/UI2/CACHE - UI2 backend enablement: Cache messages

The following messages are stored in message class /UI2/CACHE: UI2 backend enablement: Cache messages.
It is part of development package /UI2/CACHE in software component CA-FLP-ABA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "UI BE: Cache mechanism for OData services".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Failed to read type BLOB from the cache
002Failed to read data BLOB from the cache
003Failed to read BLOB from database
004Failed to read BLOB from internal table
005Configuration saved
006Failed to save configuration
007No row selected
008No records have been invalidated.
009Failed to read due to expiration
011&1 for user &2
013[ &1 / '&2' ] Data reused for rule '&3', age: &4 seconds
014[ &1 / '&3' ] Data rechecked for rule '&4'. Change from '&2' detected.
015[ &1 / &3 / '&2' ] Data rechecked for rule '&4'; no change detected.
020Validation finished with end result: &1.
021[ &1 ] Performing validation of rule &2
022Execution of validation is traced bottom-up
023Data in brackets [] shows hierarchy level, last change and content
024[ &1 / '&2' ] based on operation '&3' done with rule '&4'
025[ &1 / - / '&2' ] Data calculated without change detection for rule '&3'.
026[ &1 ] Execution of rule '&2' required &3 milliseconds
027Execution required &1 milliseconds.
028[ &1 ] Preparation of rule '&2' required &3 milliseconds
029Marker Preloading required &1 milliseconds
030Performance Statistics:
031Execution of &1 required &2 microseconds (&3%).
032Updating of markers on persistence &1 required &2 milliseconds.
033Cache creation time
034Validation called with the following parameters:
035Parameter '&1' with value '&2'.
036Commit required &1 milliseconds.
037Last creation of Cache Buster token
038[ &1 / '&2' ] rule supplies constant entity '&3'.
039[ &1 / '&2' ] Condition continues with rule '&3'.
040Triggering of asynchronous update process required &1 milliseconds.
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