TF600 - Consolidation of Investments Methods

Consolidation of Investments Methods information is stored in SAP table TF600.
It is part of development package FC06_UC in software component EC-CS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP Consolidation: Consolidation of Investments".

Fields for table TF600

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
COITPAccounting technique for the consolidation of investmentsFC_COITPCHAR2
USGAAPCalculate acquisitions with direct shares/group sharesFC_USGAAPCHAR2
GWPROCTreatment of GoodwillFC_GWPROCCHAR2
NGPROCTreatment of negative goodwillFC_NGPROCCHAR2
GWLCFLGCarry Goodwill in Local CurrencyFC_GWLCFLGCHAR2
GWIEFLGPost Goodwill at Investee UnitFC_GWIEFLGCHAR2
HIREXCException for fair value adjustmentsFC_HIREXCCHAR2
GWNEXCException Goodwill Extraordinary AmortizationFC_GWNEXCCHAR2
GWAEXCException Goodwill Ordinary AmortizationFC_GWAEXCCHAR2
GWWEXCException for Direct Writeoff of GoodwillFC_GWWEXCCHAR2
GWDEXCException for direct elimination of goodwillFC_GWDEXCCHAR2
GWREXCException for periodic reduction of goodwillFC_GWREXCCHAR2
NGNEXCException Negative Goodwill Extraordinary AmortizationFC_NGNEXCCHAR2
NGAEXCException Negative Goodwill Ordinary AmortizationFC_NGAEXCCHAR2
NGWEXCException for Direct Writeoff of Negative GoodwillFC_NGWEXCCHAR2
NGDEXCException for direct elimination of negative goodwillFC_NGDEXCCHAR2
NGREXCException for periodic reduction of negative goodwillFC_NGREXCCHAR2
NEQEXCException for Negative Stockholders' EquityFC_NEQEXCCHAR2
NINVFLGEnable negative investmentsFC_NINVFLGCHAR2
NMINFLGNo calculation of minority interestFC_NMINFLGCHAR2
HRREVProcedure for eliminating hidden reserves/contingencies(FVA)FC_HRREVCHAR2
HRSHAScope of elimination of hidden reserves/contingenciesFC_HRSHACHAR2
HRSITYPSubitem category for hidden reserves (fair value adjustment)FC_HRSITYPCHAR6TF110
HRAQDSISubitem for transferring hidden reserves (fair value adj.)FC_HRAQDSICHAR20TF115
HRDPCSISubitem for amortization of hidden reserves (fair value adj)FC_HRDPCSICHAR20TF115
HRDPDSISubitem for writeups of hidden reserves (fair value adj.)FC_HRDPDSICHAR20TF115
NHSITYPSubitem category for hidden contingencies (fair value adj.)FC_NHSITYPCHAR6TF110
NHAQCSISubitem for transferring hidden contingencies (fair val.adj)FC_NHAQCSICHAR20TF115
NHDPDSISubitem for changes to hidden contingencies - debitFC_NHDPDSICHAR20TF115
NHDPCSISubitem for changes to hidden contingencies - creditFC_NHDPCSICHAR20TF115
GWAYRLife of goodwill amortization in yearsFC_GWAYRNUMC4
GWAPELife of goodwill amortization in monthsFC_GWAPENUMC6
GWABGStart date for the amortization of new goodwillFC_GWABGCHAR2
GWARFLGAmortize new goodwill over remaining lifeFC_GWARFLGCHAR2
GWALFLGThreshold value for the amortization of goodwillFC_GWALFLGCHAR2
GWALVALThreshold value for the amortization of goodwillFC_GWALVALCURR12
GWALCURGroup currency for threshold for goodwill amortizationFC_GWALCURCUKY10TCURC
GWRYRLife of the periodic reduction of goodwill - yearsFC_GWRYRNUMC4
GWRPELife of periodic reduction of goodwill - monthsFC_GWRPENUMC6
GWRBGBeginning date of the periodic reduction of new goodwillFC_GWRBGCHAR2
GWRRFLGReduce the new goodwill over its remaining lifeFC_GWRRFLGCHAR2
GWRLFLGThreshold value for the periodic reduction of goodwillFC_GWRLFLGCHAR2
GWRLVALThreshold value for the periodic reduction of goodwillFC_GWRLVALCURR12
GWRLCURGroup currency for threshold for periodic reduction of GWFC_GWRLCURCUKY10TCURC
NGAYRLife of amortization of negative goodwill in yearsFC_NGAYRNUMC4
NGAPELife of amortization of negative goodwill in monthsFC_NGAPENUMC6
NGABGBeginning date of amortization of new negative goodwillFC_NGABGCHAR2
NGARFLGAmortization of new negative goodwill over remain. lifeFC_NGARFLGCHAR2
NGALFLGThreshold for amortization of negative goodwillFC_NGALFLGCHAR2
NGALVALThreshold for amortization of negative goodwillFC_NGALVALCURR12
NGALCURGroup currency f. threshold of neg. goodwill amortizationFC_NGALCURCUKY10TCURC
NGRYRLife of periodic reduction of negative goodwill - yearsFC_NGRYRNUMC4
NGRPELife of periodic reduction of negative goodwill - monthsFC_NGRPENUMC6
NGRBGBeginning date of the reduction of new negative goodwillFC_NGRBGCHAR2
NGRRFLGReduce new negative goodwill over its remaining lifeFC_NGRRFLGCHAR2
NGRLFLGThreshold for periodic reduction of negative goodwillFC_NGRLFLGCHAR2
NGRLVALThreshold for periodic reduction of negative goodwillFC_NGRLVALCURR12
NGRLCURGroup currency of threshold for periodic reduction of neg.GWFC_NGRLCURCUKY10TCURC
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