The following messages are stored in message class /SMB/BB_INSTALLER: .
It is part of development package /SMB/COMMON in software component SV-CLD-FRM-INF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Commonly used objects".
It is part of development package /SMB/COMMON in software component SV-CLD-FRM-INF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Commonly used objects".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Import failed; structure of solution scope XML file not correct |
001 | Internal error |
002 | &1 is the Baseline File |
004 | Import failed; error while opening solution scope XML file |
008 | RFC Destination is empty |
009 | RFC Destination &1 does not exist |
010 | Logical Port &1 does not exist |
011 | Scope item &1 already exists |
012 | Nothing has been selected |
013 | Building Block &1 is duplicate in scope item &2 |
014 | Import can only be executed on Building Block level |
015 | Nothing has been selected |
016 | First Building Block has been reached |
017 | Last Building Block has been reached |
018 | Root node cannot be deleted |
019 | Sequence can only be changed on Building Block level |
020 | Check/Activate can only be executed on scope item level |
021 | Sequence can only be changed on activity level |
022 | File open error: &1 |
023 | File read error: &1 |
024 | Invalid file type |
025 | Bad data format |
026 | Separator not allowed |
027 | Access denied: &1 |
028 | Disk full |
029 | Select a scope item for export |
030 | File write error: &1 |
031 | Change can only be executed on Building Block level |
032 | Activity type is not supported |
033 | First activity has been reached |
034 | Last activity has been reached |
035 | Update successful |
036 | Activity can only be added on Building Block or Folder level |
037 | Both requests must be filled in before activating |
038 | No building block in & scope item |
039 | Building block cannot be added once scope item has been activated |
040 | Changes saved |
041 | Folder can only be added at Building Block and Folder level |
042 | &1 was deleted in the buffer. Save changed content and recreate &1 |
043 | Select a Building Block for export |
044 | Only Building Block can be dragged |
045 | Building blocks can only be dragged and dropped within same scope item |
046 | Building Block can only be dragged at scope item level |
047 | Drag and drop can only be used in the same Building Block |
048 | Moving failed |
049 | Folder can not be added into a subfolder or an activity |
050 | The prerequisite Building Block check was successful |
051 | No value |
052 | Building Block &1 is duplicate |
053 | Copying not allowed |
054 | Copy content before pasting |
055 | & building block is used in & scope item and cannot be deleted |
056 | & belongs to &. No permission to delete it |
057 | Application of SAP Notes can only be executed on scope item level |
058 | Select a scope item for export |
059 | Root node cannot be copied |
060 | No required SAP Notes for & |
061 | You can only create a document on the scope item level |
062 | & scope item document & detached |
063 | No SAP Notes will be implemented for & |
064 | Building block & used in & scope item: cannot be changed |
065 | Building block & used in & scope item: Cannot add a new folder |
066 | Building block & used in & scope item: Cannot add a new activity |
067 | Building block & used in & scope item: Paste action is canceled |
068 | Building block & used in & scope item: Cannot attach a document |
069 | Building block & used in & scope item: Cannot delete attached document |
070 | & does not exist |
071 | Wrong file format |
072 | The imported activity '&1' has wrong type '&2' |
073 | Folder cannot be deleted |
074 | Activity cannot be deleted |
075 | The imported object '&1' has wrong type '&2' |
076 | There is no document attached to this manual activity |
077 | The document & does not exist in the system |
078 | Building Block & cannot be deleted after activation |
079 | Building block & used in & scope item: Cannot add a Prereq. BB |
080 | Building block & used in & scope item: Drop action is canceled |
081 | Building block & used in & scope item: Cannot import activities |
082 | Building block & used in & scope item: Cannot change activity description |
083 | The BB & is duplicate in the & file and failed to import |
084 | Failed to export the & scope item because the BB & not in BB library |
085 | Building Block & which is in scope item & not found in the BB Library |
086 | Could not export & scope item because activity & not in BB library |
087 | No Tcode/IMG activity to be executed |
088 | No IMG activity to be executed |
089 | IMG activity & not available in the system assigned to & RFC destination |
090 | Transaction code & not exist in the system assigned to & RFC destination |
