/SMB/UTILITY - Messages of Utility Functions

The following messages are stored in message class /SMB/UTILITY: Messages of Utility Functions.
It is part of development package /SMB/UTILITY in software component SV-CLD-FRM-INF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Utility Functions".
Message Nr
Message Text
001SAP language &1 does not exist
002ISO language &1 does not exist
003No name for language &1 found in language &2
004Overflow during conversion to number of &1
005Conversion to number failed. &1 is not a number
006&1 Reason: &2
007Variant &1: missing key parameter &2
008No solution has been supplied
009Definition of &1 activity &2 is invalid or incomplete.
010Given task is not a valid IMG activity
011Filename "&1&2&3&4" is to long to be used in content
012Error calculating key hash for variant
013IMG task sub object has not been supplied
014Given task is not a valid BC Set activity
015Task definition is invalid or incomplete.&1&2&3&4
016Error accessing solution data
017Exception Text: &1&2&3&4
018Error when hashing ID &1&2&3&4 for XPRA Content Restructuring
019No data found for subobject &1
020The tasks "&1" is of a different type (&2 vs. &3) which is not allowed
021Task &1 in folder &2 is missing in solution &3
022Task &1 is pointing to different IMG activities &2 and &3
023Variant &1 (file &2) has a different key in solution &3
024Variant &1 (file &2) has the same keys as variant &3 in solution &4
025The key fields of variant &1 in file &2 are incomplete
026Failed to de-reference file &1
027Given task is not a valid ECatt activity
028No filename has been supplied
029Variant &1 (file &2) has different data in solution &3
030Variant &1 (file &2) cannot be hashed. Key fields are missing
031File &1 is empty
032Processing task &1 type &2
033Processing IMG sub object &1
034Object skipped. No filename assigned (or generic *)
035Successfully hashed records &1 for &2 variants
036Overall successfully hashed records &1 for &2 variants
037Processing TDC data
038Processing IMG task &1
039Processing BC Set task &1
040Processing ECatt task &1
041Log was saved with number &1.See transaction "SLG1" for object "&2"
042Variant ID &1 exceeds the maximum length
043File &1 variant &2 is used in multiple tasks resulting in hash &3 and &4
044File &1 of task &2 &3 was already processed before
045The new variant &1 cannot be created, already exists. Edit existing
046Deletion of variant &1 not allowed
047Key change in variant &1 detected, this is not allowed
048Duplicate variant ID &1 detected
049Variant ID &1 does not start with &2
050Processing task &1 type &2 failed
051Processing file &1 completed with &2 failed variants
052Variant &1 &2 is marked as not relevant and will not be hashed
053Failed to reference file &1
054Error in Object "&1" File "&2" variant "&3" parameter "&4"
055Unknown Error occured
056Errors occurred on deleting solution &1
057Errors occurred on deleting selection template of &1, but this is ignored
058Building Block &1 is still assigned and can't be deleted
059Errors occurred on deleting Building Block &1
060Scope Item &1 can't be deleted
061Deleting solutions
062Uploading solution from &1
063Uploading installation data from &1 into &2
064Creating customer solution &1
065Adding scope of &1 to &2
066Assembling customer solution &1
068File &1 variant &2 and &3 have the same keys
069Error occurred importing Business Org Extensions &1
070When using ctry/reg.-specific BBs, maintain the solution ctry/reg.
071Variant ID must not be initial
072Activity &1 : Log &2 missing in table ECLOG_HEAD.
073Activity &1 / Log &2 : activity not in Objecttext of ECLOG_HEAD.
074Activity &1 / Log &2 : system or client not in Infofield of ECLOG_HEAD.
075Activity &1 / Log &2 / Act ID &3 : not found in table SCPRACPP.
076Activity &1 / Log &2 : not found in table /SMB/SBA1_BCS_LD.
077&1 &2 &3 was deleted
079Building Block &1 marked activated, but not all tasks are activated
080Building Block &1 marked activated, but not for scope item &2.
081Scope Item inconsistency in /SMB/BB_STATUS and /SMB/BBPR_I
082Task &1 marked activated in /SMB/BBPR_I, but not in runtime
083Different Activities in /SMB/BBPR_I and /SMB/BB_RT_I.
084Definition changed for BB after activation (PRJID &1).
085New Entry in BBPR_I for Activity &1 &2 under PRJID &3.
086Definition not changed for BB after activation (PRJID &1).
087Entries consistent for tables BBPR_I and BB_RT_I for &1 &2.
