T169WF02 - Activate Flexible Workflow for Supplier Invoices

Activate Flexible Workflow for Supplier Invoices information is stored in SAP table T169WF02.
It is part of development package APPL_MM_IV_WORKFLOW in software component MM-IV-LIV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Workflow Implementations in area MM-IV".

Fields for table T169WF02

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
MRMWF_01_ACTIVEPayment Block: Flexible Workflow is ActiveMRMWF_01_ACTIVECHAR2
MRMWF_02_ACTIVERelease Completed Invoice: Flexible Workflow is ActiveMRMWF_02_ACTIVECHAR2
MRMWF_CHECK_AUTHCheck Authorizations for Flexible Workflow StepsMRMWF_CHECK_AUTHCHAR2
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