091 | Level 1 folder cannot be moved into Level 2 folder |
092 | Level 2 folder can only move into Level 1 folder |
093 | & used in & scope item and cannot be added |
094 | Level 1 folder can only be moved into Building Block level |
095 | Building Block can only be copied into Root level |
096 | Level 1 folder can only be copied into Building Block level |
097 | Level 2 folder can only be copied into Level 1 folder |
098 | Activity cannot be copied into activity level |
099 | Report & is not available in the system assigned to & RFC destination |
100 | Action canceled without any change |
101 | Descriptions are identical to those of eCATT defined in the system |
102 | Solution: &1 is duplicate |
103 | & solution document & detached |
104 | & solution was copied w/o templates (default template available) |
105 | Type Custom solution & was copied and turned to type Standard solution & |
106 | Activation ownership of & solution with scope item is granted to & |
107 | Activation ownership of & solution is granted to & and was taken from & |
108 | There is no further detail for this activity |
109 | Activation ownership: & solution with scope items owned by & |
110 | The attached document has been deleted |
111 | Activation ownership was changed from & to & |
112 | User & is currently activating scope item & |
113 | User & owns scope item &. Status cannot be changed. |
114 | & scope item is owned by you |
115 | Remote connection could not be established: &1 |
116 | Remote system is not available: &1 |
117 | User & is currently activating the solution & |
118 | & scope item document & attached |
119 | & solution document & attached |
120 | Owner can only be changed on scope item level |
121 | User & does not exist |
122 | Activating &'s ownership granted to & |
123 | User & is currently activating solution & |
124 | BB & document & attached |
125 | Building Block & document & detached |
126 | No document maintained |
127 | Scope item & copied to & |
128 | Building blocks deleted |
129 | All Building Block(s) are assigned to scope item and cannot be deleted |
130 | Not imported: The Building Blocks do already exist |
131 | All scope items are activated or assigned to a solution. No deletion. |
132 | No SAP note entered as requirement for building block & |
133 | No building block entered as requirement for building block & |
134 | No software component entered as requirement for building block & |
135 | No SAP note maintained as requirement for scope item & |
136 | Scope items deleted |
137 | & solution activating now by & from & & |
138 | Custom solution & not supported by the change function |
139 | Custom solution must not be exported. Copy solution first |
140 | The activation screen of the &1 scope item will show up next time |
141 | Only the activation user is allowed to do changes here |
142 | The activation screen will show up next time |
143 | No authorization creating & request for user & |
144 | No scope item associated with & |
145 | Activation interrupted on & |
146 | Scope item assigned to your favorite solution & |
147 | eCATT & not found |
148 | Scope item not assigned to your favorite solution & |
149 | Running BCSet in test mode unavailable in this release |
150 | Solution name &1 is duplicate |
151 | Solution name is not maintained |
152 | Solution &1 created |
153 | Solution &1 saved |
154 | No solution selected |
155 | Set favorite solution to &1 |
156 | Solution: &1 is duplicate |
157 | No scope item selected |
158 | No solution selected |
159 | Scope item & copied to the selected solution |
160 | Importing solution process canceled. No changes made. |
161 | Non user-specific parameters loaded |
162 | &1 scope item does not exist |
163 | &1 solution exists |
164 | New parameters just in. Need to be confirmed thru. Parameter Maint |
165 | New param. & need to be confirmed to prevent any error during activation |
166 | New parameters need to be confirmed to proceed the activation |
167 | New parameter & added |
168 | Select target and choose Paste button ... |
169 | Select parameter first; if param. not available, maintain user settings |
170 | Drag and drop not supported in Solution View |
171 | Scope item &1 activated |
172 | Activation of scope item &1 canceled |
173 | Solution &1 activated |
174 | Disparity exist in &1. This may cause issues while re-importing the file |
175 | Solution activation canceled: &1 |
176 | Chosen transport requests do not fullfill the requirements |
177 | Stop activation by the end of each scope item |
178 | The function is only available when a solution is existing |
179 | The activity is not activated yet |
180 | Scope item &1 activated |
181 | Target system not required |
182 | Activation ownership: Scope item & is owned by you ( & ) |
183 | Scope item & is currently being activated, ownership cannot be granted |