088Different Status in /SMB/BBPR_I and /SMB/BB_RT_I for &1 &2.
089Building Block &1 set to activated for PRJID &2.
090Building Block &1 shows activated for PRJID &2 but not all tasks.
091Status in /SMB/BBPR_I overruled for &1 &2.
092ECATT_LOG and/or ABAP_LOG is/are initial for activity &1
093No inconsistencies found in BB_STATUS and BBPR_I.
094No BB Entry found in PRJID &3 for activity &1 &2.
095/SMS/BB_STATUS: Scope Item &2 replaces &1
096/SMB/BBPR_I: Status of Scope Item &1 changes from '&2' to '&3'
097/SMB/BBPR_I: Add a new entry for activity &1 &2 under &3
098/SMB/BBPR_I: Change status for BB &1 and Scope Item &2 to B (Activated)
099/SMB/BB_RT_I: Status of Scope Item &1 changes from '&2' to '&3'
100/SMB/BBPR_I: Scope Item &1 is activated, but not all of its BBK (e.g. &2)
101/SMB/BB_PRJ_H: Scope Item &1 cannot be found
102/SMB/BBPR_I: All BBK of activated Scope Item &1 are activated
103/SMB/BBPR_I: All BBK of SItem. &1 are activated, but not the SItem itself
104Solution &1 is activated but not all scope items
105All scope items are activated but the solution &1 is not
106/SMB/BBPR_I: Comination of BBIB &1 and PRJID &2 not found
107Import paramter IV_SCOPE_ITEM is initial. Please enter a value.
108Scope item &1: Related country/region specific scope item &2 is activated
109Scope item &1: Related country/region specific scope item &2 is scoped
110Scope item &1 is not activated
111Scope item &1 is not scoped
112/SMB/BBPR_I: ORDER_NUMBER is already maintained for OBJID &1
113/SMB/BBPR_I: ORDER_NUMBER is not maintained for OBJID &1
114/SMB/BBPR_I: ORDER_NUMBER &1 can be maintained for OBJID &2
115/SMB/BBPR_I: ORDER_NUMBER &1 maintained for OBJID &2
116/SMB/STATUS: PRJID &1 is not assigned to BBK &2 (Multiple Activation!)
117Scope item &1 is assigned to solution &2
118Scope item &1 is not assigned to a solution
119/SMB/BB_LIB_I: Target system &1 is assigned to activity &2
120/SMB/BB_LIB_I: No tar. sys. assigned to OBJID &1 (-> due to client copy?)
121/SMB/BB_LIB_I: Unknown tar.sys. &1 assigned to OBJID &2 (-> client copy?)
122/SMB/BB_LIB_I: New target system &1 assigned to OBJID &2
123Solution &1 and all of its scope items are activated
124CONFLICT: &1; Confl.=&2; SAP Confl.=&3; SAP FO confl.=&4
125OCCURENCE: Sol.: &1; Var.ID &2
126USAGE: &1; Param &2; Var.ID &3
127Scope item &1 is not assigned to Solution &2 (Source Solution &3)
128Error reading IMG Activity &1
130No country or region specific Solutions scoped
131Scope is consistent
132&1 missing Scope Items
133Folder does not exist
134Could not load scope item &1
135Could not create SIM &1 for scope item &2
136Could not load pricing information for scope item &1
137Could not set text '&1' (text type &2 -language &3) for SIM &4
138Could not load SIM &1
140Entry '&1' deleted
141&1 entries deleted
142&1 conflicts are remaining, manual fix required, creating health check
143Technical error, creating health check
144Content lifecycle is on error, this must be fixed first
145List of solutions
146List of TDCs
147Added variant &1 value &2
148Changed variant &1 old &2 new &3
149Deleted variant &1 value &2
150Language &1 (&2) is not installed - cannot activate
151Customer adaptations have not been made on &1
152Customer adaptations have been made on &1
153The following &1 FSV values are not consistent.
154The FSV value &1 has been deleted.
155Begin to generate a correction solution for the FSV value &1.
156The FSV correction solution &1 was generated successfully.
157The FSV correction solution &1 was activated successfully.
158No suitable Sol/BB found for the FSV &1.
159No FSV correction solution was generated.
160Correcting the FSV value &1.
161The FSV corr. sol. &1 was archived and deleted.
162Parent folder of &1 with f-name &2 was not found in bb_lib_i.
163Geneation of a FSV correction solution failed.
