/UI2/CDMFCC - CDM-FCC messages

The following messages are stored in message class /UI2/CDMFCC: CDM-FCC messages.
It is part of development package /UI2/CDM_COMMON in software component CA-FLP-ABA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Common interfaces and utilities".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*** 000-049 reserved for package /UI2/CDM_REST ***
001Resource type &1 with id &2 not found
002Method not implemented
003Invalid json
004Internal server error (exception id not specified)
005Bad request
006Resource type &1 with id &2 cannot be deleted
007Resource type &1 with id &2 cannot be posted
008Resource type &1 with id &2 cannot be posted due to timestamp conflict
009Changes for &1 &2 not allowed in current language &3
010Invalid payload
011Internal server error. Unknown exception id &1
012Internal server error. Unknown exception &1 raised
013Resource type &1 with id &2 already exists
014Resource type &1 with id &2 does not exist
016Catalog &1 - original language &2 is tranformed to master language &3
017The UI5 component name &1 is not unique. App ID &2
018The WDA application ID &1 is not unique. App ID &2
019The GUI transaction &1 is not unique. App ID &2
020Resource type &1 with id &2 is already assigned to package &3
021User has no task in transport &1
022No valid transport request found
023Package &1 could not be found
024The WDA application ID &1 is not upper case. Catalog &2
025The GUI transaction &1 is not upper case. Catalog &2
026The WDA application ID &1 is not upper case. Catalog &2
027The WDA config ID &1 is not upper case. Catalog &2
028Group &1 - original language &2 is tranformed to master language &3
029WDY config &1 - original language &2 is tranformed to master language &3
030Startup JSON transformation failed
031Missing query parameter: &1
032Specified layer does not exist
033No RFC destination defined for transport request &1
034No transport request defined for tile catalog &1 and tm catalog &2
035No transport request defined for catalog &1
036No transport request defined for group &1
050*** 050-099 reserved for package /UI2/CDM_COMMON ***
051Resource &1 with id &2 not found
052Resource type &1 with id &2 not deleted
053Application Statistics Type &1 is not active for performance measurement.
054Performance Monitor activation level &1 is not a valid number (0-255).
055Appl. Statistics Type &1 is not active at level &2 (@API stack: &3).
056Query malformed
057Query not supported by &1 Data Provider: (Query = &2)
058Internal: Parameter &1 for Method &2 has invalid value &3
059Internal: Parameter &1 for Method &2 is initial
060Internal: Method &1 is not supported.
061Method &1 expects a fully specified CDM key.
080Invalid &1 &2: Not a valid JSON
081Invalid &1 &2: Does not match Schema: &3
082Invalid &1 &2: Missing property &3
083Invalid &1 &2: Invalid value for property &3( value="&4" )
084Invalid &1 &2: Not unique ID in &3( duplicate="&4" )
085Validation Failed: No input provided.
086Invalid &1 &2: Invalid value for property &3( pattern="&4" )
100*** 100-149 reserved for package /UI2/CDM_LREP ***
101LRep file type &1 with name &2 not found
102LRep file type &1 with name &2 not deleted
103LRep file type &1 with name &2 not created
104LRep DB time stamp (&1) for file type &2 with name &3 does not match &4
105LRep file type &1 with name &2 already exists
106LRep file type &1 with name &2 does not exist
120Merge Processing Failed: Target &1 JSON is invalid.
121Merge Processing Failed: Target &1 JSON is missing &2 property &3.
122Merge Processing Failed: Target &1 JSON has wrong entity type &2.
125Invalid Change: &1
126Invalid Change: Missing &1 property &2.
127Invalid Change: Invalid property &1 value(&2).
130Invalid CDM ID &1.
131Invalid LREP Key Field &2 for File &1 ( value="&3" )
132Invalid CDM trobjname: expected &1, but was &2
140Internal Error: Wrong Service Provider.
151Key &1 too long (> 35 chars)
152Key &1 contains invalid character(s)
153Invalid JSON
154Changes only allowed in orig. langu &1 (current langu &2). Type &3, id &4
155Invalid value &1 in member &2 (type &3, name &4)
156The selection criteria resulted in no data selected.
157Check result OK
158Not supported entity type &1 from conversion.
159Error obtaining CDM key for entity: &1 '&2'.
160Entity: &1 '&2'
161Application Descriptor not found for entity &1 '&2', UI technology &3.
162Warning: &1 '&2' - name contains lower case characters.
163Error generating JSON in LRep content services.
164Error in frontend services: could not download file: &1
165Local file saved: &1
166Descr.change: Cross Navigation's 'Inbounds' missing in LRep &1 '&2'.
167Error in Semantic API: '&3', for entity &1 '&2'.
168Serialization error '&3', for entity &1 '&2'.
169Descr.change: sap.app 'title' differs from '&3' of LRep &1 '&2'.
170Descr.change: sap.app 'subTitle' differs from '&3' of LRep &1 '&2'.
171Descr.change: sap.app 'description' differs from '&3' of LRep &1 '&2'.
172Descr.change: Cross Navigation section missing in LRep &1 '&2'.
173Descr.change: Adding new Inbound '&3' in LRep &1 '&2'.
174Descr.change: Removing the Inbound '&3' in LRep &1 '&2'.
175Descr.change: Changing the Inbound '&3' in LRep &1 '&2'.
176Descr.change: sap.ui 'icon' differs from '&3' of LRep &1 '&2'.
177Descr.change: sap.app 'destination' differs from '&3' of LRep &1 '&2'.
