/SMB/CONT_RESTRUCT - Content Restructuring
The following messages are stored in message class /SMB/CONT_RESTRUCT: Content Restructuring.
It is part of development package /SMB/CONT_RESTRUCT in software component SV-CLD-FRM-INF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Content Restructuring Metadata".
It is part of development package /SMB/CONT_RESTRUCT in software component SV-CLD-FRM-INF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Content Restructuring Metadata".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | No data found for content restructuring ID &1 |
002 | &1 File &2 does not exist |
003 | &1 File &2 is assigned to several activities |
004 | No Data found for ID &1, Source File &2 and Target File &3 |
005 | For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 file mapping is required |
006 | For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 variant mapping is required |
007 | For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 parameter mapping is required |
008 | For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 variant mapping is not possible |
009 | For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 parameter mapping is not possible |
010 | Content restructuring type &1 of ID &2 is not supported |
011 | &1 File &2 is empty |
012 | &1 File &2 should be empty |
013 | Source file &1 and target file are identical |
014 | For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 only one source file is supported |
015 | For ID &1 customer variant assignment is defined for multiple files |
016 | Object type &1 for object &2 (file &3) is not supported |
017 | For file mapping of ID &1 at least one source file name is initial |
018 | For file mapping of ID &1 at least one target file name is initial |
019 | Type &1 of target par &2 does not match type &3 of source par &4 |
020 | Length of target par &1 does not match length of source par &2 |
021 | Specify a file name |
022 | File name &1 does not have the ending '.txt' |
023 | Attribute &1 has to be defined as key for source and target file |
024 | Structure &1 does not exist |
025 | Component &1 has unsupported type &2 |
026 | No key fields defined for file &1 |
027 | No source key field mapped to target key field &1 of file &2 |
028 | &1 parameter does not exist in &2 file &3 |
029 | No mapping defined for &1 parameter &2 |
030 | Field &1 does not exist in table &2 |
031 | Variant &1 does not exist in source file &2 |
032 | No mapping type defined for parameter &1 of files &2 and &3 |
033 | Source parameter missing for mapping of parameter &1 in target file &2 |
034 | Mapping type &1 not allowed for mapping of target parameter &2 |
035 | No file mapping defined for content restructuring ID &1 |
036 | Attribute &1 in file &2 not mapped as source parameter |
037 | No attributes defined for file &1 |
038 | File &1 is also used in content restructuring ID &2 |
039 | Activity of type eCATT is not supported for &1 file &2 |
040 | &1 file &2 is assigned to activity &3 of type &4 |
041 | Query by table &1 is not supported |
042 | Error when inserting into &1: Field &2 is initial |
043 | Object types of source file &1 and target file &2 must be identical |
044 | View mismatch for source file &1 and target file &2 |
045 | You are only allowed to display data |
046 | Content restructuring &1 imported successfully |
047 | Error during import of content restructuring &1 |
048 | TDC of target parameter &1 does not match TDC of source parameter &2 |
049 | Content restructuring &1 |
050 | Content restructuring &1 was already applied |
051 | Internal error in class &1, method &2: &3 |
052 | Content restructuring metadata imported |
053 | Content restructuring runtime information updated |
054 | Table must not be initial for file &1 |
055 | Select entry in view File Mapping |
056 | Importing content restructuring &1 |
057 | Criterion &1 does not exist in &2 file &3 |
058 | Parameter &1 does not exist |
059 | Content restructuring for ID &1 is defined consistently |
060 | Save your changes first |
061 | Variant &1 does not exist |
062 | Parameter mapping is not allowed for Row Split |
063 | Variant mapping is not allowed for Column Split |
064 | Table &1 could not be locked: System failure |
065 | Target variant for source variant &1 of file &2 must not be empty |
066 | Table &1 is locked by user &2 |
067 | NOT all variants from source file &1 must be mapped to target files |
068 | Please enter target file |
069 | View can be maintained for Type 'Parameter Adaption' |
070 | File mapping is not allowed for Type 'Parameter Adaption' |
