TCX0L - Scheduling long term planning: Levels and control parameters

Scheduling long term planning: Levels and control parameters information is stored in SAP table TCX0L.
It is part of development package CX in software component PP-CRP-SCH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "R/3 Application development: R/3 Scheduling".

Fields for table TCX0L

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
AUFTGOrder group for capacity planningXAUFTGCHAR2
AUFTAOrder type in capacity planningXAUFTACHAR4
VAGRPProduction SupervisorXFEVORCHAR3T024F
PLSCNPlanning Scenario in Long-Term PlanningXPLSCNNUMC3PLSC
APLS1_LTPSelection ID for routing (long term planning)APLS1_LTPCHAR2TCA43
KAPK1_LTPCreate capacity requirements (long term planning)KAPKX_LTPCHAR1
TERM1_LTPLead time scheduling (long term planning)TERMX_LTPCHAR1
DADJ2Adjust dates in lead time schedulingDADJ2CHAR1
DADJ3Adjusting dates when dispatching planned ordersDADJ3CHAR1
TERMKZScheduling typeTERMKZCHAR1T482
STVERGMaximum number of days start date can be in the pastSTVERGNUMC3
MATFRUEHLatest date for material stagingLAGE_FRCHAR1
BREAKSIndicator: Scheduling allowing for breaksBREAKSCHAR1
PROD_DATESScheduling based on production datesPROD_DATESCHAR1
REDST_MAXMaximum reduction levelREDST_MAXNUMC1
REDVS_S1Reduction of Floats Before and After Production (%)REDVS_S1DEC2
REDVS_S2Reduction level 2: Red. of floats bef./after prod. (in %)REDVS_S2DEC2
REDVS_S3Reduction level 3: Red. of floats bef./aft. prod. (in %)REDVS_S3DEC2
REDVS_S4Reduction level 4: Red. of floats bef./aft. prod. (in %)REDVS_S4DEC2
REDVS_S5Reduction level 5: Red. of floats bef./aft. prod. (in %)REDVS_S5DEC2
REDVS_S6Reduction level 6: Red. of floats bef./aft. prod. (in %)REDVS_S6DEC2
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