SCMC_NODE_PERF - Additional Attributes for Performance Nodes

Additional Attributes for Performance Nodes information is stored in SAP table SCMC_NODE_PERF.
It is part of development package SCMC_CACHE in software component BC-CCM-MON. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CCMS Monitoring Console : Domain Model Cache".

Fields for table SCMC_NODE_PERF

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
MTMCNAMEAlert: Name of Monitoring ContextALMCNAMECHAR40
MTNUMRANGEAlert: monitoring type number range (perm., temp, ...)ALTIDNUMRGCHAR3
MTUIDALert: Unique Identifier for Monitoring Types (used in TID)ALTIDUIDCHAR10
MTCLASSAlert: monitoring type class (perf., single msg.,...)ALTIDMTCLCHAR3
MTINDEXAlert: internal handle for TIDALTIDINDEXCHAR10
EXTINDEXAlert: internal handle for TIDALTIDINDEXCHAR10
CUSTSTATAlert: Customizing StatusALCUSTSTATINT44
RELVALTYPEAlert: MT Performance specific Custom.: Relevant Value TypeALPRELVALTINT44
THRESHDIRAlert: MT Performance specific Custom.: - threshold direct.ALPERTHRDRINT44
THRESHSTATAlert: MT Performance specific Custom.: threshold statusALPERTHRSTINT44
ACTIVTHG2YAlert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold G 2 YALPACTHG2YINT44
ACTIVTHY2RAlert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold Y 2 RALPACTHY2RINT44
ACTIVTHY2GAlert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold Y 2 GALPACTHY2GINT44
ACTIVTHR2YAlert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold R 2 YALPACTHR2YINT44
DEFAUTHG2YAlert: MT Performance Customization: Default Threshold G 2 YALPDETHG2YINT44
DEFAUTHY2RAlert: MT Performance Customization: Default Threshold Y 2 RALPDETHY2RINT44
DEFAUTHY2GAlert: MT Performance Customization: Default Threshold Y 2 GALPDETHY2GINT44
DEFAUTHR2YAlert: MT Performance Customization: Default Threshold R 2 YALPDETHR2YINT44
MSGCLASSXMI logging: company name of external management toolXMILOGCOMPCHAR16
MSGIDMessage ID for an XMI log entryXMILOGMIDCHAR30
CUSGRPNAMEAlert: Customization: Name of Customization GroupALCUSGROUPCHAR40
VALUNITALert: Unit for Perfomance ValuesALUNITCHAR4
DECIMALSALert: Decimal part of Performance ValuesALDECIMALSINT44
PERFCNTHIGAlert: MT Performance specific Values: CounterALPERFCNTINT44
PERFCNTLOWAlert: MT Performance specific Values: CounterALPERFCNTINT44
PERFEVTHIGAlert: MT Performance specific Values: EventsALPERFEVTINT44
PERFEVTLOWAlert: MT Performance specific Values: EventsALPERFEVTINT44
ALRELEVVALAlert: MT Performance specific Values: Alert-Relevant ValueALPERALVALINT44
ALRELVALTIAlert: Time value in timeformatALTIMETIMS6
ALRELVDUMMAlert: Dummy field. Purpose: Alignment of date/time 16 byteALDUMMYC2CHAR2
LASTALSTATAlert: MT Performance specific Values: Last Alert StatusALPLASTALSINT44
LASTPERVALAlert: MT Performance specific Values: Last Performance ValuALPLASTPVINT44
AVG00PVALAlert: MT Performance specific Values: Avg Performance ValueALPAVGPVALINT44
AVG01PVALAlert: MT Performance specific Values: Avg Performance ValueALPAVGPVALINT44
AVG05PVALAlert: MT Performance specific Values: Avg Performance ValueALPAVGPVALINT44
AVG15PVALAlert: MT Performance specific Values: Avg Performance ValueALPAVGPVALINT44
AVG01SVALAlert: MT Performance specific Values: Avg Sum ValueALPAVGSVALINT44
AVG05SVALAlert: MT Performance specific Values: Avg Sum ValueALPAVGSVALINT44
AVG15SVALAlert: MT Performance specific Values: Avg Sum ValueALPAVGSVALINT44
AVG01CVALAlert: MT Performance specific Values: Avg Count ValueALPAVGCVALINT44
AVG05CVALAlert: MT Performance specific Values: Avg Count ValueALPAVGCVALINT44
AVG15CVALAlert: MT Performance specific Values: Avg Count ValueALPAVGCVALINT44
MAXPFVALUEAlert: MT Performance specific Values: Max Performance ValueALPMAXPVALINT44
MAXPFTIMEAlert: Time value in timeformatALTIMETIMS6
MAXPFDUMMYAlert: Dummy field. Purpose: Alignment of date/time 16 byteALDUMMYC2CHAR2
MINPFVALUEAlert: MT Performance specific Values: Min Performance ValueALPMINPVALINT44
MINPFTIMEAlert: Time value in timeformatALTIMETIMS6
MINPFDUMMYAlert: Dummy field. Purpose: Alignment of date/time 16 byteALDUMMYC2CHAR2
RCAlert: Return CodeALRETCODEINT44
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