/UI2/CDMFCC - CDM-FCC messages
The following messages are stored in message class /UI2/CDMFCC: CDM-FCC messages.
It is part of development package /UI2/CDM_COMMON in software component CA-FLP-ABA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Common interfaces and utilities".
It is part of development package /UI2/CDM_COMMON in software component CA-FLP-ABA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Common interfaces and utilities".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | *** 000-049 reserved for package /UI2/CDM_REST *** |
001 | Resource type &1 with id &2 not found |
002 | Method not implemented |
003 | Invalid json |
004 | Internal server error (exception id not specified) |
005 | Bad request |
006 | Resource type &1 with id &2 cannot be deleted |
007 | Resource type &1 with id &2 cannot be posted |
008 | Resource type &1 with id &2 cannot be posted due to timestamp conflict |
009 | Changes for &1 &2 not allowed in current language &3 |
010 | Invalid payload |
011 | Internal server error. Unknown exception id &1 |
012 | Internal server error. Unknown exception &1 raised |
013 | Resource type &1 with id &2 already exists |
014 | Resource type &1 with id &2 does not exist |
016 | Catalog &1 - original language &2 is tranformed to master language &3 |
017 | The UI5 component name &1 is not unique. App ID &2 |
018 | The WDA application ID &1 is not unique. App ID &2 |
019 | The GUI transaction &1 is not unique. App ID &2 |
020 | Resource type &1 with id &2 is already assigned to package &3 |
021 | User has no task in transport &1 |
022 | No valid transport request found |
023 | Package &1 could not be found |
024 | The WDA application ID &1 is not upper case. Catalog &2 |
025 | The GUI transaction &1 is not upper case. Catalog &2 |
026 | The WDA application ID &1 is not upper case. Catalog &2 |
027 | The WDA config ID &1 is not upper case. Catalog &2 |
028 | Group &1 - original language &2 is tranformed to master language &3 |
029 | WDY config &1 - original language &2 is tranformed to master language &3 |
030 | Startup JSON transformation failed |
031 | Missing query parameter: &1 |
032 | Specified layer does not exist |
033 | No RFC destination defined for transport request &1 |
034 | No transport request defined for tile catalog &1 and tm catalog &2 |
035 | No transport request defined for catalog &1 |
036 | No transport request defined for group &1 |
050 | *** 050-099 reserved for package /UI2/CDM_COMMON *** |
051 | Resource &1 with id &2 not found |
052 | Resource type &1 with id &2 not deleted |
053 | Application Statistics Type &1 is not active for performance measurement. |
054 | Performance Monitor activation level &1 is not a valid number (0-255). |
055 | Appl. Statistics Type &1 is not active at level &2 (@API stack: &3). |
056 | Query malformed |
057 | Query not supported by &1 Data Provider: (Query = &2) |
058 | Internal: Parameter &1 for Method &2 has invalid value &3 |
059 | Internal: Parameter &1 for Method &2 is initial |
060 | Internal: Method &1 is not supported. |
061 | Method &1 expects a fully specified CDM key. |
080 | Invalid &1 &2: Not a valid JSON |
081 | Invalid &1 &2: Does not match Schema: &3 |
082 | Invalid &1 &2: Missing property &3 |
083 | Invalid &1 &2: Invalid value for property &3( value="&4" ) |
084 | Invalid &1 &2: Not unique ID in &3( duplicate="&4" ) |
085 | Validation Failed: No input provided. |
086 | Invalid &1 &2: Invalid value for property &3( pattern="&4" ) |
100 | *** 100-149 reserved for package /UI2/CDM_LREP *** |
101 | LRep file type &1 with name &2 not found |
102 | LRep file type &1 with name &2 not deleted |
103 | LRep file type &1 with name &2 not created |
104 | LRep DB time stamp (&1) for file type &2 with name &3 does not match &4 |
105 | LRep file type &1 with name &2 already exists |
106 | LRep file type &1 with name &2 does not exist |
115 | ? |
