OIU_ACTL_ENERGY_U - Actual Energy Unit

SAP data element OIU_ACTL_ENERGY_U has the title "Actual Energy Unit".
It is part of development package OIU in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)".

Properties of data element OIU_ACTL_ENERGY_U

Data TypeUNIT
Output Length3
Supports lower caseYes
Conversion RoutineCUNIT
Short DescriptionUnit
Medium DescriptionEnergy Unit
Long DescriptionEnergy Unit

Tables with fields of type OIU_ACTL_ENERGY_U

The data element OIU_ACTL_ENERGY_U is used by fields in the following tables.

Development Package
/PRA/CA_PVR_PTRDatabase table to hold the PVR PTR volume/PRA/VALUATIONValuation
/PRA/CA_PVR_PTRDatabase table to hold the PVR PTR volume/PRA/VALUATIONValuation
/PRA/GA_ACTL_WCStep 5 : Allocated Actual Residue for each well completion/PRA/CA_SPFSimple Plant Gas Analysis
/PRA/GA_ACTL_WCStep 5 : Allocated Actual Residue for each well completion/PRA/CA_SPFSimple Plant Gas Analysis
/PRA/GA_PF_WCStep 3: Allocate Plant and other fuel for each WC/PRA/CA_SPFSimple Plant Gas Analysis
/PRA/GA_PF_WCStep 3: Allocate Plant and other fuel for each WC/PRA/CA_SPFSimple Plant Gas Analysis
/PRA/GA_SHRIN_WCStep 2: Shrinkage for Each Product for each well completion/PRA/CA_SPFSimple Plant Gas Analysis
/PRA/GA_SHRIN_WCStep 2: Shrinkage for Each Product for each well completion/PRA/CA_SPFSimple Plant Gas Analysis
/PRA/GA_THEON_WCStep1 : Theoretical Volumes for Each Well Completion for NGL/PRA/CA_SPFSimple Plant Gas Analysis
/PRA/GA_THEOR_WCStep 4: Shrinkage for Each Product(NGL) for each WC/PRA/CA_SPFSimple Plant Gas Analysis
/PRA/GA_THEOR_WCStep 4: Shrinkage for Each Product(NGL) for each WC/PRA/CA_SPFSimple Plant Gas Analysis
/PRA/GA_THEOR_WCStep 4: Shrinkage for Each Product(NGL) for each WC/PRA/CA_SPFSimple Plant Gas Analysis
/PRA/GA_THEOR_WCStep 4: Shrinkage for Each Product(NGL) for each WC/PRA/CA_SPFSimple Plant Gas Analysis
/PRA/SB_ACTMP_VActual Owner Level Contractual Allocations Results at MP's/PRA/VERSIONINGMain package for Versioning
/PRA/SB_ACTWC_VActual Owner Level Contractual Allocations Results at WC's/PRA/VERSIONINGMain package for Versioning
/PRA/SB_RNAMP_VResidue and NGL Actual at Measurement Point Level/PRA/VERSIONINGMain package for Versioning
/PRA/SB_RNAWC_VResidue and NGL Actual at WC Level/PRA/VERSIONINGMain package for Versioning
/PRA/FF_RESULTSAAllocation Results - Actual/PRA/ONRR_FFONRR - Field Fuels
OIUP_SB_ACTMPActual Owner Level CA results at MP's (PDM Shadow)OIU_PPartitioned Data Management
OIUP_SB_ACTWCActual Owner Level CA results at WC's (PDM Shadow)OIU_PPartitioned Data Management
OIUP_SB_RNAWCResidue and NGL actual at a WC level (PDM Shadow)OIU_PPartitioned Data Management
OIUX1_ARCH_TAXHTax transaction header for reportingOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIUX2_PUID_TAXHTax transaction header for reportingOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_ACTMPActual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at MP'sOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_ACTMP_TActual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at MP'sOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_ACTWCActual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at WC'sOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_ACTWC_TActual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at WC'sOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNAMPResidue and NGL actual at a MP levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNAMPResidue and NGL actual at a MP levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNAMPResidue and NGL actual at a MP levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNAMP_TTemporary Residue and NGL actual at a MP levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNAMP_TTemporary Residue and NGL actual at a MP levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNAMP_TTemporary Residue and NGL actual at a MP levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNAWCResidue and NGL actual at a WC levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNAWCResidue and NGL actual at a WC levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNAWCResidue and NGL actual at a WC levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNAWC_TTemporary Residue and NGL actual at a WC levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNAWC_TTemporary Residue and NGL actual at a WC levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIU_SB_RNAWC_TTemporary Residue and NGL actual at a WC levelOIUPRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)
OIUTV_SB_ACTWC_BActual Owner Level Contractual Allocations Results at WC'sOIU_TVPRA Automating Validations
OIUTV_SB_RNAWC_BBaseline - Residue and NGL Actual at WC LevelOIU_TVPRA Automating Validations
OIUGR_PRDT_CAGen Rep - PRA Detail CA DataOIU_GRGeneric Royalty SLA
OIUGR_ROYHST_CAGen Rep - Royalty History CA DataOIU_GRGeneric Royalty SLA
OIUGR_ROYSTG_CAGen Rep - Royalty Transaction CA Data (Staging)OIU_GRGeneric Royalty SLA
OIUGR_ROYTXN_CAGen Rep - Royalty Transaction CA DataOIU_GRGeneric Royalty SLA
OIUX1_ADJ_TAXDCTax adjustments detail for reportingOIU_X1PRA Tax Reporting - Tax Reporting Framework
OIUX1_PUID_TAXHTax transaction header for reportingOIU_X1PRA Tax Reporting - Tax Reporting Framework
OIUX1_RPT_TAXHTax transaction header for reportingOIU_X1PRA Tax Reporting - Tax Reporting Framework
OIUX1_TRN_TAXDCTax transaction detail for reportingOIU_X1PRA Tax Reporting - Tax Reporting Framework
OIUX1_TRN_TAXDLTax transaction detail for reportingOIU_X1PRA Tax Reporting - Tax Reporting Framework
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