The following messages are stored in message class /SMB/RUNTIME_ABAP: .
It is part of development package /SMB/RUNTIME_ABAP in software component SV-CLD-FRM-INF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Runtime for ABAP objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Class &1 does not exists
002Class &1 does not implement the required interface &2
003No installation data found for eCATT &1
004Invalid filename for file &1
005eCATT &1 (file &2) replaced by ABAP class &3; calling ABAP class
006No log header is available
007Log header has already been created and cannot be created again
008Activation status &1 is not allowed
009No authorization to execute this function
010Error when calling RFC &1: &2&3&4
011Activation of ABAP class completed. Click "Details" to navigate to Log
012Error during creation for 'Handling of non transportable objects'
013Entries for 'Handling of non transportable objects' created
014No Log data found for ID &1
015Please enter a date in the past
016&1 Entries deleted from table &2
017Simulation Mode: No Entries Deleted
018&1 Entries found for deletion in &2 table
019&1 Entries deleted from table &2
020The Activity reported an error without providing an error message.
021Error in processed class &1
022Workbench Request: &1
023Customizing Request: &1
024Please define file specific replacements only in exceptional cases
025&1 access to table &2 is not allowed (ZDO violation)
026&1 access to table &2 is not allowed (ZDO violation)
027Kind: &1, Class: &2, Prog: &3, Include: &4
028Method &1 of class &2 not implemented
029eCATT &1 (activity &2) replaced by ABAP class &3; calling ABAP class
030Syntax error in class &1
031Syntax error: &1 &2 &2 &3 &4
032Severe error during check of of class &1 => Contact class owner
033Create incident on application component of class &1
034Create incident on application component &1
035Check for dumps during the Activation
036Replacement class &1 is assigned to application component &2
101Activity &1 cannot be replaced by class &2
102Entry &1 does not exist in table &2 (record &3)
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