CRM_DWP_SETTINGS - Settings for Resource Planning Tool

Settings for Resource Planning Tool information is stored in SAP table CRM_DWP_SETTINGS.
It is part of development package CRM_DWP_GRAPHIC in software component CRM-RPL-SRV-RPT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Resource Planning Tool(Tech.Name:Dispatcher's Workplace/DWP)".

Fields for table CRM_DWP_SETTINGS

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
DWP_PARAMETERParameter for Settings for Resource Planning ToolXCRMT_DWP_SETTINGS_PARAMETERCHAR80
DWP_PARA_INDEX1Index for Settings for Resource Planning ToolXCRMT_DWP_SETTINGS_INDEXNUMC16
DWP_PARA_INDEX2Index for Settings for Resource Planning ToolXCRMT_DWP_SETTINGS_INDEXNUMC16
DWP_VALUEValue for Resource Planning Tool SettingsCRMT_DWP_SETTINGS_VALUECHAR80
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