/SMB/SCOPING - Scoping

The following messages are stored in message class /SMB/SCOPING: Scoping.
It is part of development package /SMB/SCOPING in software component SV-CLD-FRM-INF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "OBSOLETE (mostly): Scoping - do not add objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Solution does not exist
001Description does not exist
002No solution exists for the country/region selected
003Solution with ID &1 already exists
004Could not access the offering server
005Could not download the offered scope file(s)
006Could not convert the file
007Could not save
008Could not upload the scope file for solution &1
009Could not save the solution &1 to the database
010Solution &1 already exists on database
011Could not upload installation data of solution &1
012Could not delete solution &1 as it does not exist
013Solution ID empty
014Solution ID not permitted
015Solution ID already exists
016Saving not permitted; solution ID already generated
017Could not delete the solution as its scope has already been finalized
018Object is not initialized
019&1 (Filename: &2)
020Could not retrieve installation data from proxy server
021Solution &1 not found (in the table /smb/bb_prj_sco)
022Invalid Solution Type of &1
050*--------------------051-099 for Sprint 16------------------------------*
051Could not load offered scope of solution package &1
052Could not load implementation scope for solution &1
100*-------Reserved by User Interface from 100 to 150
101Could not save the implementation scope of the solution
102Could not find the offered scope of solution package &1 in the repository
103Parse xml error
104Could not find source solution pack. &1 of the impl. scope in repository
150*----------------End Reserved by UI -------*
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