178Descr.change: sap.app 'keywords' differ, i.e. '&3' in LRep &1 '&2'.
179The function group &1 does not exist!
180No adequate user found
181No RFC authorization for user &1
200Running in test mode.
201&1 (TM): Application type &2 not supported.
202&1 (TM): Using LPD_CUST (intent &2).
203&1 (TM): No AppResource type &2 id &3 (intent &4).
204&1 (TM): Frontend GUI/WDA not supported (intent &2).
206WD config key &1: Text &2 is not supported (text id &3).
207&1 (Custom Tile): BAdI implementation missing for /UI2/BADI_CDMCONV.
208&1 (Custom Tile): BAdI implemnt. has illegal method in /UI2/BADI_CDMCONV.
209&1 (Tile): No target mapping found (intent &2).
210&1 (Tile): Resolved to &2 target mappings (intent &3).
211&1 (TM): Resolved to &2 AppResources.
212&1 (TM): No LPD_CUST data (intent &2).
215&1 (Dynamic Tile): Invalid data service &2.
216URL &1: OData URL delimiter "&2" not found.
217URL &1: Invalid OData URL.
218URL &1: No service name.
219&1 (Tile): OData service &2 version &3 not found.
220Read data from old repository
221Resolve target mappings
222Transform custom tiles
223Transform target mappings without tile
224Resolve app resources
225Transform catalogs
226Transform groups
227Transform roles
228Write data to new repository
229&1 Catalogs, &2 Groups and &3 Apps saved.
230Content Validation fails for entity &1
231LREP Commit/rollback encountered Error!
232&1 (Custom Tile): Exception raised in BAdI /UI2/BADI_CDMCONV.
233Could not save conversion log (table "&1").
234App &1 was filtered out.
235Catalog &1 was filtered out.
236Group &1 was filtered out.
237Role &1 was filtered out.
238&1 (Custom Tile): No target mapping found.
239&1 (Custom Tile): Resolved to &2 target mappings (intent &3).
240&1 (Custom Tile): No generic resolution for intent &2.
241&1 (Tile): Could not add datasource &2 for URI &3.
242&1 (TM): &2 are not supported (intent &3).
243&1 (Tile): Tile for group &2 could no be determined uniquely (intent &3).
244&1 (TM): ID (&2) adopted from App Resource.
245&2 (TM): Tile and TM from different Backend App Resource (intent &1).
246&1 (TM): Single Target Mapping resolved to existing app (intent &2).
247User is missing authorization to run &1.
248CDM Entity &1 of type &2 could not be written to LREP
249Backend App Config &1 is not stored.
251Input parameter &1 is initial.
252Entity &1 of type &2 cannot be found.
253App Variant for App Resource &1 could not be generated
254Group Tile for App Config &1 could not be generated
255App Config &1 is not marked as assignable
256App Config &1 is missing navigation inbound
257App Config ID &1 is not following the IAM naming conventions
258Layer &1 is not supported
280Catalog &1: Tiles/TMs &2, AppDescriptors &3, Apps (saved/converted) &4.
281Catalog &1: Tiles/TMs &2, AppDescriptors &3.
282&1 Catalogs, &2 Groups and &3 Apps converted.
283&1 Catalogs, &2 Groups converted.
300Cannot convert string &1 to xstring
301&1 containers and &2 items were processed successfully
302&1 containers and &2 items were found but could not be exported
303LREP exception while storing container '&1' of user &2 into '&3' layer
304Entries successfully submitted to runtime storage for persistence
305Entries were not persisted (disable dry run to persist)
306Exception '&1' raised by LREP when writing via the mass interface
307Value of item '&1' in container '&2' of &3 is empty. Converting to '&4'.
308Value of item '&1' in container '&2' of &3 is not valid json. Skipping.
309Profile value '&1' of user &2 will override PERS item in &3 container &4.
310Error while getting profile of user &1. Pers key '&2' was not found.
311Error while getting profile of user &1. Data type error.
312Cannot create ALV
313No user profile data were found for user &1.
314Cannot get user profile data of user &1: user does not exist.
315Cannot get user profile data of user &1: default flag was not set.
316You are not authorized to execute this report
317TargetUrl for tile &1 is empty (intent &2).
318Selection result is empty. There is no content to be converted.
319Selection result is empty. Preselection is empty.
320Tile &1 not using semantic object navigation resolved to app-variant.
321Error with BAdI implementation for Custom Tiles
322Cannot get user profile data of user &1: other error occurred.
340Applying Conversion Tags
341Action &1 for &2 &3 is unknown
342Source &1 &2 is being filtered out (Reason: &3 )
343Action &1 for &2 &3 requires an value parameter
344Target &1 &2 for action &3 not found
345Source &1 &2 for action &3 not found
346Target &1 &2 for action SET_REF needs to be an original
347Reference of &1 &2 is set to &3
348Maintained Conversion Tags are invalid
349Parameter specification for target &1 &2 could not be parsed (&3)
350Parameter for target &1 &2 is being adjusted (&3)
351Could not apply tag &1 &2 &3 &4
360Applying Adjustments for event &1
361Applying Handler &1 for event &2
371Master Language of entity &1 &2 is set to English
372Aborted: Master Language Text could not be determined
373Aborted: English Text could not be determined
380MasterLanguage of Entity is initial. Using Fallback &1.
381MasterLanguage not maintatained as initial key. Using Fallback &1
382MasterLanguage Text not found
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