TFK066B - Collection History: Customizing of Variants, Details

Collection History: Customizing of Variants, Details information is stored in SAP table TFK066B.
It is part of development package FKK_CM in software component FI-CA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FI-CA: Collections Management".

Fields for table TFK066B

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
VARIANTIDCollection History: Collection of Events in VariantsXCOLLHIST_VARID_KKCHAR16TFK066A
VARSEQNOCollection History: Sequence Number within VariantXCOLLHIST_VARSEQNO_KKNUMC4
EVENTIDIdentification of Collection History EventCOLLHIST_EVEID_KKCHAR8TFK065B
EVENTID_REFCollection History: Event Providing ContextCOLLHIST_EVEIDREF_KKCHAR8TFK065B
SUPPRESS_DETAILSCollection History: Suppress Determination of DetailsCOLLHIST_NODETAIL_KKCHAR2
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