164Parent folder in BB &1 with seqnum &2 was not found in bb_lib_i.
165lo_folder_cts_item was not successfully initialized.
166The folder &1 of level 2 is not included in the corr. sol.
167The Report of the Correction cannot be directly executed on P-System.
168Begin to check cust. adap. on FSV &1 in BB &2 of Sol. &3.
169No cust. adap. found on FSV &1 in BB &2 of Sol. &3.
170Cust. adap. found on FSV &1 in BB &2 of Sol. &3.
171The FSV &1 was not found in the installation data of any cust. sol.
172The FSV &1 related sobj was not found in /smb/bb_img_sobj.
173The FSV &1 related sobj was not found in /smb/tf_files_in_solution.
174The system is not setup as newQ2P. Hence, no register in BCP.
175Error: Customizing transport is not initialized.
176Deletion of FSV &1 failed.
177All deleted entries were registered in current BCP.
178Try to register all deletion operations in the current BCP.
179Do not try to register all deletion operations in the current BCP.
180Errors occurred during content lifecycle.
181Follow up activities required.
182Content lifecycle processing is incomplete.Config changes aren't allowed.
183Content lifecycle activation errors for solution &1, resp. component &2
184Content lifecycle errors in solution &1, responsible component &2
185No scope items given for non full scope scenario
186Scope item &1 is actived
187Scope item &1 is scoped
188Is not active
189In not scoped
190Configuration changes are not allowed, scoping is in progress
191Configuration changes are not allowed, add new ctry/reg. is in progress
192Configuration changes are not allowed, scope extension is in progress
193Configuration changes are not allowed, initial scoping is in progress
194Configuration changes are not allowed, initial activation is in progress
195Configuration changes are not allowed, no business change project
196Configuration changes are not allowed, running or failed activation
197Task executed
198Configuration changes are not allowed due to a system update/upgrade
199Configuration changes are allowed
200Country or region of Source Solution &1 can not be determined
201The following Scope Items are missing
202Deletion of all variants from file &1 in ANC transfer of changes
203No records selected for extraction
204No activity for table &1 found in Solution &2
205No file selected
206No selected file is checked for the creation of new records
207Extraction finished successfully
208Error during extraction
209&1 entries exist in table &2
210Enter a Log Object
211Enter a Log Subobject
212Enter a Solution ID
213Enter an External Log ID
214Enter a Log Number
215Enter a Search String
216No message with string &1 found
217No log found for given selection criteria
218Error while loading log
219Error while reading log messages
220TDC Reference in PME different from Object definition
221Centraldata Entity &1 updated
222TDC References for Solution &1 updated
223TDC Reference Fix Report successfully finished
224TDC Reference Fix Report finished with errors
225Health check created for TDC Reference Fix Report
226Health check updated for TDC Reference Fix Report
227No authority to change content
228Value contains '+' -> Referencing skipped
229Health check deleted for TDC Reference Fix Report
230No Customer Solutions in scope
231Not all solutions are fully activated
232After error-fixing, run report /SMB/FIX_TDC_ENTRIES again
233If no error occurs, health check will be closed
234Processing solution &1
235Processing filename &1
236Saving central data entities
237Processing central data entity & 1 (TDC Alias &2)
238Saving customer solution changes
239No changes in customer solution &1
240Entry skipped: ECATTs are not processed
241Entry skipped: demo data is not processed
242Entry skipped: no TDC found in definition
243Entry skipped: TDC alias &1 is not processed
244Entry skipped: Object &1 parameter & 2 value &3
245Processing variant &1
246Configuration changes are not allowed
247Entry skipped: No new TDC entries are created for SAP variants
250Functionality is only available in S/4HANA On-Premise
251Testrun only - no changes on the database
252&1 entries deleted from table &2
253Deleting Solutions
254Deleting Scope
255Deleting specific tables
256Deleting unassigned Building Blocks
257Deleting unassigned Scope Items
258Deleting meta data
259Request for Memory Exemption failed (return code &1)
260Request for Memory Exemption successful
261No activities in specified Building Blocks found#
262No activities with specified TDC found
263No activities with specified criteria found
264No matching building blocks/activities found
265No activities with specified ABAP replacement class found
266Table filter and object type filter are incompatible (allow IMG)
267No matching tables/view(clusters)/customizing objects found
268No files with customer adaptations found
269No files with Flexorg extension found
270Cannot filter by replacement class when ecatts are excluded
271No matching variants found for installation data filter
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