/UI2/CDM3_EXP - CDM 3 Exposure

The following messages are stored in message class /UI2/CDM3_EXP: CDM 3 Exposure.
It is part of development package /UI2/CDM3_TOOLS in software component CA-FLP-ABA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CDM Administrative Tools".
Message Nr
Message Text
001&1 entity &2&3 exposed
002&1 entity &2&3 exposed with warnings
003&1 entity &2&3 not exposed
004Configuration is invalid
005Configuration is outdated
006No configuration maintained
007Preparing output (&1/&2)
008You are not authorized to execute report &
009You are not authorized to change the selected roles
010You are not authorized to read the selected roles
011You are not authorized to expose into repository &
012Role &1 does not exist; exposure canceled
013Invalid role selection; there is nothing to expose
014There is no exposed content in the repository yet
015Exposed content was not changed since the last publishing
016An exposure process by user &1 is still running in parallel
017Technical error when determining the state of the exposure process
018Running in test mode
019ICF Service /sap/bc/ui2/cdm3 is currently inactive
100Schema validation skipped; BAdI not implemented
101Schema validation completed; no errors found
102Schema validation errors found; exposure canceled for &1
103&1. CDM3 schema not validated. &2
104&1 entity &2&3 has schema errors.
105Correct schema errors to complete the exposure.
107Error in webservice response
108Missing RFC destination &1
109The exposure was canceled because of schema validation errors.
110The exposure was canceled because some cached data is outdated.
111The exposure was canceled because of technical issues.
201Performing prechecks...
202Performing prechecks (&1/&2)
203Calculating CDM JSON...
204Calculating CDM JSON (&1/&2)
205Performing postcheck...
206Performing postcheck (&1/&2)
300&1 out of &2 entities exposed (including &3 exposed with warnings)
301&1 out of &2 &3 entities exposed (including &4 exposed with warnings)
302Performance Statistics (Total Time: &1s)
303Start Time: &1
304End Time: &1
305End Memory: &1 MB
310Version &1 from &2 at &3 (UTC) deleted
311Automatic repository cleanup started with &1 expiration days
312Automatic repository cleanup deactivated
314No content had to be deleted
400Content change notifications processed
401Content change notification for ID "&1" sent with HTTP status code &2
402Creating Hash failed
403RFC destination with matching host not in table /UI2/CDM3_CCNTGT
404Content change notification for ID "&1" failed
405Creating job for retry of content change notification failed
406Creating HTTP client for RFC destination &1 failed
407Creating job for exposure repository cleanup failed
408Changing status failed
409Reading status failed
410You are not authorized to read the data
411You are not authorized to change the data
500Inserting access token failed
501Reading access token failed
502Deleting access token failed
503You are not authorized to read or delete access token
510Storing access token was successful
511Unauthorized caller; &1 is not allowed to call the API
601RFC Destination could not be determined
602Invalid "&1"; allowed characters are "A-Z a-z _ -"
603"&1" already exists; enter another value
604"&1" must be filled
605Invalid value for "&1"; define a number as value
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