WB2_C_TC_CON - Condition consolidation: Control table
Condition consolidation: Control table information is stored in SAP table WB2_C_TC_CON.
It is part of development package WB2_TC_CONSOLIDATION in software component LO-GT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Trading Contract Consolidation".
It is part of development package WB2_TC_CONSOLIDATION in software component LO-GT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Trading Contract Consolidation".
Fields for table WB2_C_TC_CON
Field Name | Description | Is Key | Data Element | Data Type | Length | Check Table |
CLIENT | Client | X | MANDT | CLNT | 6 | T000 |
APPLICATION | Application | X | KAPPL | CHAR | 4 | T681A |
TC_TYPE | Trading Contract Type | X | TCTYP | CHAR | 8 | TB2BE |
IS_HEADER | Entry for header | X | WB2_IS_HEADER | CHAR | 2 | |
ITEM_CAT | Item Category | X | HKPSTP | CHAR | 8 | TB2BK |
KALSM | Procedure (Pricing, Output Control, Acct. Det., Costing,...) | X | KALSM_D | CHAR | 12 | T683 |
COND_CON_ALG | Algorithm for condition consolidation | WB2_COND_CONSOL_ALGORITHM | CHAR | 4 | ||
COND_TR | Condition transformation | WB2_COND_TR | CHAR | 8 | WB2_C_COND_TR | |
CP_HD_PART | Copy header partner | WB2_CP_HEADER_PARTNER | CHAR | 2 | ||
CP_IT_PART | Copy item partner | WB2_CP_ITEM_PARTNER | CHAR | 2 | ||
PR_COND_TYPE | Default pricing condition type | WB2_PR_COND_TYPE | CHAR | 8 | T685 | |
PR_RULE | Price Rule | WB2_PRICE_RULE | CHAR | 2 |