &2
164Function &1 does not exist in target system (RFC destination &2)
165Processing cancelled
166File &1 missing for object &2 of activity &3
167Target System &1 is not maintained in System Landscape Maintenance
168RFC destination missing for target system &1 in System Landscape Mainten.
169Document name is empty
170No item selected
171Assignment to Solution Manager has been deleted
172No assignment to Solution Manager found
173Object type &1 not supported
174IMG activity &1 does not exist or contains no tabular customizing objects
175Building Block &1 is inconsistent. Cannot activate
176System type does not allow installation data manipulation.
177Addon check has failed (please read the long text!)
178Could not update reference solution &1: &2
179Reference solution &1 has been set to activated
180Country/Region &1 does not exist
181No Scope Items contained in Solution &1
182Check workaround documents / configuration guides for a solution
183If you cannot resolve the error, create a ticket on component &1
184&1: Activating: &2 -> &3 (&4)
185Activation process has been abnormally terminated (check in SM37/ST22)
186Activation process has been finished
187Activation process is scheduled, waiting for start
188Activation process is running
189Activation process is ready, waiting for start
190Activation process is in an unexpected state: suspended/preliminary/other
191Activation process could not be found, check SM37
192Job Name: &1 Job Number: &2
193Scope Item &1 cannot be deleted, activation status is not initial
194In the case of technical problems, create a ticket on component &1
195The affected customizing object &1 of type &2 is located in package &3
196Display the job log by clicking the icon on the right
197Display the dump by clicking the icon on the right
198Activation process was finished unexpectedly, check the progress
199Nothing found
200No more findings
201Finding &1 of total &2: Solution &3
202Your solution filter was deactivated as it did not match any solution
203Showing &1 solutions matching your filter of total &2
204Solution &1 cannot be deleted (A3CSolution)
205Solution &1 cannot be deleted (Activation for scoped Solution started)
206Virus scan error - contact your system administrator ("&1&2&3&4")
207Virus scan error - contact your system administrator
208Access to file denied ("&1&2&3&4")
209Access to file denied
210Activation not possible due to wrong setting in T000
211Do you also want to delete the Scoping of Customer Solution &1?
456No IMG activity selected
458IMG Activity &1 does not exist
459There is no customizing object for IMG activity &1
460IMG activity is empty
461Custumizing Object is empty
462Custumizing Type is empty
463Customizing Object &1 does not exist (see long text)
464There is no customizing object &1 for IMG activity &2
465IMG activity and Customizing Object do not match.
466No Customizing Object selected.
467Activity cannot be created with Customizing Object &1.
468IMG activity &1 does not exist in local system
469Cust. Object &1 is not assigned to IMG act. &2 in local system
470There is no customizing object for IMG activity &1 in local system
471Activity cannot be created with Customizing Object &1 in local system
472Local version of cust. object &1 is different from remote version
473Activity cannot be created with Customizing Object &1 in remote system
474No RFC destination for target system &1
475IMG activity &1 is not supported (illegal type)
476RFC destination &1 does not exist.
477Activity reactivated
478Could not perform reactivation. See log for details.
479No transaction found for IMG activity
480'SKIP_ACTIVATION' criterion was set, activation skipped for this object.
481Finished. Processed &1 files
482Internal error. Activation stopped. Restart Solution Builder and Activate
483Activation of reference solutions is not permitted
484IMG activity contains dummy object. Create from transport (see long text)
485Solution &1 does not exist
500Caution: The Test Mode is switched on
501Caution: The Test Mode is switched off
502Test Mode is not allowed in a client of type &1
503FCODE "TEST" has been discontinued. Use FCODE "ANALYZE" instead
504Caution: The Analyze Mode has been switched off
505Analyze Mode is not allowed in a client of type &1
506Anaylze Mode has been switched on
507Analyze Mode has NOT been switched on
899Unknown error. & & & &
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