RMSTC_XCL13 - RMS-TLS: Excel Output: Formats
RMS-TLS: Excel Output: Formats information is stored in SAP table RMSTC_XCL13.
It is part of development package RMSTLSOUT in software component PLM-RM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RMS-TLS: Output Tool".
It is part of development package RMSTLSOUT in software component PLM-RM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RMS-TLS: Output Tool".
Fields for table RMSTC_XCL13
Field Name | Description | Is Key | Data Element | Data Type | Length | Check Table |
MANDT | Client | X | MANDT | CLNT | 3 | T000 |
LAYOUT | Formatting Profile for Output with Microsoft Excel | X | RMSTE_XCL_LAYOUT | CHAR | 10 | RMSTC_XCL10 |
CASE_ID | Case in Which the Format Is Applied | X | RMSTE_XCL_CASE | CHAR | 20 | RMSTC_XCL12 |
FRONTF | Font Color in the Cell in the Microsoft Excel Table | RMSTE_XCL_FRONT_COLOR | INT4 | 4 | ||
BACKF | Filling Color of the Cell in the Microsoft Excel Table | RMSTE_XCL_BACK_COLOR | INT4 | 4 | ||
FONTF | Font in Cell in Microsoft Excel Table | RMSTE_XCL_FONT | CHAR | 30 | ||
SIZEF | Font Size in Cell in Microsoft Excel Table | RMSTE_XCL_FONT_SIZE | INT4 | 4 | ||
BOLDF | Bold Typeface in the Cell Within the Microsoft Excel Table | RMSTE_XCL_BOLD | INT4 | 4 | ||
ITALICF | Italics in the Cell in the Microsoft Excel Table | RMSTE_XCL_ITALIC | INT4 | 4 | ||
ALIGNF | Character Alignment in the Cell in the Microsoft Excel Table | RMSTE_XCL_ALIGN | INT4 | 4 | ||
FRAMETYPF | Border Style of Cell in the Microsoft Excel Table | RMSTE_XCL_FRAME_TYPE | INT4 | 4 | ||
FRAMECOLORF | Border Color of Cell in Microsoft Excel Table | RMSTE_XCL_FRAME_COLOR | INT4 | 4 | ||
CURRENCYF | Currency Format in the Cell in the Microsoft Excel Table | RMSTE_XCL_CURRENCY | CHAR | 3 | ||
NUMBERF | Number Format in the Cell in the Microsoft Excel Table | RMSTE_XCL_NUMBER | INT4 | 4 | ||
DECIMALSF | Decimal Places in the Cell in the Microsoft Excel Table | RMSTE_XCL_DECIMALS | INT4 | 4 | ||
INPUTF | Lock Cell in Microsoft Excel Table | RMSTE_XCL_INPUT | INT4 | 4 | ||