IACHTML - Obsolete:INDX File for HTML Templates (Language-Independent)
Obsolete:INDX File for HTML Templates (Language-Independent) information is stored in SAP table IACHTML.
It is part of development package SITS_ABAP in software component BC-FES-ITS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ITS ABAP Components".
It is part of development package SITS_ABAP in software component BC-FES-ITS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ITS ABAP Components".
Fields for table IACHTML
Field Name | Description | Is Key | Data Element | Data Type | Length | Check Table |
RELID | X | CHAR | 2 | |||
.INCLUDE | X | IACIKEYT | 0 | |||
SERVICE | Service name of Internet Application Component | X | IACSERVIC_ | CHAR | 14 | IACSERVICE |
THEME | Theme of Internet Application Component | X | IACTHEME | CHAR | 2 | |
DYNPRO | Dynpro Number of IAC Template | X | IACDYNNR | CHAR | 4 | |
MODULPOOL | Web object name of Internet Application Component | X | IACNAME | CHAR | 20 | |
SRTF2 | Next record counter in EXPORT/IMPORT data tables | X | INDX_SRTF2 | INT4 | 4 | |
.INCLUDE | IACPARAM | 0 | ||||
CHKOUT | Display exported Web objects | IACCHKOUT | CHAR | 1 | ||
CHKNEW | Display newly created Web objects | IACCHKNEW | CHAR | 1 | ||
CHKPATH | File path on local computer | IACPATH | CHAR | 132 | ||
CHKHOST | Name of host | IACHOST | CHAR | 132 | ||
CHNAME | Last processor of IAC object | IACUNAME | CHAR | 12 | ||
TDATE | Date IAC object changed | IACCHDATE | DATS | 8 | ||
TTIME | Time IAC object changed | IACCHTIME | TIMS | 6 | ||
CLUSTR | Length field for user data in EXPORT/IMPORT tables | INDX_CLSTR | INT2 | 2 | ||
CLUSTD | Data field for IMPORT/EXPORT database tables | INDX_CLUST | LRAW | 2886 |