The following messages are stored in message class /UI2/SAP_NWBC: .
It is part of development package /UI2/NWBC_CORE in software component BC-FES-BUS-RUN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "NetWeaver Business Client - Core Functionality".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Duplicate area names exist: &1
002Do not use special characters for an area name: &1
003Area &1 does not yet exist and can therefore not be deleted
004No areas entered to be generated
005Invalid path for area &1
006Program must be of type 'Executable Program'
007Programs were generated successfully
008Programs can be generated successfully
009A code line exceeds the maximum length
010Error while updating program &1
011Error in popup
012Generation cancelled
013Short dump occurred in repository class
014Create new file area &1?
015Create file area &1
016Data saved successfully
017Do not use apostrophes in theme names
018Method &1 is not supported in &2
019Tag ID &1 is not valid
020Screen number &1 is not valid
021Tag ID &1 is in customer's namespace and will not be transported
022Field &1 is mandatory
023Program name &1 is not valid
024Namespace &1 is not editable
025Wrong maintenance view for namespace &1; use &2 instead
026Tag &1 is in the SAP namespace; the defined tag overrules the SAP tag
027Property &1 does not have a valid prefix
028No errors have been determined in selected entries
029A file area for theme &1 &2 already exists
030The user menu tree for user &1 with role &2 is empty.
031NWBC cache with &1 is invalidated.
032Using smart search for resolving OBN &1.&2. Role filter is &3.
033OBN Resolving failed. Source role &1.
034PFCG entry type &1 of node &2 is not supported.
035Target system "&1" (or "&1_HTTP" or "&1_HTTPS") for entry &2 is invalid.
036Target system alias "&1" (or "&1_RFC") for entry &2 is invalid.
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