/SLOAP/BC_INFO - Basis information

Basis information information is stored in SAP table /SLOAP/BC_INFO.
It is part of development package /SLOAP/STORE in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SLO AP result storage".

Fields for table /SLOAP/BC_INFO

Field Name
Is Key
Data Element
Data Type
Check Table
GUIDGlobally Unique IdentifierXGUIDRAW16
INSTNRInstallation numberCHAR20
KUNNRCustomer NumberKUNNRCHAR20*
SYSIDCommunication Identification/NumberSYSIDCHAR60
OPSYSHost name for table TALIMHOSTCHAR40
DBSYSName of Operating SystemOPSYSCHAR20*
EXP_DBKBDatabase sizeDEC5
EXP_FREEDatabas free memoryDEC5
EXP_USEDDatabase used memoryDEC5
EXP_CPUavailable CPUsINT44
EXP_MEMavailable MemoryINT44
AC_MODULnumber of active modulesINT44
CO_ACControlling activeCHAR2
FI_ACFinacials activeCHAR2
SD_ACsales and distribution activeCHAR2
LO_AClogistic activeCHAR2
LE_AClogistic execution activeCHAR2
QM_ACquality management activeCHAR2
MM_ACmaterial management activeCHAR2
PS_ACproject system activeCHAR2
PM_ACplant maintenance activeCHAR2
NUM_MOD_REPnumber of source modificationsINT44
NUM_MOD_R_HIGHnumber of source modifications (high)INT44
NUM_MOD_R_MIDnumber of source modifications (midel)INT44
NUM_MOD_R_LOWnumber of source modifications (low)INT44
MOD_ALLnumber of all modificationsINT44
NUM_MOD_TABnumber of ddic modificationsINT44
NUM_NODESnumber of imported notesINT44
NUM_USER_ACTIVEnumber of active userINT44
NUM_USER_INACTnumber of inactive userINT44
NUM_USER_SAPALLnumber of user with sap allINT44
NUM_CLIENTnumber of clientsINT44
NUM_CFUNC_RFCnumber of customer function modules RFCINT44
NUM_CFUNC_ALLnumber of customer function modules allINT44
NUM_CBAPISnumber of customer bapisINT44
NUM_CBADISnumber of customer badisINT44
NUM_CREP_USEDnumber of customer reports usedINT44
NUM_CREP_NONUSEDnumber of customer reports non-usedINT44
NUM_CREP_WRITEnumber of customer reports used (act writing)INT44
NUM_CREP_DATASETnumber of customer reports used including interfacesINT44
NUM_CREP_ALLnumber of customer reporst allINT44
NUM_CTCO_USEDnumber of customer transactions usedINT44
NUM_CTCO_NONUSEDnumber of customer transactions non-usedINT44
NUM_CTCO_ALLnumber of customer transactions allINT44
NUM_DB_CODEPAGEnumber of codepages (database)INT44
NUM_LOGON_SPnumber of available languagesINT44
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