CRMT_TRANSACTION_CLASSIFICATN - CRM Business Transaction Classification

SAP data element CRMT_TRANSACTION_CLASSIFICATN has the title "CRM Business Transaction Classification".
It is part of development package CRM_ORDER in software component CRM-BTX-BF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CRM Order: General Order Processing".

Properties of data element CRMT_TRANSACTION_CLASSIFICATN

Data TypeCHAR
Output Length1
Supports lower caseNo
Conversion Routine
Short DescriptionBTX Class.
Medium DescriptionTrans.Classification
Long DescriptionTransaction Classification

Tables with fields of type CRMT_TRANSACTION_CLASSIFICATN

The data element CRMT_TRANSACTION_CLASSIFICATN is used by fields in the following tables.

Development Package
CRMS4D_IUCH_HOneOrder - Utilities Contract - HeaderCRMS4_IU_ORDERS4CRM-IS Utilities: One Order Sales Contract Management
CRMC_PROC_TYPEBusiness Transaction TypeCRM_ORDERCRM Order: General Order Processing
CRMC_TRANS_CLASSBusiness Transaction ClassificationCRM_ORDERCRM Order: General Order Processing
CRMC_TRN_CLASS_TBusiness Transaction Classification TextsCRM_ORDERCRM Order: General Order Processing
CRMS4D_GRAP_HGrantor Application HeaderCRM_ISPS_GAP_APPLICATIONGrantor Application Business Logic
CRMS4D_ACTV_HActivity Header: Header transaction dataCRMS4_ORDEROne Order: Redesign of Persistence Layer
CRMS4D_KNAR_HKnowledge Article HeaderCRMS4_ORDEROne Order: Redesign of Persistence Layer
CRMS4D_OPPT_HHeader details of Opportunities and LeadsCRMS4_ORDEROne Order: Redesign of Persistence Layer
CRMS4D_OPPT_IItem details of Opportunities and LeadsCRMS4_ORDEROne Order: Redesign of Persistence Layer
CRMS4D_SERV_HHeader of service transactionsCRMS4_ORDEROne Order: Redesign of Persistence Layer
CRMS4D_SERV_IItems of service transactionsCRMS4_ORDEROne Order: Redesign of Persistence Layer
CRMS4D_COMP_HHeader Table for ComplaintsCRMS4_COMPLAINT_BOComplaints Business Object
CRMS4D_COMP_IItem Table for ComplaintsCRMS4_COMPLAINT_BOComplaints Business Object
CRMS4D_DMEA_HEnforcement Action HeaderCRM_PS_DM_EAPublic Sector Debt Management - Enforcement Actions
CRMS4D_PSDP_HSocial Deduction Plan HeaderCRMS4_PS_1O_PERSISTENCYOne Order Persistency Objects for Social Services
CRMS4D_PSOA_HSocial Application / Payment Request HeaderCRMS4_PS_1O_PERSISTENCYOne Order Persistency Objects for Social Services
CRMS4D_PSSP_HSocial Service Plan HeaderCRMS4_PS_1O_PERSISTENCYOne Order Persistency Objects for Social Services
CRMD_ORDERADM_HBusiness TransactionCOM_ORDERGeneral Objects in the Sales Transaction Environment
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