/SPE/INSPRES - Inspection Outcome Messages for Complaints & Returns SPM

The following messages are stored in message class /SPE/INSPRES: Inspection Outcome Messages for Complaints & Returns SPM.
It is part of development package /SPE/RET_INSPECTIONS in software component LO-SPM-RET. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "".
Message Nr
Message Text
000You are not authorized to &1 inspection outcomes
001Input parameters for publishing inspection outcomes are inconsistent
002Field &1 value &2 is not valid for &3
003Cannot create inspection outcomes for RMA &1 delivery &2 and HU &3
004Inspection outcomes created successfully for RMA &1 delivery &2 and HU&3
005Method executed successfully
006No inspection outcomes selected for given criteria
007Cannot perform database updates
008No record exists in database for RMA &1 delivery &2 and HU &3
009Inspection outcome changed successfully for RMA &1 delivery &2 and HU &3
010Item records supplied without header for business key &1
011Status prevents deletion of inspection outcome for RMA &1 delivery &2
012No input data is supplied to method
013Publish destinations given are inconsistent
014No publish destination is given as parameter
015Entries are locked for Inspection outcome RMA &1 delivery &2 by user &3
016Technical locking error for RMA &1 delivery &2
017No follow up activity allowed for returns delivery &1 and RMA &2
018Inconsistent parameter combination is passed to function module
019Inspection outcome for RMA &1 delivery &2 and HU &3 is already confirmed
020Reference to delivery is missing in inspection outcome
021Inspection outcomes for RMA &1 delivery &2 and HU &3 deleted
022Inspection outcomes not yet maintained for RMA &1 delivery &2 and HU &3
023Destination CRM system could not be found
024No queue could be set for CRM communication
025No destination EWM system found in distribution model
026No queue could be set for EWM communication
027Inspection outcome for RMA &1 delivery &2 is not assigned to a warehouse
028No inspection outcome sent to CRM
029Combination of catalog &1, code group &2 and code &3 not valid
030No default catalog profile defined
031Codes must be defined by combination of catalog, code group and code.
032Number range failure during creation of inspection outcome for RMA &1
033Follow-up activity is mandatory for returns delivery &1 RMA &2
034No codes defined for follow-up activity 'Putaway' in Customizing
035Stock Type &1 of Goods Movement (Primary Posting) not supported
036Default follow-up activity for returns delivery &1 must not be initial
037Handling unit &1 contains uninspected parts and cannot be confirmed
038Inspection outcomes for RMA &1 delivery &2 not published to EWM.
039Handling unit &1 item &2 has uninspected parts
040Inspection outcome for RMA &1 not sent to CRM due to its status
041Inspection outcome not sent to CRM due to technical issue
042Inspection outcomes not yet maintained for RMA &1 and delivery &2
043Inspection outcome for RMA &1 and delivery &2 is already confirmed
044Inspection outcome changed successfully for RMA &1 and delivery &2
045No record exists in database for RMA &1 and delivery &2
046Cannot create inspection outcomes for RMA &1 and delivery &2
047Inspection outcomes for RMA &1 and delivery &2 deleted
048Inspection outcomes created successfully for RMA &1 and delivery &2
049Inspection outcome for HU &1 item &2 added to publish request to CRM
050Inspection outcomes deletion not successful.
051Inspection Outcome for RMA &1 Delivery &2 published to &3
052Inspection data from buffers is empty
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