CY - R/3 Application development: Capacity Planning

The development package CY contains objects for "R/3 Application development: Capacity Planning".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component PP-CRP-ALY.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package CY

CYOPR_MOVEOrder-/operation data
CYTSTR_TABTime stream keys
TC29Distribution key for capacity load
TC29FDistribution function for capacity planning
TC29LDescription of distribution keys
TC29RDescriptions of distribution strategy
TC29SDistribution strategy
TC29TDescriptions of distribution functions
TC29VDistribution function
TCY01Combination of selection sets
TCY02Combinations of selection sets - descriptions
TCY03Kombinations of sel. sets - assignment of sets to combin.
TCY05Classification of fields as primary or secondary sel. fields
TCY06Overall profiles for capacity planning
TCY07Sel. profiles (Sets for sel. screens & interv. for display)
TCY08Option profiles
TCY09List profiles (standard settings for lists)
TCY10Descriptions of overall profiles (Table TCY06)
TCY11Texts for selection profile-table TCY07
TCY12Descriptions of option profiles (Table TCY08)
TCY13Descriptions of list profiles (Table TCY09)
TCY14Variable overview - column names
TCY15Variable overview - column description
TCY16Variable overview - column definition
TCY17List version - keys
TCY18Variable overview - description of overview versions
TCY19Variable overview - definition of overview versions
TCY20Variable overview - column headings for overview vers.
TCY21Graphics profiles
TCY22Descriptions of graphics profiles (Table TCY21)
TCY23Max. no. of data records to be read in capacity planning
TCYDProfile for detailed capacity list
TCYDTTexts for overall profile detailed list
TCYETCapacity planning: Object table for detail list
TCYFProfile detailed list: Displayed fields
TCYFTTexts for displayed fields profile
TCYPProfile detailed list: Criteria grouping
TCYPTTexts for criteria grouping
TCYSProfile detailed list: Sort criteria
TCYSTTexts for sort criteria profile
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