RMSTC_XCL13 - RMS-TLS: Excel Output: Formats

RMS-TLS: Excel Output: Formats information is stored in SAP table RMSTC_XCL13.
It is part of development package RMSTLSOUT in software component PLM-RM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RMS-TLS: Output Tool".

Fields for table RMSTC_XCL13

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
LAYOUTFormatting Profile for Output with Microsoft ExcelXRMSTE_XCL_LAYOUTCHAR10RMSTC_XCL10
CASE_IDCase in Which the Format Is AppliedXRMSTE_XCL_CASECHAR20RMSTC_XCL12
FRONTFFont Color in the Cell in the Microsoft Excel TableRMSTE_XCL_FRONT_COLORINT44
BACKFFilling Color of the Cell in the Microsoft Excel TableRMSTE_XCL_BACK_COLORINT44
FONTFFont in Cell in Microsoft Excel TableRMSTE_XCL_FONTCHAR30
SIZEFFont Size in Cell in Microsoft Excel TableRMSTE_XCL_FONT_SIZEINT44
BOLDFBold Typeface in the Cell Within the Microsoft Excel TableRMSTE_XCL_BOLDINT44
ITALICFItalics in the Cell in the Microsoft Excel TableRMSTE_XCL_ITALICINT44
ALIGNFCharacter Alignment in the Cell in the Microsoft Excel TableRMSTE_XCL_ALIGNINT44
FRAMETYPFBorder Style of Cell in the Microsoft Excel TableRMSTE_XCL_FRAME_TYPEINT44
FRAMECOLORFBorder Color of Cell in Microsoft Excel TableRMSTE_XCL_FRAME_COLORINT44
CURRENCYFCurrency Format in the Cell in the Microsoft Excel TableRMSTE_XCL_CURRENCYCHAR3
NUMBERFNumber Format in the Cell in the Microsoft Excel TableRMSTE_XCL_NUMBERINT44
DECIMALSFDecimal Places in the Cell in the Microsoft Excel TableRMSTE_XCL_DECIMALSINT44
INPUTFLock Cell in Microsoft Excel TableRMSTE_XCL_INPUTINT44
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