/SMB/CONT_RESTRUCT - Content Restructuring

The following messages are stored in message class /SMB/CONT_RESTRUCT: Content Restructuring.
It is part of development package /SMB/CONT_RESTRUCT in software component SV-CLD-FRM-INF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Content Restructuring Metadata".
Message Nr
Message Text
001No data found for content restructuring ID &1
002&1 File &2 does not exist
003&1 File &2 is assigned to several activities
004No Data found for ID &1, Source File &2 and Target File &3
005For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 file mapping is required
006For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 variant mapping is required
007For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 parameter mapping is required
008For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 variant mapping is not possible
009For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 parameter mapping is not possible
010Content restructuring type &1 of ID &2 is not supported
011&1 File &2 is empty
012&1 File &2 should be empty
013Source file &1 and target file are identical
014For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 only one source file is supported
015For ID &1 customer variant assignment is defined for multiple files
016Object type &1 for object &2 (file &3) is not supported
017For file mapping of ID &1 at least one source file name is initial
018For file mapping of ID &1 at least one target file name is initial
019Type &1 of target par &2 does not match type &3 of source par &4
020Length of target par &1 does not match length of source par &2
021Specify a file name
022File name &1 does not have the ending '.txt'
023Attribute &1 has to be defined as key for source and target file
024Structure &1 does not exist
025Component &1 has unsupported type &2
026No key fields defined for file &1
027No source key field mapped to target key field &1 of file &2
028&1 parameter does not exist in &2 file &3
029No mapping defined for &1 parameter &2
030Field &1 does not exist in table &2
031Variant &1 does not exist in source file &2
032No mapping type defined for parameter &1 of files &2 and &3
033Source parameter missing for mapping of parameter &1 in target file &2
034Mapping type &1 not allowed for mapping of target parameter &2
035No file mapping defined for content restructuring ID &1
036Attribute &1 in file &2 not mapped as source parameter
037No attributes defined for file &1
038File &1 is also used in content restructuring ID &2
039Activity of type eCATT is not supported for &1 file &2
040&1 file &2 is assigned to activity &3 of type &4
041Query by table &1 is not supported
042Error when inserting into &1: Field &2 is initial
043Object types of source file &1 and target file &2 must be identical
044View mismatch for source file &1 and target file &2
045You are only allowed to display data
046Content restructuring &1 imported successfully
047Error during import of content restructuring &1
048TDC of target parameter &1 does not match TDC of source parameter &2
049Content restructuring &1
050Content restructuring &1 was already applied
051Internal error in class &1, method &2: &3
052Content restructuring metadata imported
053Content restructuring runtime information updated
054Table must not be initial for file &1
055Select entry in view File Mapping
056Importing content restructuring &1
057Criterion &1 does not exist in &2 file &3
058Parameter &1 does not exist
059Content restructuring for ID &1 is defined consistently
060Save your changes first
061Variant &1 does not exist
062Parameter mapping is not allowed for Row Split
063Variant mapping is not allowed for Column Split
064Table &1 could not be locked: System failure
065Target variant for source variant &1 of file &2 must not be empty
066Table &1 is locked by user &2
067NOT all variants from source file &1 must be mapped to target files
068Please enter target file
069View can be maintained for Type 'Parameter Adaption'
070File mapping is not allowed for Type 'Parameter Adaption'
071For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 file mapping is not allowed
072For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 parameter adaption is required
073For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 parameter adaption is not allowed
074For parameter adaption of ID &1 at least one target file name is initial
075For parameter adaption of ID &1 at least one target parameter is initial
076Cannot convert value &1 in &2: variant &3 parameter &4
077Only conversion of NUMC is supported
078File &1 is assigned to activity &2 of wrong type in BB &3 in Solution &4
079File &1 is assigned to wrong subobject &2 (expected &3) in BB &4
080Customer variant &1 in &2 was deleted, change records will be archived
081File &1 is not uploaded in solution &2
082Missing installation data for hashing of SAP variant &1 in solution &2
083SAP variant &1 in &2 no longer exists, archiving change records
084Hashing of deleted variant &1 in solution &2 not possible, keys missing
085Error mapping PME_RT_VARK entry with key &1 solution &2
086An exception occurred when calculating the runtime PME
087Exception when getting definition of file &1 in solution &2
088File &1 is not in scope of solution &2, no processing
089Key extension, new hashing of variant IDs required
090An error occurred hashing the file
091Hashing ended with &1 failed variants
092Original variant &1 of Flexorg variant &2 does not exist anymore, archive
093Content Restructuring execution ended with errors
094An error occurred in the Web GUI Framework: &1
095Processing solution &1
096Variants created by customer may be hashed (no namespace check)
097New hashed variant &1 created for previous variant &2
098No hashing of customer variant &1, key &1 value &2 is in cust. namespace
099Data type &1 is not checked
100Solution &1, filename &2, variant &3, parameter &4:
101Value contains a reference and is not checked
102Actual length &1 matches the defined length &2
103Actual length &1 does not match the defined length &2
104No data found for table &1 in content restructuring ID &2
105'&1' is not a valid value for the status
106Content restructuring &1 was already applied. No changes possible.
107Country/Region &1 does not exist
108'&1' is not an allowed modification
109Field &1 does not exist in table &2
110'&1' is not an allowed behavior
111Overall status: &1 ('&2')
112Table: &1
113Table status: &1 ('&2')
114No runtime data found for content restructuring ID &1
115Table &1 has a customizing object with type &2 which is not allowed.