071 | For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 file mapping is not allowed |
072 | For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 parameter adaption is required |
073 | For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 parameter adaption is not allowed |
074 | For parameter adaption of ID &1 at least one target file name is initial |
075 | For parameter adaption of ID &1 at least one target parameter is initial |
076 | Cannot convert value &1 in &2: variant &3 parameter &4 |
077 | Only conversion of NUMC is supported |
078 | File &1 is assigned to activity &2 of wrong type in BB &3 in Solution &4 |
079 | File &1 is assigned to wrong subobject &2 (expected &3) in BB &4 |
080 | Customer variant &1 in &2 was deleted, change records will be archived |
081 | File &1 is not uploaded in solution &2 |
082 | Missing installation data for hashing of SAP variant &1 in solution &2 |
083 | SAP variant &1 in &2 no longer exists, archiving change records |
084 | Hashing of deleted variant &1 in solution &2 not possible, keys missing |
085 | Error mapping PME_RT_VARK entry with key &1 solution &2 |
086 | An exception occurred when calculating the runtime PME |
087 | Exception when getting definition of file &1 in solution &2 |
088 | File &1 is not in scope of solution &2, no processing |
089 | Key extension, new hashing of variant IDs required |
090 | An error occurred hashing the file |
091 | Hashing ended with &1 failed variants |
092 | Original variant &1 of Flexorg variant &2 does not exist anymore, archive |
093 | Content Restructuring execution ended with errors |
094 | An error occurred in the Web GUI Framework: &1 |
095 | Processing solution &1 |
096 | Variants created by customer may be hashed (no namespace check) |
097 | New hashed variant &1 created for previous variant &2 |
098 | No hashing of customer variant &1, key &1 value &2 is in cust. namespace |
099 | Data type &1 is not checked |
100 | Solution &1, filename &2, variant &3, parameter &4: |
101 | Value contains a reference and is not checked |
102 | Actual length &1 matches the defined length &2 |
103 | Actual length &1 does not match the defined length &2 |
104 | No data found for table &1 in content restructuring ID &2 |
105 | '&1' is not a valid value for the status |
106 | Content restructuring &1 was already applied. No changes possible. |
107 | Country/Region &1 does not exist |
108 | '&1' is not an allowed modification |
109 | Field &1 does not exist in table &2 |
110 | '&1' is not an allowed behavior |
111 | Overall status: &1 ('&2') |
112 | Table: &1 |
113 | Table status: &1 ('&2') |
114 | No runtime data found for content restructuring ID &1 |
115 | Table &1 has a customizing object with type &2 which is not allowed. |
116 | Customizing object &1 of table &2 is not a data dictionary object. |
117 | Key fields of table &1 and view &2 do not match. |
118 | Process in Context of &1 - &2 - &3 - &4 |
119 | Process in Context of &1 - &2 - &3 - &4 finished |
120 | No Building Blocks assigned to solution &1 |
121 | No relevant files found in current context |
122 | Error retrieving the definition for solution &1 filename &2 |
123 | No file contents found |
124 | Error reading files |
125 | List of relevant files |
126 | Cannot proceed due to errors in content determination |
127 | Cannot determine keyfields for table &1 |
128 | Error creating key hash for file &1 variant &2 |
129 | Key calculation for installation data |
130 | Number of distinct keys: &1 |
131 | Reading customizing |
132 | No languages required |
133 | Error creating key hash for customizing |
134 | &1 entries read |
135 | Result does not contain subobject &1 |
136 | Runtime data entry with key hash &1 not found in customizing |
137 | Result does not contain record &1 with key hash &2 |
138 | No Building Block found for file &1 |
139 | Updating files |
140 | Behavior parameter is set |
141 | New variants can be hashed (if all keys are from SAP) |
142 | Sent &1 variants to file &2 |
143 | &1 is the primary file |
144 | Unexpected result of file update: Subobject &1 not contained |
145 | Unexpected result of file update: Incorrect file &1 |
146 | Behavior &1 cannot be applied for entry &2 (not reference content) |
147 | Parameter &1 not found in variant &2 file &3 |
148 | Field &1 not found in record &2 of customizing |
149 | Writing runtime PME |
150 | Ignoring parameter &1 |
151 | &1 variants of file &2 written to runtime PME |
152 | No deletions to be processed |
153 | Deletion with key &1 is ignored, no matching content |
154 | Processing &1 deletions |
155 | &1 deletions applied to file &2 |
