BW_BEX - BW Business Explorer (BEx)

The development package BW_BEX contains objects for "BW Business Explorer (BEx)".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package RS_BW_STRUPAK. It belongs to software component BW-BEX.

Child development packages of BW_BEX

Development Package
/CRYSTAL/BCBusiness Objects Integrated Reporting
RSAOMain Package Analysis Office
RSCIObjects for Special Web Items
RSCRFormatted Reporting
RSDINPData Entry for Demo and Prototyping
RSERReport Designer (reserved). Also see RS_BEX_REPORT
RSFC_TXTTexts for RSFC Transaction
RSGISBEx GIS Server Components
RSIGSFunctions for IGS Call
RSKPIKPI Monitoring
RSLABW Query Launch Configuration - Launch Query via http
RSPORPortal Integration
RSRBBW: Batch Reporting
RSRB12Batch reporting objects in release 1.2
RSRB20Objects of Batch Reporting in Release 2.0
RSRDBW: Broadcasting
RSRDABroadcasting - ALV
RSRDA_IBroadcasting - ALV Internal
RSRDEBroadcasting - Enhancements
RSRD_ADMINBroadcasting Administration
RSRD_MSBroadcasting - Integration in MS Office
RSRD_RLPBroadcasting - Enhancement for Report List Pattern (RLP)
RSR_EXCEL_PRECALCPackage for Precalculation of Workbooks
RSS_BEXBIW: General Services - BEx Package
RSWEBRUNTIMEWeb Runtime Environment Functions (7.x)
RSZAWeb Query Designer
RS_BCT_ESM_BWBW Technology Development for ESM Scenario
RS_BEX_REPORTBusiness Intelligence BEx Report
RS_DSDesign Studio
RS_FE_INTPackages for Front-End Integration
RS_OBJECT_SERVICESBW Object Services (RSOBJS) Open and Save
RS_WEB_BIITEMSBW: Netweaver Web-Items
RS_WEB_DESIGNTIMEBW Web DesignTime and Metadata as of BW Release 7.x
RS_WEB_DESIGNTIME_3XWeb Designtime up to BW Release 3.x (Outside CORE)
RS_WEB_RUNTIME_3XWeb Runtime to BW Release 3.x (Outside CORE)
RS_XCLS_INTBusiness Object Excelsius Integration
This development package contains no tables.
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