DBSTATTMSS - Table sizes

Table sizes information is stored in SAP table DBSTATTMSS.
It is part of development package STUN_MSS in software component BC-DB-MSS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Package for new SQL Server monitoring objects".

Fields for table DBSTATTMSS

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
TABIDMS SQL Server table object idXMSSTABIDINT44
LUPDSTATAnalysis date (yyyymmddhhmm)AM_DATECHAR12
UPDDURATEExecution duration of an operation in seconds.MSSDURATEINT44
LCHCKTABLEAnalysis date (yyyymmddhhmm)AM_DATECHAR12
CHCKDURATEExecution duration of an operation in seconds.MSSDURATEINT44
CHECKTYPEMS SQL Server type of check actionMSSCHKTYPECHAR1
NROWSNumber of rows in a tableOROWSDEC8
DPAGESMS SQL Server number of data pages in tableMSSDPAGESINT44
RESERVEDMS SQL Server reserved pages for tableMSSTBRESVDINT44
USEDMS SQL Server number of used pages of a tableMSSTBUSEDINT44
TOTIDXPGMS SQL Server number of index pages for all idx of one tableMSSTOTIDXPINT44
RESIMTXTPGMS SQL Server number of reserved image + text pages of tableMSSRESIMTXINT44
USDIMTXTPGMS SQL Server number of used image or text pages for tableMSSUSDIMTXINT44
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