184 | All building blocks have items |
185 | Changes saved |
186 | Nothing changed |
187 | Short text not applicable since description not maintained in English |
188 | No definition exists for BC-Set & in BB & |
189 | No definition exists for BC-Set & in BB & of scope item & |
190 | Parameter and Path have to be maintained |
191 | Cannot assign scope item to solution. Manually assign it to std. solution |
192 | Parallel BB activation not allowed. BB & activated in & scope item by & |
193 | There is no solution seleted |
194 | & scope item activation cancelled |
195 | No required SAP notes for the & solution |
196 | Create/Upload a solution first before using Data Change Management |
197 | Solution &1 is not created based on a project template |
198 | Object Type is not maintained |
199 | Object Name is not maintained |
200 | There is currently no activation owner to take over from |
210 | No OLE support |
211 | OLE file &1: error |
212 | OLE error |
213 | File not found |
214 | The parameter & does not exist |
215 | Value & for the parameter & applied to all users |
216 | No parameter selected |
217 | "&" not found |
218 | Invalid search term |
219 | Goto Solution Editor to define your favorite solution |
220 | Hotfix missing; see long text for further information |
250 | Illegal Call: Passed solution ID &1 does not exist. |
251 | Illegal Call: Passed solution ID is empty. |
252 | Passed Entity Type &1 is unknown |
253 | Illegal Call: Passed solution ID is different from favorite solution. |
254 | Illegal Call: Passed RFC Destination is empty |
255 | Illegal Call: Passed aolution ID is empty. |
256 | Illegal Call: Passed scope item ID &1 does not exist |
257 | Illegal Call: Passed Building Block ID is empty |
258 | Illegal Call: Passed Building Block ID &1 does not exist |
259 | Illegal Call: Passed solution ID is not empty. |
260 | It is not allowed to copy solutions |
300 | Building block "&" saved in "&" |
301 | Select a scope item for export |
302 | Root node cannot be exported |
303 | Failed to import: building block "&" does already exist |
304 | Error opening file |
305 | Building block "&" imported successfully |
306 | Scope item "&" saved in "&" |
307 | Failed to import: scope item "&" does already exist |
308 | Scope item "&" imported successfully |
309 | Solution "&" saved in "&" |
310 | Failed to import: solution "&" does already exist |
311 | Imported file format not compatible with & structure- check documentation |
312 | Failed to delete: scope item is used in another solution |
313 | Solution & deleted |
314 | Solution & and related scope items deleted |
315 | Solution ID contains illegal characters |
316 | Wrong file format |
317 | Remove all other assignments before you can delete this application area |
318 | Remove all other assignments before you can remove the leading assignment |
319 | Application area unassigned |
320 | Application area assigned |
321 | Application area & created |
322 | Application area & modified |
323 | Application area deleted |
324 | Application area imported |
325 | Application area exported |
326 | Favorite solution & cannot be deleted |
327 | No application area(s) defined |
328 | Assign at least one application area |
329 | Color less than 6 characters |
330 | Color value invalid |
331 | No solution selected |
332 | Custom solution cannot be scoped separately. Copy solution first |
333 | No relevant scope items in favorite solution |
334 | BSP error |
335 | Unexpected error |
336 | Error |
337 | & solution does not exist |
338 | & solution not a custom solution |
339 | Custom selection for solution does not exist |
340 | More than one custom selection for solution found |
341 | Illegal program mode |
342 | Illegal solution type |
343 | Solution not found |
344 | No relevant scope items assigned to favorite solution |
345 | No language selected |
346 | Scope items log "&" saved in "&" |
347 | Maintain template in dialog: Goto -> Selection Template Maintenance |
348 | Favorite solution changed to & from & |
349 | Favorite solution set to & |
350 | Import cancelled |
351 | For solution &, no data available to export |
352 | XML generation error for solution & |
353 | & for solution & is cancelled |
354 | Enterprise structure settings have been exported from solution & |
355 | Enterprise structure settings have been imported to solution & |
356 | Error occured while processing XML |
357 | No XML file, or no data in the XML file |
358 | There is no data to import for solution & |
359 | The length of file name exceeds 128 characters |
360 | Imported solution has not been set as favorite solution |
361 | Favorite solution & cannot be deleted while activating by & |
362 | Solution & created |
363 | Personalization & document & attached |
364 | Personalization & document & detached |
