OIU_CM_COMPC - PRA Company Codes
PRA Company Codes information is stored in SAP table OIU_CM_COMPC.
It is part of development package OIU in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)".
It is part of development package OIU in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)".
Fields for table OIU_CM_COMPC
Field Name | Description | Is Key | Data Element | Data Type | Length | Check Table |
MANDT | Client | X | MANDT | CLNT | 6 | |
BUKRS | Company Code | X | BUKRS | CHAR | 8 | T001 |
EP_ACTIVE | Company Code active (PRA) | OIU_EP_CC_ACT | CHAR | 2 | ||
MIN_PAY | Mininum Payment Amount | OIU_MIN_PAY | CURR | 4 | ||
REGION | Region | OIU_REGION | CHAR | 6 | T005 | |
DEL_AFTER_DAYS | Delete/Archive after Days | OIU_DEL_AFTER_DAYS | NUMC | 6 | ||
BAL_ACC | Balancing Account for Journal Entries | OIU_BAL_ACC | CHAR | 20 | ||
MAX_DOC_POS | Maximum Lines in JE Document | OIU_MAX_DOC_POS | NUMC | 6 | ||
COST_CENTER | Cost Center | KOSTL | CHAR | 20 | CSKS | |
PROFIT_CENTER | Profit Center | PRCTR | CHAR | 20 | CEPC | |
ACCT_DOC_BY_PASS | Accounting document by pass flag | /PRA/ACCT_DOC_BY_PASS_FL | CHAR | 2 | ||
DEFLT_ACCT | Default account | /PRA/ACCT_DEFAULT | CHAR | 20 | /PRA/ACCT_COA |