/UI5/UI5_REP - SAPUI5 Repository Message Class

The following messages are stored in message class /UI5/UI5_REP: SAPUI5 Repository Message Class.
It is part of development package /UI5/UI5_INFRA_APP in software component CA-UI5-ABA-SAR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP UI5 Infrastructure for Applications".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Path &1 not found in SAPUI5 application &2
002Inactive Application cannot be uploaded. Activate it manually first.
003Application &1 does not exist
004No authorization to clear the ICM cache
005Path &1 cannot be read from SAPUI5 application &2
006Path &1 cannot be locked in SAPUI5 application &2
007Path &1 cannot be unlocked in SAPUI5 application &2
008SAPUI5 application &1 cannot be created
009ICF node &2 could not be created automatically for SAPUI5 application &1
010Path &1 must not start with "/"
011Path is initial
012Path &1 contains not allowed characters: &2
013SAPUI5 application &1 cannot be deleted
014ICF node &2 could not be deleted for SAPUI5 application &1
015Failed to write transport for texts, request type must be "development"
016SAPUI5 Repository &1 can't be locked. Another deployment is still running
017SAPUI5 Repository &1 cannot be unlocked
018No text type maintained for text &1 in application &2
019BSP based repository implementation does not support path based mapping
020Logon language does not match original language of application &1
021Folder &1 has children and can't be deleted
022Deletion of BSP-PAGE failed: &1
023Deletion of MIME-Object failed: &1
024"UTF-16" not supported. "UTF-16BE" or "UTF-16LE" is possible: &1
025Max. line length exceeded due to trailing space escaping: &1
026Line length exceeds maximum: &1
027End of line marker not supported, please use CR+LF: &1
028Text with name &1 is duplicate in SAPUI5 application &2 , file &3
029Code page "&1" is not supported
030Path contains empty segments: &1
031Path contains trailing spaces: &1
032Internal error: MIME object not found ( path: &1 / internal path: &2 )
033Internal error: BSP Page not found ( path: &1 / internal path: &2 )
034Only dots or invalid combinations with dots in path segment ( path: &1 )
035Virus scan server error: "&1" ( path: &2 )
036Virus scan found something: "&1" ( path:&2 )
037Internal error in the text repository
038A dynpro popup has been opened during processing (&1/&2)
039Remote creation in customer namespace not possible in SAP systems
040Creation of folder in MIME Repository failed: &1
041Updating of file in MIME Repository failed: &1
042The file to be deleted does not exist: &1
044Cannot retrieve cache buster info for the SAPUI5 repository: &1
045File &1 is inactive, will not be processed
046Text entries successfully updated for application &1, file &2
047SAPUI5 application &1 is local, no transport entries created for texts
048Transport request missing
049No changed texts found in application &1, file &2
050No authorization to modify the SAPUI5 text repository
051File &1 does not exist in application &2
052File &1 is not a 'properties' file for texts
053Entered value is not a valid guid
054Processing cancelled by user action
055No entry found for entered key
056All UI5 repository texts of file &1 with key &2 deleted successfully
057Deletion of UI5 repository texts of file &1 with key &2 failed
058Duplicate SAPUI5 Translation-Key detected in property file &1 in app &2
059Overwriting or deletion of SAP text elements not allowed
060Deletion of texts not possible, use report /UI5/TEXT_ENTRIES_DELETE
061Exists in other original system. Creation of copy not pos. remotely: &1.
062File contains different line feeds. Mixed line feeds are not supported
063Application &1 setup invalid: See resource ".UI5RepositoryAppSetup" .
064An code page conversion error occurred ( path: &1 / code page: &2 )
065Error parsing path mapping XML
066Error accessing UI5 repository &1
067Not supported
068Invalid parameter combination
069No changes in production system allowed
070Error during handling of Adaption Transport Organizer
071ATO item already exists
072Do not modify this generated UI5 application directly
073Error when calling API for identity and access management
074You are not authorized to perform this operation
075Do not overwrite this custom repository with UI generation tools
080UI5 ICF node &1 of application &2 does not exist
081UI5 ICF node &1 exist, corresponding application &2 does not exist
082Namespace &1 does not exist in the system. Please create it first
083Could not determine default language version of package &1
085UI5 ICF node &1 exist, corresponding application &2 has wrong Appl. Class
086Application class has to be '/UI5/CL_UI5_BSP_APPLICATION'
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