/PM0/3FJMIGPROG - Table for Migration Programs and Their Status

Table for Migration Programs and Their Status information is stored in SAP table /PM0/3FJMIGPROG.
It is part of development package /PM0/3F_DDIC in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DDIC Objects".

Fields for table /PM0/3FJMIGPROG

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
MIG_PROGLabel for Subprogram Name (FUGR, BSP, or Similar Channel)X/PM0/3FJ_PROGNAMECHAR80
SUCCESSHas Migration Program Run Successfully?/PM0/3FJ_SUCCESSCHAR2
INSERT_SUBCTRLSubcontroller Models and Nodes Implemented Successfully?/PM0/3FJ_INSERT_SUBCTRLCHAR2
DELETE_MODELAssignment Model and Node Deleted Successfully?/PM0/3FJ_DELETE_MODELCHAR2
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