/SPE/ID_HANDLING - Inbound Delivery Handling

The following messages are stored in message class /SPE/ID_HANDLING: Inbound Delivery Handling.
It is part of development package /SPE/ID_HANDLING in software component LO-SPM-INB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
001Class & does not exist
002Problem with creation of class &
003Inbound delivery & is marked for deletion; no follow-on function possible
004You cannot create the delivery because & already exists
005Posting GR is not possible for a delivery with HOLD or TMP status
006Posting GR is not possible for a delivery item & with HOLD status
007If the header is in HOLD status, then all items should also be in HOLD
008Inbound delivery &1 has a deletion indicator and cannot be displayed
009You cannot change the warehouse number in item &
010ID &1 is already packed, so can be deleted only with delete indicator
011Because of previous error, dispatching is not possible for ID &1
012TA &1 is not supported for this process; use TA &2
013Inconsistency between parameters of the collected messages
014Bad validation result without error messages
015Inbound delivery has a linked temporary delivery. Only display possible
016Sender method &1 not supported
017Save the inbound delivery before posting goods receipt
018You can only display this inbound delivery
019Inbound delivery was created in external Warehouse.Only display possible.
020*** Pre-Validation Errors ***
021Duplicate key in field LIFEX: &1
022DUPKEY in LIFEX: &1, in process
023Action &1 not supported for sender type &2
024Inbound delivery: &1 does not exist
025Temporary ID &1 for inbound delivery &2 already exists
026Inbound delivery: &1 already in process (IY/GR)
027No active inbound delivery found for LIFEX &1
028Action: &1 not supported
029No temporary ID exists for ACK/REJ of ID &1
030The value of the field delivery item number must be unique &1
031ASN &1 has been created in EWM. No changes possible!
032Item &1 of ASN &2 has been created in EWM. No Item changes possible!
033Invalid delivery date
034Invalid ASN shipping date
035Invalid transportation planning date
036Invalid document date
050Error in calculation of cumulative quantity for SA &1, item &2
051No UOM found for calculation of cumulative quantity for SA &1, item &2
052No output UOM spec. for calc. of cumulative quantity for SA &1, item &2
053No base UOM found for item &1; no calc. of CQ in transit possible
054UOM conversion not possible; no calc. of CQ in transit for item &1
055UOM conversion not possible; no calc. of CQ in transit for item &1
056Field overflow in &1 during conversion of value &2 in program &3
057The difference (&1,&2) between ERP and EWM quantity is higher than &3
060No UOM found for calc. of CQ received for SA &1, item &2
061UOM conversion not possible; no calc. of CQ received for item &1
062Error in calculation of CQ received for SA &1, item &2
070Item &1 of inbound delivery &2 could not be deleted
071Only one inbound delivery on hold can be processed at a time
072Item &1 of inbound delivery &2 remains in status "on hold"
100You cannot change status of inbound delivery &1 item &2 to 'hold'
101You cannot change status of inb.dlv. head &1 from 'non-hold' to 'hold'
102Posting GR is not possible for a delivery
111Internal error &1 &2 &3 &4
112Action code &1 not supported
113Qualifier &1 in segment &2 not supported
120******* Dispatching messages *******
121dispatched &1 &2 to: &3 &4
122Inbound delivery creation is successful
123Error during the inbound delivery creation
124Inbound delivery modification is successful
125Error during inbound delivery modification
126Return delivery creation is successful
127Error during the return delivery creation
128Goods receipt posting is successful
129Error during goods receipt posting
130Quantity difference posting is successful
131Error during quantity difference posting
132Cancel goods receipt posting is successful
133Error during cancellation of goods receipt posting
134Delete inbound delivery is successful
135Error during inbound delivery deletion
136Purge inbound delivery is successful
137Error during inbound delivery purging
138Split inbound delivery is successful
139Error during inbound delivery split
140ASN already contains packing items - no changes possible from ICH-side
141Automatic GR posting is not possible for the delivery &1.
142No messages issued during check
150No inbound deliveries found for purging
151Package size greater than &1 not allowed. Size was set to maximum
152Package size greater than 10000 not allowed. Size was set to maximum
155Expected GR document &1 created
156Expected GR document simulated
157Incorrect EGR documents for purchase order or scheduling agreement
158Correct EGR documents for purchase order or scheduling agreement
159Incorrect EGR documents for manufacturing order
160Correct EGR documents for manufacturing order
161&1 incorrect EGR documents for purchase order or scheduling agreement
162&1 correct EGR documents for purchase order or scheduling agreement
163&1 incorrect EGR documents for manufacturing order
164&1 correct EGR documents for manufacturing order
165Messages for the document &
166Creation of EGR documents for local EWM warehouse &1 not possible
168Check that the EGR documents from previous runs are deleted
170IDOC &1 was split
171IDOC &1 was created
174Problem with receiver finding
175No function module is found for delivery replication
176Sales UoM &1 of subitem are not the same as in main item &2
180Business function SPE_CI_1 required for STO additional item discrepancy
200Split request is across HUs, which is not allowed
201Requested delivery could not be split correctly
202Serialnumber update is not possible in &1/&2 during split
203HU update is not possible in &1 during split
204Deletion of already posted HUs (&2) in &1 is not allowed
205New qty (&3) for the orig ID (&1/&2) is less than the posted qty
206Unknown item (&1) in the original ID
207Qty (&3) in split ID (&1/&2) is greater than free qty (&4) in the orig ID
220Order &1 has already been final delivered
221Production Supply Area for Delivery &1 / &2 could not be determined
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