OIFBRD1 - Link dialogs supported for BP - technical cat. (IS-Oil MRN)

Link dialogs supported for BP - technical cat. (IS-Oil MRN) information is stored in SAP table OIFBRD1.
It is part of development package OIF in software component IS-OIL-DS-MRN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "MRN Marketing Retail Networks".

Fields for table OIFBRD1

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
PARTCTechnical characteristic for partner roleXOIF_PARTCCHAR2OIFBRT1
LNKDIALink dialog (transaction code)XOIF_LNKDIACHAR20TSTC
DUNKELSkip first screen flagOIF_DUNKELCHAR1
DIADEFPropose link dialog as defaultOIF_DIADEFCHAR1
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