TCP0IA - Valid parameter names and values for TCP0I

Valid parameter names and values for TCP0I information is stored in SAP table TCP0IA.
It is part of development package SCP in software component BC-I18. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP Code Pages".

Fields for table TCP0IA

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
NAMEParameter for I18n System ConfigurationXNLSINSTITMCHAR20
VALUEValue options for i18n sys config parameters (TCP0IA-Value)XINA_SYS_CONFIG_PARAM_VALUE_OPCHAR100
VALUETEXTValue text for i18n sys config parameters (TCP0IA-Valuetext)INA_SYS_CONFIG_PARAM_VALUETEXTCHAR240
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