120 | Merge Processing Failed: Target &1 JSON is invalid. |
121 | Merge Processing Failed: Target &1 JSON is missing &2 property &3. |
122 | Merge Processing Failed: Target &1 JSON has wrong entity type &2. |
123 | ? |
125 | Invalid Change: &1 |
126 | Invalid Change: Missing &1 property &2. |
127 | Invalid Change: Invalid property &1 value(&2). |
130 | Invalid CDM ID &1. |
131 | Invalid LREP Key Field &2 for File &1 ( value="&3" ) |
132 | Invalid CDM trobjname: expected &1, but was &2 |
140 | Internal Error: Wrong Service Provider. |
151 | Key &1 too long (> 35 chars) |
152 | Key &1 contains invalid character(s) |
153 | Invalid JSON |
154 | Changes only allowed in orig. langu &1 (current langu &2). Type &3, id &4 |
155 | Invalid value &1 in member &2 (type &3, name &4) |
156 | The selection criteria resulted in no data selected. |
157 | Check result OK |
158 | Not supported entity type &1 from conversion. |
159 | Error obtaining CDM key for entity: &1 '&2'. |
160 | Entity: &1 '&2' |
161 | Application Descriptor not found for entity &1 '&2', UI technology &3. |
162 | Warning: &1 '&2' - name contains lower case characters. |
163 | Error generating JSON in LRep content services. |
164 | Error in frontend services: could not download file: &1 |
165 | Local file saved: &1 |
166 | Descr.change: Cross Navigation's 'Inbounds' missing in LRep &1 '&2'. |
167 | Error in Semantic API: '&3', for entity &1 '&2'. |
168 | Serialization error '&3', for entity &1 '&2'. |
169 | Descr.change: sap.app 'title' differs from '&3' of LRep &1 '&2'. |
170 | Descr.change: sap.app 'subTitle' differs from '&3' of LRep &1 '&2'. |
171 | Descr.change: sap.app 'description' differs from '&3' of LRep &1 '&2'. |
172 | Descr.change: Cross Navigation section missing in LRep &1 '&2'. |
173 | Descr.change: Adding new Inbound '&3' in LRep &1 '&2'. |
174 | Descr.change: Removing the Inbound '&3' in LRep &1 '&2'. |
175 | Descr.change: Changing the Inbound '&3' in LRep &1 '&2'. |
176 | Descr.change: sap.ui 'icon' differs from '&3' of LRep &1 '&2'. |
177 | Descr.change: sap.app 'destination' differs from '&3' of LRep &1 '&2'. |
178 | Descr.change: sap.app 'keywords' differ, i.e. '&3' in LRep &1 '&2'. |
179 | The function group &1 does not exist! |
180 | No adequate user found |
181 | No RFC authorization for user &1 |
200 | Running in test mode. |
201 | &1 (TM): Application type &2 not supported. |
202 | &1 (TM): Using LPD_CUST (intent &2). |
203 | &1 (TM): No AppResource type &2 id &3 (intent &4). |
204 | &1 (TM): Frontend GUI/WDA not supported (intent &2). |
206 | WD config key &1: Text &2 is not supported (text id &3). |
207 | &1 (Custom Tile): BAdI implementation missing for /UI2/BADI_CDMCONV. |
208 | &1 (Custom Tile): BAdI implemnt. has illegal method in /UI2/BADI_CDMCONV. |
209 | &1 (Tile): No target mapping found (intent &2). |
210 | &1 (Tile): Resolved to &2 target mappings (intent &3). |
211 | &1 (TM): Resolved to &2 AppResources. |
212 | &1 (TM): No LPD_CUST data (intent &2). |
215 | &1 (Dynamic Tile): Invalid data service &2. |
216 | URL &1: OData URL delimiter "&2" not found. |
217 | URL &1: Invalid OData URL. |
218 | URL &1: No service name. |
219 | &1 (Tile): OData service &2 version &3 not found. |
220 | Read data from old repository |
221 | Resolve target mappings |
222 | Transform custom tiles |
223 | Transform target mappings without tile |
224 | Resolve app resources |
225 | Transform catalogs |
226 | Transform groups |
227 | Transform roles |
228 | Write data to new repository |
229 | &1 Catalogs, &2 Groups and &3 Apps saved. |
230 | Content Validation fails for entity &1 |
231 | LREP Commit/rollback encountered Error! |
232 | &1 (Custom Tile): Exception raised in BAdI /UI2/BADI_CDMCONV. |
233 | Could not save conversion log (table "&1"). |
234 | App &1 was filtered out. |
235 | Catalog &1 was filtered out. |
236 | Group &1 was filtered out. |
237 | Role &1 was filtered out. |
