RSRD - BW: Broadcasting

The development package RSRD contains objects for "BW: Broadcasting".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package BW_BEX. It belongs to software component BW-BEX-ET.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package RSRD

RSRD_ATTRBroadcasting Framework: Producer/Distributor Attributes
RSRD_ATTRTBroadcasting Framework: Texts for Attributes
RSRD_ATTR_DEPDependencies Between Attributes
RSRD_ATTR_GROUPBroadcasting Framework: Attribute Groups of Classes
RSRD_ATTR_GROUPTBroadcasting Framework: Attribute Groups of Classes -Texts
RSRD_ATTR_VALUEPosible Values for Class Attributes in Broadcasting Framewk
RSRD_CREATYPE--- obsolete ---
RSRD_DISTTYPEDocument Types in Broadcasting Framework
RSRD_DISTTYPETText Table for Document Types
RSRD_DISTTYPE_OFPossible Output Formats for This Distribution Type
RSRD_DOC_ATTRDocument Attributes Generated from a Class
RSRD_DOC_ATTRTBroadcasting Framework: Texts for Document Attributes
RSRD_ER_DOCLAYException Report: Definition of Layout (XML Conversion)
RSRD_ER_DOCLAYTTexts for Layout in Exception Reporting
RSRD_ER_DOCTYPEException Reporting Document Type
RSRD_HASHSTRINGHash Strings of BI Data during Precalculations
RSRD_HASH_CNTFrequency of Use of Broadcast Targets
RSRD_OBJTYPEObject Types Supported in Broadcasting
RSRD_OBJTYPETObject Types, Texts Supported in Broadcasting
RSRD_OUTFORMOutput Formats in Broadcast Framework
RSRD_OUTFORMTText Table for Output Formats
RSRD_OUTFORM_OTOutput Format per BW Object Type
RSRD_PERS_STRINGPersonalization of Texts - Mapping Table for Hash Code
RSRD_REGISTRATNRegistration of Settings to Events (Broadcasting)
RSRD_REGISTR_USRPermitted User for Registering Settings for Events
RSRD_SETTINGBroadcasting Settings
RSRD_SETTINGTTexts for Settings in Broadcasting Framework
RSRD_SETT_NODENodes from Broadcast Settings
RSRD_SETT_NODE_AAttributes for Nodes from Broadcast Settings
RSRD_SETT_NODE_TLanguage-Dependent Attributes for Nodes from Settings
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