365 | Duplicate entries detected |
366 | Installation data not uploaded |
367 | No valid solution scope file found |
368 | XML file must be imported in & |
369 | No data for logon language available |
370 | Documentation parameter not maintained. Check user settings |
371 | & successfully exported |
372 | Used project template &1 currently not visible in Solution Manager &2 |
373 | Connectivity check to SAP Solution Manager system successful |
374 | Project template &1 successfully updated |
375 | Connectivity check to SAP Solution Manager system not successful |
376 | &1 was created based on SAP Solution Manager Project Template &2 |
377 | &1 is used in a solution which is created based on Solution Manager &2 |
378 | Perform general setup before transfering configuration items |
379 | &1 |
380 | Implementation content successfully transferred |
381 | Solution &1 does not contain scope items |
382 | Logical port not maintained |
383 | Duplicates form installation data file & have been removed |
384 | Scope items &1 does not exist |
385 | Import failed: Scope item &1 is in activation or has been activated |
386 | Solution &1 does not exist |
387 | Logical port is not maintained |
388 | Project &1 cannot be found in target system |
389 | Scoped Business Process &1 does not have an external Solution Builder Key |
390 | More than one source solutions are not allowed |
391 | XML processing error during scope upload |
392 | Scope file not found in offering |
393 | Installation data not found in offering |
394 | Select an activity first |
395 | Solution Builder Key for node &1 is not maintained |
396 | Different Solution Builder keys for containing templates available |
397 | Solution &1 already exists for existing External Solution Builder key |
398 | Solution Builder Key &1 is multiply used for scope item |
399 | Solution integration process terminated by user |
400 | Fiter "Cross-Client" deleted |
401 | Flter "Cross-Client" set |
402 | Filter "Demo" deleted |
403 | Filter "Demo" set |
404 | Source Solution &1 already exists and is currently in activation status |
405 | Template &1 does not exist in Template Project &2 |
406 | Cannot create transport request. Follow manual steps. |
407 | Format of Documentation ID is not valid |
408 | Documentation parameter &1 not found |
409 | RFC destinastion is not reachable |
410 | Function Module 'SM_URL_UPLOAD' is not available in remote System |
411 | RFC destination &1 does not exist |
412 | Business Function &1 doesnt exist |
413 | Solution Manager integration run has been terminated by user |
414 | Solution &1 successfully refreshed |
415 | No logical port entered in transaction SOAMANAGER |
416 | RFC destination not entered |
417 | Business function &1 already assigned |
418 | Record already on DB. There can only be one record. Choose modify. |
419 | Record saved with host: &1 on port: &2 |
420 | Entry equal to current one, current one was kept |
421 | Host address changed to &1. Port unchanged. |
422 | Port changed to &1. Host unchanged. |
423 | Record modified with host: &1 port: &2 |
424 | Record deleted |
425 | No record was deleted |
426 | RFC Destination Connectivity successfully checked |
427 | Documentation Parameter Value for &1 is not maintained |
428 | Target System &1 is not configured |
429 | Current Address: &1 Current Port: &2 |
430 | No proxy data on DB. |
431 | Solution &1 has not been set as favorite as &2 is currently activated |
432 | Refresh mode switched on |
433 | Refresh mode switched off |
434 | Activation stopped with error -> Check Activation Queue |
435 | Activation reached stop point |
436 | Activation reached manual activity |
437 | Activation interrupted by other user |
438 | No activation running - refresh mode not switched on. |
439 | Activation ended; check the result |
440 | Activation finished |
441 | Activation could not be started |
442 | An error occurred while checking the client currency |
443 | Client Currency is defined as &1, but file &2 contains value &3 |
445 | Scope Item Master for &1 not found. |
450 | Error during conversion. Receiver structure is too short (see long text) |
451 | GMD saved in "&" |
452 | No Global Meta Data available to export |
453 | Error in reading Global Meta Data |
454 | Export cancelled |
455 | Import failed; structure of GMD XML file not correct |
456 | Import failed; error while opening GMD XML file |
457 | No authorization to execute this function. |
458 | Internal error on BC Set execution. |
459 | Entry does not exist. |
460 | Required languages are not installed. Installed at least one language of: |
461 | Language &1 (Code: &2) |
462 | Install at least one required language before uploading the solution |
463 | Inconsistency in getting PRJID. Close Solution builder and try again. |
464 | Lifecycle has been started with job &1 number &2 |