P2RK_GRDBT - Payroll results Canada: Garnishment debt

Payroll results Canada: Garnishment debt information is stored in SAP table P2RK_GRDBT.
It is part of development package PC07 in software component PY-CA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR accounting: Canada".

Fields for table P2RK_GRDBT

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
IONUMInternal order numberP_IONUMNUMC8
OBJPSGarnishment: OBJPS by which debts are distinguishedP_GRNOBJPSCHAR4
LGARTWage type for the debtP_DBLGACHAR8*
DBCATFundamental type of debtP_DBCATCHAR2
CRCODCode for calculation ruleP_CRCODCHAR6*
CRSPYShould special pay be excluded from garnishment?P_CRSPYCHAR2
CRARRShould arrears be accumulated indefinitely?P_CRARRCHAR2
INSIDGarnishment: Insert indicator for payroll result of debtP_GRNINSIDCHAR2
IDOPAAmount of ongoing paymentPCA_IDOPACURR5
IDOPUUnit of ongoing paymentPCA_IDOPUCHAR2
ABPAYGarnishment: paid balancePCA_GABPAYCURR6
ABREMGarnishment: remaining balancePCA_GABREMCURR6
ACPRPGarnishment: amount paid in current payroll periodPCA_GACPRPCURR6
AMTODGarnishment: amount paid from beginning of month to datePCA_GAMTODCURR6
AYTODGarnishment: amount paid from beginning of year to datePCA_GAYTODCURR6
ATTODGarnishment: total amount paid to datePCA_GATTODCURR6
DMTODGarnishment: difference accumulated month to datePCA_GDMTODCURR6
DMTDLGarnishment: difference accumulated month to date in last PPPCA_GDMTDLCURR6
DMAINGarn.: Diff between amount requested and paid for main debtPCA_GDMAINCURR6
DARRSGarnishment: Arrears accumulated indefinitelyPCA_GDARRSCURR6
AREQRGarnishment: amount requested in current payroll runPCA_GAREQRCURR6
APNOWGarnishment: amount paid nowPCA_GAPNOWCURR6
APPREGarnishment: amount paid for previous higher-priority debtsPCA_GAPPRECURR6
APADDGarnishment: amount paid for additional paymentPCA_GAPADDCURR6
APNXMGarnishment: amount paid from completely non-exempt moneyPCA_GAPNXMCURR6
APVENGarnishment: amount paid to vendorPCA_GAPVENCURR6
GCURRGarnishment: current grossPCA_GGCURRCURR6
GCPRPGarnishment: gross summed over current payroll periodPCA_GGCPRPCURR6
GMTODGarnishment: gross summed month to datePCA_GGMTODCURR6
NCURRGarnishment: current netPCA_GNCURRCURR6
NCPRPGarnishment: net summed over current payroll periodPCA_GNCPRPCURR6
NMTODGarnishment: net summed month to datePCA_GNMTODCURR6
XCURRGarnishment: current non-exempt amountPCA_GXCURRCURR6
XXTNDGarnishment: extended non-exempt amountPCA_GXXTNDCURR6
NXUNAUnit of amount value in non-exempt calculationPCA_NXUNACHAR2
IGRNPGarnishment: indicator that a payment has been madePCA_GIGRNPCHAR2
REPRIPriority of the debt in relation to other debtsPCA_REPRINUMC6
RECSESpecial cases for relation of debt to other debtsPCA_RECSECHAR2
RESIDIndicator on how debt is sorted in relation to other debtsPCA_RESIDCHAR2
REWIDIndicator on how debt is weighted in relation to other debtsPCA_REWIDCHAR2
TCPRPGarn.: total paid by higher-priority debts in current PayPerPCA_GTCPRPCURR6
TMTODGarn.: total paid by higher-priority debts in monthPCA_GTMTODCURR6
EXPNTGarnishment payroll: Pointer to entry in ext. table for debtPCA_EXPNTRAW2
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