T321 - Assignment MM Movement Type --> MM-WM Movement Type

Assignment MM Movement Type --> MM-WM Movement Type information is stored in SAP table T321.
It is part of development package LVS in software component LE-WM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Application development Warehouse Management (WM)".

Fields for table T321

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
LGNUMWarehouse Number / Warehouse ComplexXLGNUMCHAR3T300
RBLVSReference movement type for WM from material movementsXRBLVSNUMC3
BSLVSSpecial Stock Indicators for Whse MgmtXBSLVSCHAR1
KZBEWMovement indicatorXLVS_KZBEWCHAR1
SOBKZSpecial Stock IndicatorXSOBKZCHAR1T148
BSSKZSpecial movement indicator for warehouse managementXLVS_BSSKZCHAR1T306
LGREFStorage loc. ref.XLVS_LGREFCHAR2T324
BWLVSMovement Type for Warehouse ManagementBWLVSNUMC3T333
BESTQStock Category in the Warehouse Management SystemBESTQCHAR1
TBFKZIndicator: Creation/Cancellation of a Transfer RequirementT321_TBFKZCHAR1
WEDKZIndicator: generate goods receipt dateT321_WEDKZCHAR1
UBFKZIndicator: Creation of a Posting Change NoticeT321_UBFKZCHAR1
TAFKZIndicator: Create transfer order immediatelyT321_TAFKZCHAR1
WENUMWindow for entry of additional dataT321_WENUMCHAR1
BSTQEStock category for stock placement postingT321_BSTQECHAR1
MAILKMail control for background processingLVS_MAILKCHAR2T333M
KUNWEShip-to-party for delivery for WMSLVS_KUNWECHAR10*
LIFNRSupplier account number for inbound delivery WMSLVS_LIFNRCHAR10*
SPE_FOLARSubsequent Delivery Type/SPE/DE_FOLARCHAR4
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