DIMP - Discrete Industries Mill Products

The development package DIMP contains objects for "Discrete Industries Mill Products".
It is a top-level development package. It belongs to software component IS-A.

Child development packages of DIMP

Development Package
/SAPBOQ/ASMDSAPBOQ: Master data for service composite
/SAPBOQ/DDICSAP: Bill of Quantities - Dictionary Objects Definition
/SAPBOQ/SRVPACKSAPBOQ: Service Package General Functions
/SAPCEM/ANLYAnalyses and Special Reoprting Functions
/SAPCEM/BAPIBAPI's f�r CEM Construction Equipment Management
/SAPCEM/BEST1Chaotic Inventory Management
/SAPCEM/BORCEM Business Object Repository (BOR) Objects
/SAPCEM/CUSTCustomizing for CEM
/SAPCEM/DDICCEM Dictionary Objects
/SAPCEM/DDIC_APPCEM Dictionary Objects - Appends
/SAPCEM/DDIC_NO_SWITCHPackage without a switch for append structures
/SAPCEM/DEBIMaster Data Maintenance for Debtors
/SAPCEM/ETM_BPETM Fields in Business Partner
/SAPCEM/IDOCCEM IDoc Development
/SAPCEM/LISCEM Logistics Information System
/SAPCEM/PACHTCEM Lease Settlement
/SAPCEM/PREISEPrice Determination Condition Technique
/SAPCEM/PROG_DATA_CHANGEData Conversion Programs
/SAPCEM/PROG_VSPrograms: Shipping Document
/SAPCEM/SDCEM Sales and Distribution (SD)
/SAPHT/SW_GENERALGeneral objects (area menus, ...)
/SAPMP/01_TEST_CASESMill Products: Package for Test Cases
/SAPMP/ACCOUNTING_COPRODMILL: Separate accounting of coproducts
/SAPMP/ADD_ITEM_PACKAGINGMILL: Calculation of additional items for packaging
/SAPMP/ATRKZ_CONTROLMILL: Control of order types (ATRKZ)
/SAPMP/BATCH_DETMILL: Batch determination
/SAPMP/CLASS_INFO_RECMILL: Classification Info Records
/SAPMP/CM_INFO_RECMILL: Customer material info record
/SAPMP/CM_INFO_REC_APPMILL: Customer material info record - Appends
/SAPMP/CONFIG_BACKGROUNDMILL: Configuration in background
/SAPMP/CONFIG_MATVARMILL: Possibility to change config. for material variants
/SAPMP/CONFIG_PRODORDMILL: Configurable production order to stock
/SAPMP/CONFIG_SUBCONTRACTMILL: Configuration in subcontracting
/SAPMP/CONFLICT_EWMPackage for conflict enhancement implementation Mill - EWM
/SAPMP/COPY_CHARACTMILL: Copy characteristics
/SAPMP/CUT_STOCK_TRANSMILL: Cutting stock transfer
/SAPMP/DDIC_NO_SWITCHPackage without a switch for append structures
/SAPMP/DEL_COPRODMILL: Delition of coproducts
/SAPMP/FAST_DATA_ENTRY_CFMMILL: Fast data entry for characteristics in confirmation
/SAPMP/FAST_DATA_ENTRY_CGMMILL: Fast data entry of characteristics in MIGO
/SAPMP/FAST_DATA_ENTRY_CGM_APPMILL: Fast data entry of characteristics in MIGO - Appends
/SAPMP/FAST_DATA_ENTRY_CLASSMILL: Fast Data Entry Classification
/SAPMP/FAST_DATA_ENTRY_CONFIGMILL: Fast Data Entry Configuration
/SAPMP/FAST_DATA_ENTRY_GEN_APPMILL: Fast Data Entry General - Appends
/SAPMP/FAST_DATA_ENTRY_GTMILL : Fast Data Entry Global Trade
/SAPMP/FAST_DATA_ENTRY_MMMILL: Fast data entry of characteristics in MM