116Customizing object &1 of table &2 is not a data dictionary object.
117Key fields of table &1 and view &2 do not match.
118Process in Context of &1 - &2 - &3 - &4
119Process in Context of &1 - &2 - &3 - &4 finished
120No Building Blocks assigned to solution &1
121No relevant files found in current context
122Error retrieving the definition for solution &1 filename &2
123No file contents found
124Error reading files
125List of relevant files
126Cannot proceed due to errors in content determination
127Cannot determine keyfields for table &1
128Error creating key hash for file &1 variant &2
129Key calculation for installation data
130Number of distinct keys: &1
131Reading customizing
132No languages required
133Error creating key hash for customizing
134&1 entries read
135Result does not contain subobject &1
136Runtime data entry with key hash &1 not found in customizing
137Result does not contain record &1 with key hash &2
138No Building Block found for file &1
139Updating files
140Behavior parameter is set
141New variants can be hashed (if all keys are from SAP)
142Sent &1 variants to file &2
143&1 is the primary file
144Unexpected result of file update: Subobject &1 not contained
145Unexpected result of file update: Incorrect file &1
146Behavior &1 cannot be applied for entry &2 (not reference content)
147Parameter &1 not found in variant &2 file &3
148Field &1 not found in record &2 of customizing
149Writing runtime PME
150Ignoring parameter &1
151&1 variants of file &2 written to runtime PME
152No deletions to be processed
153Deletion with key &1 is ignored, no matching content
154Processing &1 deletions
155&1 deletions applied to file &2
156Key of table &1 obtains a field of datatype LANG
157Table &1 is a cross client table
158File &1 is empty
159Errors occurred when dereferencing (&1 failed records)
160An exception occurred processing the current entity
161Processing file &1
162Processing deletions
163Table: &1
164Table &1 could not be found
165Status change from &1 (&2) to &3 (&4) not allowed
166Changes cannot be registered, status of &1 is &2 (&3)
167XPRA for Content Restructuring &1 did not finish successfully
168XPRA Content API: Content Restructuring ID &1, Client &2
169Method &1 called
170All entries in file &1 would be deleted as per deletion information
171This is not supported, the configuration must be corrected
172Enter a value for field Table Name!
173Enter a value for field Content Restr. ID!
174Enter a value for field Applic. Component!
175Content Restr. ID must start with the letter 'X'
176Content Restr. ID must not start with the letter 'X'
177Please select one or more Content Restr. IDs
178Records for table &1 ignored (text table)
179IMG Activity &1 (Cust. Obj. &2 &3) with subobject &4 is not in content
180Could not find a content restructuring ID with XPRA status &1
181XPRA of content restructuring id &1 is inactive
182Content restructuring id &1 does not have XPRA status &2
183Source and target file have different object definitions
184View mismatch for source and target customizing object name
185View mismatch for source and target customizing object type
186&1 table records are not relevant for the current country or region
187&1 table records are to be processed (except deletions) in total
188&1 table records are updating existing file records
189&1 table records are creating new file records
190A backup for content restructuring ID &1 already exist
191Create a backup for content restructuring ID &1 to restore it
192Please enter an existing content restructuring id
193View can only be maintained for Type 'Reference Change'
194Parameter is not defined for subobject &
195Parameter &1 is not defined for BC set &2
196Parameter &1 is not defined for ECATT &2
197IMG activity/subobject does not exist
198Please enter a TDC
199Please enter a Change Typ
200Text Table Handling: &1
201For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 reference change is required
202For ID &1 of restructuring type &2 reference change is not allowed
203TDC Definition (Title, Alias, Name and Parameter) is inconsistent
204The Reference Change Type &1 does not exist
205Change Type is missing
206Key fields of img activity are inconsistent
207IMG ID: & does not exist
208BCset ID: &1 does not exist
209ECATT ID: &1 does not exist
210BCset ID is missing
211ECATT ID is missing
212IMG ID is missing
213Deletion performed for (Var. ID: &1, Table: &2, Var. Key: &3)
214Entry (Var. ID: &1, Table: &2, Var. Key: &3) cannot be deleted
215No entries deleted
216View &1 has selection conditions - Mismatch between XPRA & View expected
217No results found (view &1 has selection conditions)
218No tables found for content restructuring ID &1
219TDC does not exists (Alias: &1 Object: &2, Parameter : &3)
220Target TDC (&1, &2, &3) is of standard type. This is not allowed.
221An exception occured during checking the TDC (&1, &2, &3)
222Parameter &1 of object &2 is already used in Contrest &3.
223Your maintained TDC for &1, &2 differs from TDC in the activity def.
224You maint. del. of TDC for &1, &2, but &2 has a TDC in the activity def.
225&1 obsolete, system release &2 is higher than CR release &3 for comp. &4
226Content restructuring &1 is not approved
227An error occured during applying content restructuring &1.
228Record key &1 is passed with cntry/reg. &2,but file &3 is in a glob.BB &4
229The XPRA must pass the record as global because the content is global
230Wrong country/region information passed by XPRA &1, see application log
231Source File &1 is relevant for Flex Org: Column/Row split is not allowed
232Set status of outdated XPRA Content Restructurings
233Outdated XPRA Content Restructurings were already invalidated on &1
234Customer Solution &1 already exists -> no invalidation of outdated XP CRs
235Setting status of XPRA Content Restructuring &1 to 'Obsolete'
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