/UI5/APP_API - Application index messages

The following messages are stored in message class /UI5/APP_API: Application index messages.
It is part of development package /UI5/APP_INDEX in software component CA-UI5-ABA-AIDX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "App Index Services".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Cannot access SAPUI5 repository &1
002SAPUI5 application name is not specified
003Error while parsing manifest.json file in SAPUI5 repository &1
004Error while parsing component.js file
005Method call or arguments are not supported
006Cannot calculate cache buster information
007SAPUI5 repository &1 does not exist
008Method parameter is invalid or missing
009Error during XML transformation
010Error during recalculation
011Error during logging; cannot create log
012Error during logging; cannot add log entry
013Error during logging; cannot save log
014Error during logging; cannot delete log
015SAPUI5 repository &1 contains errors or warnings; see application log
016SAPUI5 component &1 contains errors or warnings; see application log
017SAPUI5 component &1 resides in multiple (&2) repositories
018SAPUI5 component &1 (case ignored) is contained in SAPUI5 repository &2
019SAPUI5 component ID &1 in SAPUI5 repository &2 is potentially invalid
020SAPUI5 app. index-specific log message does not exist for subobject &1
021SAPUI5 library/component &1 used in application &2 does not exist
022Enter a valid expiry period
023Begin of recalculation at &1 &2 (UTC)
024End of recalculation at &1 &2 (UTC)
025Recalculation took &1 seconds for &2 SAPUI5 repositories
026Number of SAPUI5 application index entries created: &1
027Number of SAPUI5 application index entries updated: &1
028Number of SAPUI5 application index entries deleted: &1
029Number of SAPUI5 application index entries not updated: &1
030Number of SAPUI5 repositories: &1
031SAPUI5 repository &1 contains more than one SAPUI5 library
032Error while parsing *.library file in SAPUI5 repository &1
033Cannot find SAPUI5 library &1 used in SAPUI5 repository &2
034This feature is currently not supported
035Method parameter &1 is invalid or missing
037The embedded component with path &1 was not found
039Embedded components that embedd other components are not supported
040Can't convert simple type to structure
041Can't convert simple type to table
042Can't convert object or array to simple type
043Conversion to simple type failed
044Can't convert array to structure
045Component &1 could not be found
046Component &1 exists in multiple UI5 repositories
047Path &1 is not adressing a simple type (string, number, boolean, null)
048The provided combination of input parameters is not valid
049The manifest.json is not well-formed
050Method parameter &1 is invalid at position &2
051Can't convert object to incompatible table
052The path &1 is not valid
053Column &1 is unknown
054Maven placeholder &1 in SAPUI5 repository &2 not exchanged after build
055Node with Path &1 does not exist
056URL maintained in descriptor of comp. &1 in repos. &2 is invalid
057Failed to replicate descriptor of application &1 to layered repository
058Failed to delete descriptor of application &1 from layered repository
059Failed to write references of component &1 to layered repository
060Schedule report as a background job to update SAPUI5 app. index regularly
061Analysing ABAP imports of last &1 minutes
062&1 SAPUI5 repositories found in imports
063Reindexing the UI5 distribution layer
064SAPUI5 repository of object in imports could not be determined
065Reindexing all SAPUI5 repositories
066Analysis of imports stopped after &1 seconds
067Analysis of imports took & seconds
068SAPUI5 app. index updated using repository changes from transport &1
069SAPUI5 repository &1 was re-indexed in &2 milliseconds
070Update of SAPUI5 app. index started by background job (user &1)
071Update of SAPUI5 app. index started manually by user &1
072SAPUI5 distribution layer was re-indexed in &1 milliseconds
073Failed to replicate property file &2 of app &1 into layered repository
074An index update is already in progress. Please wait until it has finished
075Descriptor of application &1 replicated into layered repository
076Properties file &1 of application &2 replicated into layered repository
078Namespace in layered repository for file &1 (type &2) too long
079Failed to delete properties file &1 of app &2 from layered repository
080Scheduled index update after finished import of transports
081Failed to schedule index update after finished import of transports
082Properties file &1 of application &2 does not exist
083SAPUI5 repository &1 belongs to application component &2
084SAPUI5 repository &1 is a local object of user &2
085Application component of SAPUI5 repository &1 could not be determined
086Component id in application &1 exceeds maximum length of &2
089Change file name &1 for app &2 exceeds maximum length of 64 characters
090Change file &1 for app &2 cannot be deleted from LRep
091Change file &2 for app &1 cannot be replicated to layered repository
092App &1&2 has errors and may not run correctly; see SAP Note 2364579
093Error in app dependency &1&2: &3
094Problem accessing node at path &1