238 | &1 (Custom Tile): No target mapping found. |
239 | &1 (Custom Tile): Resolved to &2 target mappings (intent &3). |
240 | &1 (Custom Tile): No generic resolution for intent &2. |
241 | &1 (Tile): Could not add datasource &2 for URI &3. |
242 | &1 (TM): &2 are not supported (intent &3). |
243 | &1 (Tile): Tile for group &2 could no be determined uniquely (intent &3). |
244 | &1 (TM): ID (&2) adopted from App Resource. |
245 | &2 (TM): Tile and TM from different Backend App Resource (intent &1). |
246 | &1 (TM): Single Target Mapping resolved to existing app (intent &2). |
247 | User is missing authorization to run &1. |
248 | CDM Entity &1 of type &2 could not be written to LREP |
249 | Backend App Config &1 is not stored. |
251 | Input parameter &1 is initial. |
252 | Entity &1 of type &2 cannot be found. |
253 | App Variant for App Resource &1 could not be generated |
254 | Group Tile for App Config &1 could not be generated |
255 | App Config &1 is not marked as assignable |
256 | App Config &1 is missing navigation inbound |
257 | App Config ID &1 is not following the IAM naming conventions |
258 | Layer &1 is not supported |
280 | Catalog &1: Tiles/TMs &2, AppDescriptors &3, Apps (saved/converted) &4. |
281 | Catalog &1: Tiles/TMs &2, AppDescriptors &3. |
282 | &1 Catalogs, &2 Groups and &3 Apps converted. |
283 | &1 Catalogs, &2 Groups converted. |
300 | Cannot convert string &1 to xstring |
301 | &1 containers and &2 items were processed successfully |
302 | &1 containers and &2 items were found but could not be exported |
303 | LREP exception while storing container '&1' of user &2 into '&3' layer |
304 | Entries successfully submitted to runtime storage for persistence |
305 | Entries were not persisted (disable dry run to persist) |
306 | Exception '&1' raised by LREP when writing via the mass interface |
307 | Value of item '&1' in container '&2' of &3 is empty. Converting to '&4'. |
308 | Value of item '&1' in container '&2' of &3 is not valid json. Skipping. |
309 | Profile value '&1' of user &2 will override PERS item in &3 container &4. |
310 | Error while getting profile of user &1. Pers key '&2' was not found. |
311 | Error while getting profile of user &1. Data type error. |
312 | Cannot create ALV |
313 | No user profile data were found for user &1. |
314 | Cannot get user profile data of user &1: user does not exist. |
315 | Cannot get user profile data of user &1: default flag was not set. |
316 | You are not authorized to execute this report |
317 | TargetUrl for tile &1 is empty (intent &2). |
318 | Selection result is empty. There is no content to be converted. |
319 | Selection result is empty. Preselection is empty. |
320 | Tile &1 not using semantic object navigation resolved to app-variant. |
321 | Error with BAdI implementation for Custom Tiles |
322 | Cannot get user profile data of user &1: other error occurred. |
340 | Applying Conversion Tags |
341 | Action &1 for &2 &3 is unknown |
342 | Source &1 &2 is being filtered out (Reason: &3 ) |
343 | Action &1 for &2 &3 requires an value parameter |
344 | Target &1 &2 for action &3 not found |
345 | Source &1 &2 for action &3 not found |
346 | Target &1 &2 for action SET_REF needs to be an original |
347 | Reference of &1 &2 is set to &3 |
348 | Maintained Conversion Tags are invalid |
349 | Parameter specification for target &1 &2 could not be parsed (&3) |
350 | Parameter for target &1 &2 is being adjusted (&3) |
351 | Could not apply tag &1 &2 &3 &4 |
360 | Applying Adjustments for event &1 |
361 | Applying Handler &1 for event &2 |
371 | Master Language of entity &1 &2 is set to English |
372 | Aborted: Master Language Text could not be determined |
373 | Aborted: English Text could not be determined |
380 | MasterLanguage of Entity is initial. Using Fallback &1. |
381 | MasterLanguage not maintatained as initial key. Using Fallback &1 |
382 | MasterLanguage Text not found |