UCF6300 - C/I: Methods

C/I: Methods information is stored in SAP table UCF6300.
It is part of development package UCF6 in software component FIN-SEM-BCS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SEM-BCS: Consolidation of Investments".

Fields for table UCF6300

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
METHIDGUID for Identifying the MethodXUC_METHIDCHAR44
COITPAccounting Technique for Consolidation of InvestmentsUC_COITPCHAR2
USGAAPCalculate Acquisitions with Direct Shares or Group SharesUC_USGAAPCHAR2
EQIGSHEquity Adjustment with Group Share or Direct InvestmentUC_EQIGSHCHAR2
GWLCFLGRecord Goodwill in Local CurrencyUC_GWLCFLGCHAR2
GWIEFLGPost Goodwill to Investee UnitUC_GWIEFLGCHAR2
GWIEFLG_INDIPost Indirect Differential to Investee UnitUC_GWIEFLG_INDICHAR2
GWMINADJ_INDIMinority Interest in Differential in Indirect ActivitiesUC_GWMINADJ_INDICHAR2
GWPROCTreatment of GoodwillUC_GWPROCCHAR2
NGPROCTreatment of Negative GoodwillUC_NGPROCCHAR2
GWNEXCException for Extraordinary Amortizion of GoodwillUC_GWNEXCCHAR2
GWAEXCException for Ordinary Amortization of GoodwillUC_GWAEXCCHAR2
GWWEXCException for Direct Writeoff of GoodwillUC_GWWEXCCHAR2
GWDEXCException for Direct Elimination of GoodwillUC_GWDEXCCHAR2
GWREXCException for Periodic Reduction of GoodwillUC_GWREXCCHAR2
NGNEXCException for Extraordinary Amortization of Neg. GoodwillUC_NGNEXCCHAR2
NGAEXCException for Ordinary Amortization of Negative GoodwillUC_NGAEXCCHAR2
NGWEXCException for Direct Writeoff of Negative GoodwillUC_NGWEXCCHAR2
NGDEXCException for Direct Elimination of Negative GoodwillUC_NGDEXCCHAR2
NGREXCException for Periodic Reduction of Negative GoodwillUC_NGREXCCHAR2
NEQEXCException for Negative Stockholders' EquityUC_NEQEXCCHAR2
NINVFLGAllow Negative InvestmentsUC_NINVFLGCHAR2
NMINFLGNo Calculation of Minority InterestUC_NMINFLGCHAR2
GWAYRLife of Goodwill Amortization in YearsUC_GWAYRNUMC4
GWAPELife of Goodwill Amortization in PeriodsUC_GWAPENUMC6
GWABGStart of Amortization of New GoodwillUC_GWABGCHAR2
GWARFLGAmortization of New Goodwill over Remaining LifeUC_GWARFLGCHAR2
GWALFLGLimit for Amortization of GoodwillUC_GWALFLGCHAR2
GWAPCNTPercentage Rate of AmortizationUC_DEPPCNTDEC6
GWRYRLife of Periodic Reduction of Goodwill in YearsUC_GWRYRNUMC4
GWRPELife of Periodic Reduction of Goodwill in PeriodsUC_GWRPENUMC6
GWRBGStart of Periodic Reduction of New GoodwillUC_GWRBGCHAR2
GWRRFLGReduce New Goodwill over Its Remaining LifeUC_GWRRFLGCHAR2
GWRLFLGLimit for Periodic Reduction of GoodwillUC_GWRLFLGCHAR2
GWRPCNTPercentage Rate of AmortizationUC_DEPPCNTDEC6
NGAYRLife of Amortization of Negative Goodwill in YearsUC_NGAYRNUMC4
NGAPELife of Amortization of Negative Goodwill in PeriodsUC_NGAPENUMC6
NGABGStart of Amortization of New Negative GoodwillUC_NGABGCHAR2
NGARFLGAmortize New Negative Goodwill over Remaining Useful LifeUC_NGARFLGCHAR2
NGALFLGLimit for Amortization of Negative GoodwillUC_NGALFLGCHAR2
NGAPCNTPercentage Rate of AmortizationUC_DEPPCNTDEC6
NGRYRLife of Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill in YearsUC_NGRYRNUMC4
NGRPELife of Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill in PeriodsUC_NGRPENUMC6
NGRBGStart of Reduction of New Negative GoodwillUC_NGRBGCHAR2
NGRRFLGReduce New Negative Goodwill over Its Remaining Useful LifeUC_NGRRFLGCHAR2
NGRLFLGLimit for Periodic Reduction of Negative GoodwillUC_NGRLFLGCHAR2
NGRPCNTPercentage Rate of AmortizationUC_DEPPCNTDEC6
GWAACC1GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWAACC1MGUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWAACC1BGGUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWAACC1CYGUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWAACC2GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWAACC2BGGUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWAACC2CYGUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWAACC3GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWAACC4GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWAACC5GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWAACC7GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWDACC1GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWDACC1MGUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWDACC2GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWDACC4GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWRACC1GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWRACC1MGUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWRACC1BGGUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWRACC1CYGUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWRACC2GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWRACC3GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
GWRACC4GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGAACC1GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGAACC1MGUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGAACC1BGGUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGAACC1CYGUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGAACC2GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGAACC2BGGUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGAACC2CYGUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGAACC3GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGAACC4GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGAACC5GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGAACC7GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGDACC1GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGDACC1MGUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGDACC2GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGDACC4GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGRACC1GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGRACC1MGUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGRACC1BGGUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGRACC1CYGUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGRACC2GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGRACC3GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
NGRACC4GUID to Identify Posting RuleUC_ACCIDCHAR44
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