J_1IUSNAM - Created By

SAP data element J_1IUSNAM has the title "Created By".
It is part of development package J1I2 in software component FI-LOC-LO-IN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "India, Phase II".

Properties of data element J_1IUSNAM

Data TypeCHAR
Output Length12
Supports lower caseNo
Conversion Routine
Short DescriptionEntered by
Medium DescriptionEntered by
Long DescriptionEntered by user

Tables with fields of type J_1IUSNAM

The data element J_1IUSNAM is used by fields in the following tables.

Development Package
J_1IQEXCISEQuantity based AED, NCCD and SEDJ1ICIN30ADevelopment class for cin30a
J_1IASSVALAssessable value table for excise calculationJ1I2India, Phase II
J_1IBONDExcise Bonding: Bonds/UT-/Running Bond masterJ1ICIN40ACIN40A developments
J_1IEXCDTLExcise invoice line item detailsJ1I2India, Phase II
J_1IEXCHDRExcise invoice header detailJ1I2India, Phase II
J_1IGAR7Recordings of GAR7J1I2India, Phase II
J_1IKONVExcise recalculated conditionsJ1I2India, Phase II
J_1ILICDTLExcise Bonding: License detailJ1ICIN40ACIN40A developments
J_1ILICHDRExcise Bonding: License HeaderJ1ICIN40ACIN40A developments
J_1IRG1Excise RG1 detailsJ1I2India, Phase II
J_1IRG23DRG23D register for the depotJ1I2India, Phase II
J_1ISERCATGTAService Category based on GTA Code (LEVEL 5)J1I2India, Phase II
J_1ISERCATMMService category determination for GTA and imports InvoicesJ1I2India, Phase II
J_1ISERCATMM1Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level1J1I2India, Phase II
J_1ISERCATMM2Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level2J1I2India, Phase II
J_1ISERCATMM3Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level3J1I2India, Phase II
J_1ISERCATMM4Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level4J1I2India, Phase II
J_1ISERCATMM5Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level5J1I2India, Phase II
J_1ISERCATMMFI1Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level1J1I2India, Phase II
J_1ISERCATMMFI2Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level2J1I2India, Phase II
J_1ISERCATMMFI3Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level3J1I2India, Phase II
J_1ISERCATMMFI4Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level4J1I2India, Phase II
J_1ISERCATSDFI1Customization table to determine the Service Category Level1J1I2India, Phase II
J_1ISERCATSDFI2Customization table to determine the Service Category Level2J1I2India, Phase II
J_1ISERCATSDFI3Customization table to determine the Service Category Level3J1I2India, Phase II
J_1ISERCATSDFI4Customization table to determine the Service Category Level4J1I2India, Phase II
J_1I_WTH_SER_MMTable to determine withholding line for GTA and ImportsJ1I2India, Phase II
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