095Only conversion from object to structure supported
096Error in app component &1&2: &3&4
097Component ID of app &1 cannot be extracted from Component.js content
098SAPUI5 repository &1 contains errors
099JSON element found before reaching end of path
100Node &1 in provided JSON content is not a primitive string
101Parent node of path &1 in provided JSON content does not exist
102Cache tokens for backend context updated in &1 ms
103&1 service URLs have been processed with the following results:
104Cache tokens for backend context could not be updated
105For more information,see documentation of report &1
108All Gateway Hubs have been called succesfully
109Some Gateway Hubs have been disabled in configuration
110ICF node of application &1 does not exist
111ICF node of application &1 is not active
112Report /UI5/APP_INDEX_CALCULATE is not scheduled as background job
113All Gateway Hubs have been disabled in configuration. Caching is disabled
114Not all Gateway Hubs could be called due to errors
115Service has user dependent routing and won't be cached: &1&2&3&4
116Service has errors: &1&2&3&4
117Service is not known by any Gateway Hub: &1&2&3&4
118Value '&1' for query parameter 'fileType' is not supported
119manifest.json file in the repository root must not specify '&1'
120manifest.json at path '&1' should have '&2' set to '&3' instead of '&4'
121Descriptor embedded in library &1 at path &2 should have Id &3&4 instead
122Component '&1' in repository '&2' does not have a manifest.json file
123Do not specify a deviating UI5 Component Name than descriptor ID &1
124Do not specify the calculated attribute sap.ui5/appVariantId(Hierarchy)
125Validation of inline change number &2 ('&1') failed
126'&1' is mandatory
127Batch job &1 already scheduled
128Batch job &1 released
129Batch job &1 not released
130Job selection failed RC: &1
131Number of SAPUI5 application index entries that could not be deleted: &1
132Invalid field "reference" in file '&1' of descriptor '&2'
133Mandatory attribute '&1' could not be determined in descriptor '&2'
134Full mode causes high system load, only use it in exceptional cases
135App Variant Id &1&2 exceeds the allowed length of &3 characters
136Descriptor Id &1 is not unique
137File &1 of application &2 could not be parsed
138Automatic metadata caching is disabled in S4 Cloud Dev system
139Cache tokens for filtered list of backend context updated in &1 ms
140Backend context tokens have been invalidated successfully
141Array operation is not supported
142Duplicate Id: Id &1 already contained in SAPUI5 Repository &2
143Descriptor of app &1 not replicated into LRep, duplicate Id detected
144Properties file &1 of application &2 contains no content
145Indexing of SAPUI5 repository &1 rejected because of duplicate id
146App index not updated, 'manifest' file could not be found in app &1
147Number of app index entries not created because of duplicate id: &1
148Number of app index entries not created because of missing manifest: &1
149Number of SAPUI5 repositories considered for app index calculation: &1
150Parallel execution of calculation task not possible
151All change files(&1) written to LRep
152Only &1/&2 change requests written to LRep succesfully
153Total no. of changes found: &1
154Error parsing manifest.appdescr_variant file in SAPUI5 repository &1
155No. of changes skipped &1 (content unchanged)
156Could not delete all files in namespace &1
157Mass deletion of property files of app &1 failed
158Performance measurement for &1 took &2 milliseconds
159App using resource &1 has the following application component: &2
160Mass writing of property files of app &1 failed
161Service &1 has the following ACH component: &2
162No ACH component found for app that uses resource &1
163Repository using service &1&2&3 has the following name: &4
164DIST layer no longer replicated to LRep
165&1 succeeded, &2 not supported, &3 unknown and &4 with errors
166Service is not supported and won't be cached: &1&2&3&4
167Value '&1' of '&2' is invalid. It must be '&3' or '&4'
168Value &1 for 'format' of parameter &2 is invalid
169Inconsistent version for service &1&2&3&4 in multiple apps
170SAPUI5 repository &1 will be removed as newer SAPUI5 repository &2 exists
171SAP Note: See SAP Note &1 for more details (&2&1)
172Existing ID &1 in repository &2 is not in new deployment
173Deployment stopped by safe mode protection: See below
174New deployment into repository &1 contains new ID &2
176The inconsistent service can be found in the namespace '&1&2&3&4'
177The service '&1&2&3&4' is UNKNOWN but is optional
200Name of UI5 ABAP repository could not be calculated from app id &1
201Report /UI5/UPD_ODATA_METADATA_CACHE is not scheduled in client &1
202Job is running in client &1
203Job is not running in client &1
204&1 is not an app id but UI5 ABAP repository name, correct app id is &2
205&1 is not found in app index
206&2 inconsistencies in LOAD layer of Layered Repository for app id &1
207&1 is not found in LOAD layer of Layered Repository
208Duplicate ID &1 detected in UI5 ABAP repository &2
216App containing 'webapp' folder seems wrongly deployed. See note 3225159
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