/SMB/TYPES - Message Class for Types and Type Assignments

The following messages are stored in message class /SMB/TYPES: Message Class for Types and Type Assignments.
It is part of development package /SMB/TYPES in software component SV-CLD-FRM-INF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Standard/ Custom Types and Type Assignments".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Fill in all fields
002Type descr. &1 of standard type must not be changed (line &2)
003Duplicate TDC assignment (lines &1 and &2)
004Duplicate type descr. &1 (lines &2 and &3)
005Type descr. &1 is already assigned to a standard type (line &2)
006Type descr. &1 is already assigned to a custom type (line &2)
007Types may only be assigned once (lines &1 and &2)
008TDC alias &1 cannot be assigned to different TDCs (lines &2 and &3)
009TDC &1 cannot be referenced by different TDC Aliases (lines &2 &3)
010TDC &1 does not exist (line &2)
011Parameter &1 does not exist in TDC &2 (line &3)
012Data saved
013Error in F4 Help
014Type &1 is already maintained in list
015Error generating org type ID for Type Descr. &1
016Error saving custom types
017Error saving type assignments
018XML parsing error
019GUI upload failed
020No data in &1
021Data have been imported
022GUI download failed
023XML generation error
024Data have been exported
025Error updating type assignments
026Custom type &1 is assigned and cannot be deleted (line &2)
027Error generating org type ID for type descr. &1. Import cancelled
028Error saving custom types. Import cancelled
029Enter search term
030Search term '&1' not found
031Found &1 match(es)
032Illegal data in uploaded file. Import cancelled
033At least one custom type is assigned and was not deleted
034Import cancelled
035Error updating custom types. Import cancelled
036No data. Export cancelled
037Org. Type: &1
038Enter a Description
039No Type found with ID &1
040Enter a TDC Alias
041Enter a TDC Object
042Enter a TDC Parameter Name
043Parameter &1 does not exist in TDC &2
044TDC &1 does not exist
045No Type for TDC Alias &1 Object &2 Parameter &3
046Enter a Type Description
047Type Description '&1' is already used
048Type Description '&1' is used in a Standard Type, no change possible
049Type Generation failed
050The Description of Standard Types cannot be changed
051TDC Assignment Alias &1 Name &2 Parameter &3 is already used in Type '&4'
052At least one Type Description has multiple different Assignments
053Multiple different Type Descriptions for the same Assignment
054Standard Type '&1' can't be deleted
055TDC alias &1 cannot be assigned to different TDCs &2 and &3
056TDC &1 cannot be referenced by different TDC Aliases &2 and &3
057TDC &1 does not exist
058Parameter &1 does not exist in TDC &2
059No Type with Description &1
060Type '&1' uses different TDC Assignment Alias &2 Name &3 Parameter &4
061Custom Type '&1' deleted during import
062Edit only the active version of the types
063Custom Type '&1' is not assigned and therefore not imported
064Custom Type '&1' is not imported as assingment &2 &3 &4 already exists
065&1 is no standard type
066Assignment of Type '&1' deleted
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