REPOBJ - Object Number Replenishment Element

SAP data element REPOBJ has the title "Object Number Replenishment Element".
It is part of development package GPD in software component IS-AD-GPD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Grouping, Pegging and Distribution".

Properties of data element REPOBJ

Data TypeCHAR
Output Length22
Supports lower caseYes
Conversion Routine
Short DescriptionRepl.Elem.
Medium DescriptionReplenishm. El.
Long DescriptionReplenishment Elem.

Tables with fields of type REPOBJ

The data element REPOBJ is used by fields in the following tables.

Development Package
DIS_WLSTDistribution: Worklist of Changed ObjectsGPDGrouping, Pegging and Distribution
GPD_TARCH_REPOBJGPD Archiving Replenishment Object tableAD_GPD_ARCHGPD Archiving
PEG_STOPegging: Record of goods movements w.r.t STO'sGPDGrouping, Pegging and Distribution
PEG_TACTASSPegging: Current Assignments Based on Goods MovementsGPDGrouping, Pegging and Distribution
PEG_TACTASSPegging: Current Assignments Based on Goods MovementsGPDGrouping, Pegging and Distribution
PEG_TASSPegging: Assignment Replenishment Element to WBS ElementsGPDGrouping, Pegging and Distribution
PEG_TASS_HIST_DPegging History: DetailAD_GPD_01A&D GPD Improvements
PEG_TASS_TMPGrp-to-Grp Transf. Pegging: Assign. of Replen to WBS Elems.GPDGrouping, Pegging and Distribution
PEG_TASS_WLSTTemp. assignments for sub-components of grp to grp transfersGPDGrouping, Pegging and Distribution
PEG_TASS_WLSTTemp. assignments for sub-components of grp to grp transfersGPDGrouping, Pegging and Distribution
PEG_TGTGPegging: Record of group to group transfersGPDGrouping, Pegging and Distribution
PEG_TGTG_EXCA&D GPD: Group to group initial pegGPDGrouping, Pegging and Distribution
PEG_TXPTPegging: Record of intransit stock in cross plant transfersGPDGrouping, Pegging and Distribution
PEG_TXPTPegging: Record of intransit stock in cross plant transfersGPDGrouping, Pegging and Distribution
PEG_TXPT_HISTPegging: intransit stock historyGPDGrouping, Pegging and Distribution
PEG_TXPT_HISTPegging: intransit stock historyGPDGrouping, Pegging and Distribution
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