ORA_DBA_TABLES - Copy of DBA_TABLES (currently not provided with snapshots)

Copy of DBA_TABLES (currently not provided with snapshots) information is stored in SAP table ORA_DBA_TABLES.
It is part of development package STUN in software component BC-CCM-MON-TUN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP Monitoring Tools".

Fields for table ORA_DBA_TABLES

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
OWNEROracle monitoring: Owner of the objectXORA_OWNER_30CHAR30
TABLE_NAMEOracle monitoring: table nameXORA_TABLE_NAMECHAR30
TABLESPACE_NAMEOracle monitoring: Tablespacename to which objects belongXORA_TABLESPACE_NAMECHAR30
CLUSTER_NAMEOracle monitoring: cluster nameORA_CLUSTER_NAMECHAR30
IOT_NAMEOracle monitoring: IOT nameORA_IOT_NAMECHAR30
PCT_FREEOracle monitoring:percentage of free space in a blockORA_PCT_FREEDEC12
PCT_USEDOracle monitoring: percentage of used space in a blockORA_PCT_USEDDEC12
INI_TRANSOracle monitoring: Initial number of transactionsORA_INI_TRANSDEC12
MAX_TRANSOracle monitoring: Maximum number of transactionsORA_MAX_TRANSDEC12
INITIAL_EXTENTOracle monitoring: Size of the initial extent in bytesORA_INITIAL_EXTENTDEC12
NEXT_EXTENTOracle monitor: Next extentORA_NEXT_EXTENTDEC12
MIN_EXTENTSOracle monitor: Minimum extentORA_MIN_EXTENTSDEC12
MAX_EXTENTSOracle monitor: Maximum extentORA_MAX_EXTENTSDEC12
FREELISTSOracle monitoring: Number of process freelists allocatedORA_FREELISTSDEC12
FREELIST_GROUPSOracle monitoring: Number of freelist groups allocatedORA_FREELIST_GROUPSDEC12
LOGGINGOracle monitoring: Logging attributeORA_LOGGINGACHAR3
BACKED_UPOracle monitoring: Has table been backed up since last changORA_BACKED_UPCHAR1
NUM_ROWSOracle monitoring: Number of rows in the tableORA_NUM_ROWSDEC12
BLOCKSOracle monitoring: Number of used data blocks in the tableORA_BLOCKS_USEDDEC12
EMPTY_BLOCKSOracle monitoring: Number of empty (never used) data blocksORA_EMPTY_BLOCKSDEC12
AVG_SPACEOracle monitoring: avg. free space (bytes) in a data blockORA_AVG_SPACEDEC12
CHAIN_CNTOracle monitoring: Number of rows in table that are chainedORA_CHAIN_CNTDEC12
AVG_ROW_LENOracle monitoring: Average length of a row in table (bytes)ORA_AVG_ROW_LENDEC12
AVG_SPACE_FREEOracle monitoring: avg. freespace of all blocks on freelistORA_AVG_SPACE_FREEDEC12
NUM_FREELIST_BLKOracle monitoring: number of blocks on the freelistORA_NUM_FREELIST_BLKDEC12
DEGREEOracle monitoring: number of threads per instance for scanORA_DEGREEDEC12
INSTANCESOracle monitoring:inst. across which table is to be scannedORA_INSTANCESCHAR10
CACHEOracle monitoring:Whether the cluster is to be cached in bufORA_CACHE_DBACHAR5
TABLE_LOCKOracle monitoring: Whether table locking is enabled or disabORA_TABLE_LOCKCHAR8
SAMPLE_SIZEOracle monitoring: Sample size used in analyzing this tableORA_SAMPLE_SIZEDEC12
LAST_ANALYZED_DOracle monitoring: Date of last table analysis (date field)ORA_LAST_ANALYZED_DDATS8
LAST_ANALYZED_TOracle monitoring: Date of last table analysis (time field)ORA_LAST_ANALYZED_TTIMS6
PARTITIONEDOracle monitoring: Indicates whether table is partitionedORA_PARTITIONEDCHAR3
IOT_TYPEOracle monitoring: IOT typeORA_IOT_TYPECHAR12
TEMPORARY_DBAOracle monitoring: data visible which is placed by this sessORA_TEMPORARYCHAR1
SECONDARYOracle monitoring: Is trigger a secondary objectORA_SECONDARYCHAR1
NESTEDOracle monitoring: Is the table a nested table?ORA_NESTEDCHAR3
BUFFER_POOLOracle monitoring: The default buffer pool for the objectORA_BUFFER_POOLCHAR7
ROW_MOVEMENTOracle monitoring: partitioned row movement is enabled ?ORA_ROW_MOVEMENTCHAR8
GLOBAL_STATSOracle monitoring: Stats collected for whole table or estimaORA_GLOBAL_STATSCHAR3
USER_STATSOracle monitoring: Were statistics entered directly by user?ORA_USER_STATSCHAR3
DURATIONOracle monitoring: duration of a temporary tableORA_DURATIONCHAR15
SKIP_CORRUPTOracle monitoring: If Oracle ignores blocks marked corruptORA_SKIP_CORRUPTCHAR8
MONITORINGOracle monitoring: table has the MONITORING attribute setORA_MONITORINGCHAR3
CLUSTER_OWNEROracle monitoring: Cluster ownerORA_CLUSTER_OWNERCHAR30
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