156 | Key of table &1 obtains a field of datatype LANG |
157 | Table &1 is a cross client table |
158 | File &1 is empty |
159 | Errors occurred when dereferencing (&1 failed records) |
160 | An exception occurred processing the current entity |
161 | Processing file &1 |
162 | Processing deletions |
163 | Table: &1 |
164 | Table &1 could not be found |
165 | Status change from &1 (&2) to &3 (&4) not allowed |
166 | Changes cannot be registered, status of &1 is &2 (&3) |
167 | XPRA for Content Restructuring &1 did not finish successfully |
168 | XPRA Content API: Content Restructuring ID &1, Client &2 |
169 | Method &1 called |
170 | All entries in file &1 would be deleted as per deletion information |
171 | This is not supported, the configuration must be corrected |
172 | Enter a value for field Table Name! |
173 | Enter a value for field Content Restr. ID! |
174 | Enter a value for field Applic. Component! |
175 | Content Restr. ID must start with the letter 'X' |
176 | Content Restr. ID must not start with the letter 'X' |
177 | Please select one or more Content Restr. IDs |
178 | Records for table &1 ignored (text table) |
179 | IMG Activity &1 (Cust. Obj. &2 &3) with subobject &4 is not in content |
180 | Could not find a content restructuring ID with XPRA status &1 |
181 | XPRA of content restructuring id &1 is inactive |
182 | Content restructuring id &1 does not have XPRA status &2 |
183 | Source and target file have different object definitions |
184 | View mismatch for source and target customizing object name |
185 | View mismatch for source and target customizing object type |
186 | &1 table records are not relevant for the current country or region |
187 | &1 table records are to be processed (except deletions) in total |
188 | &1 table records are updating existing file records |
189 | &1 table records are creating new file records |
190 | A backup for content restructuring ID &1 already exist |
191 | Create a backup for content restructuring ID &1 to restore it |
192 | Please enter an existing content restructuring id |
193 | View can only be maintained for Type 'Reference Change' |
194 | Parameter is not defined for subobject & |
195 | Parameter &1 is not defined for BC set &2 |
196 | Parameter &1 is not defined for ECATT &2 |
197 | IMG activity/subobject does not exist |
198 | Please enter a TDC |
199 | Please enter a Change Typ |
200 | Text Table Handling: &1 |
201 | For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 reference change is required |
202 | For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 reference change is not allowed |
203 | TDC Definition (Title, Alias, Name and Parameter) is inconsistent |
204 | The Reference Change Type &1 does not exist |
205 | Change Type is missing |
206 | Key fields of img activity are inconsistent |
207 | IMG ID: & does not exist |
208 | BCset ID: &1 does not exist |
209 | ECATT ID: &1 does not exist |
210 | BCset ID is missing |
211 | ECATT ID is missing |
212 | IMG ID is missing |
213 | Deletion performed for (Var. ID: &1, Table: &2, Var. Key: &3) |
214 | Entry (Var. ID: &1, Table: &2, Var. Key: &3) cannot be deleted |
215 | No entries deleted |
216 | View &1 has selection conditions - Mismatch between XPRA & View expected |
217 | No results found (view &1 has selection conditions) |
218 | No tables found for content restructuring ID &1 |
219 | TDC does not exists (Alias: &1 Object: &2, Parameter : &3) |
220 | Target TDC (&1, &2, &3) is of standard type. This is not allowed. |
221 | An exception occured during checking the TDC (&1, &2, &3) |
222 | Parameter &1 of object &2 is already used in Contrest &3. |
223 | Your maintained TDC for &1, &2 differs from TDC in the activity def. |
224 | You maint. del. of TDC for &1, &2, but &2 has a TDC in the activity def. |
225 | &1 obsolete, system release &2 is higher than CR release &3 for comp. &4 |
226 | Content restructuring &1 is not approved |
227 | An error occured during applying content restructuring &1. |
228 | Record key &1 is passed with cntry/reg. &2,but file &3 is in a glob.BB &4 |
229 | The XPRA must pass the record as global because the content is global |
230 | Wrong country/region information passed by XPRA &1, see application log |
231 | Source File &1 is relevant for Flex Org: Column/Row split is not allowed |
232 | Set status of outdated XPRA Content Restructurings |
233 | Outdated XPRA Content Restructurings were already invalidated on &1 |
234 | Customer Solution &1 already exists -> no invalidation of outdated XP CRs |
235 | Setting status of XPRA Content Restructuring &1 to 'Obsolete' |