TCX01 - Control Table for Scheduling

Control Table for Scheduling information is stored in SAP table TCX01.
It is part of development package CX in software component PP-CRP-SCH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "R/3 Application development: R/3 Scheduling".

Fields for table TCX01

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
VAGRPProduction SupervisorXFEVORCHAR6T024F
TERMKZScheduling typeTERMKZCHAR2T482
TERM_AUTOIndicator: Calculate dates automatically during savingTERM_AUTOCHAR2
PROT_AUTODisplay scheduling log automaticallyPROT_AUTOCHAR2
STVERGMaximum number of days start date can be in the pastSTVERGNUMC6
ECKTM_UPDIndicator: Adjust Basic DatesECKTM_UPDCHAR2
AUF_SHIFTIndicator: Shift order/networkAUF_SHIFTCHAR2
REDST_MAXMaximum reduction levelREDST_MAXNUMC2
REDVS_S1Reduction of Floats Before and After Production (%)REDVS_S1DEC2
REDVS_S2Reduction level 2: Red. of floats bef./after prod. (in %)REDVS_S2DEC2
REDVS_S3Reduction level 3: Red. of floats bef./aft. prod. (in %)REDVS_S3DEC2
REDVS_S4Reduction level 4: Red. of floats bef./aft. prod. (in %)REDVS_S4DEC2
REDVS_S5Reduction level 5: Red. of floats bef./aft. prod. (in %)REDVS_S5DEC2
REDVS_S6Reduction level 6: Red. of floats bef./aft. prod. (in %)REDVS_S6DEC2
MATFRUEHLatest date for material stagingLAGE_FRCHAR2
BREAKSIndicator: Scheduling allowing for breaksBREAKSCHAR2
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