/SAPMP/FAST_DATA_ENTRY_MM_APPMILL: Fast data entry of characteristics in MM - Appends
/SAPMP/FAST_DATA_ENTRY_PPMILL: Fast data entry of characteristics in PP
/SAPMP/FAST_DATA_ENTRY_PP_APPMILL: Fast data entry of characteristics in PP - Appends
/SAPMP/FAST_DATA_ENTRY_SDMILL: Fast data entry of characteristics in SD
/SAPMP/FAST_DATA_ENTRY_SD_APPMILL: Fast data entry of characteristics in SD - Appends
/SAPMP/GENERALMILL: General package
/SAPMP/GENERAL_01Mill enhancements in EhP2
/SAPMP/GENERAL_APPMILL: General package - Appends
/SAPMP/GENERAL_SEMILL: General package; ESA Fast Track
/SAPMP/GEN_MILLFUNCMill Functions for Mining
/SAPMP/GEN_MILLFUNC_TEST_CASE2Mill/Mining Consolidation: Package for External Test Cases 2
/SAPMP/GEN_MILLFUNC_TEST_CASESMill/Mining Consolidation: Package for External Test Cases
/SAPMP/HEADER_CONFIG_PPMILL: Header item configuration
/SAPMP/LO_BM_N2M_APPMILL: Multi Batch - Appends
/SAPMP/MATMASTER_DRUMMILL: Material master changes for drum
/SAPMP/MATMASTER_DRUM_APPMILL: Material master changes for drum - Appends
/SAPMP/MIGRATION_TOOLSMILL: Migration tools (cable)
/SAPMP/OBJ_CHARACTMILL: Object characteristics in purchasing
/SAPMP/OB_GENERALMILL: Original batch general
/SAPMP/OB_MILLMILL: Original batch for IS-MILL
/SAPMP/OB_ORDCOMBMILL: Original batch and order combination
/SAPMP/OB_ORDCOMB_APPMILL: Original batch and order combination - Appends
/SAPMP/ORDCOMB_PPMILL: Order combination PP and PP/PI
/SAPMP/PP_BD_LCMILL: Length Calculation
/SAPMP/PP_CMTSBVALBatch valuation of configurable materials in MTS
/SAPMP/PP_CMTSBVAL_TEST_CASESMill Products: Package for External Test Cases - CMTSBVAL
/SAPMP/PP_CMTSBVAL__TEST_CASESMill Products: Package for External Test Cases - CMTSBVAL
/SAPMP/PP_INTERFACEInterface for Order Combination
/SAPMP/PRT_CAPACITYMILL: PRT with capacity planning
/SAPMP/PRT_CAPACITY_APPMILL: PRT with capacity planning - Appends
/SAPMP/PURCH_HISTMILL: Purchase history
/SAPMP/PURCH_INFO_RECMILL: Purchasing info record with characteristics
/SAPMP/PURCH_INFO_REC_APPMILL: Purchasing info record with characteristics - Appends
/SAPMP/QUAN_COPRODMILL: Base qty proportional settlement rules for coproducts
/SAPMP/RBATP_CHARMILL: RBATP with characteristics
/SAPMP/REEL_CALCMILL: Reel calculation
/SAPMP/REF_CONFIG_PPMILL: Reference characteristics config PP
/SAPMP/RETURN_PACKAGINGMILL: Returnable packaging/processing with rental fee
/SAPMP/SALES_ORDER_VERSMILL: Sales order version
/SAPMP/SEGM_ORDER_PPMILL: Segmentation order
/SAPMP/STOCK_DISPLAYMILL: Stock display with characteristics
/SAPMP/USER_PRODMill Products User Efficiency
/SAPMP/USER_PROD_TEST_CASESMill Products Benutzereffizienz -Paket f�r externe Testf�lle
/SAPMP/U_DELIV_TOLERANCEMILL: Underdelivery tolerance MRP
/SAPMP/VP_DTUC_APPMILL: DTUC - Appends (Switch /SAPMP/DTUC_APP also in EhP!!!)
AD00IS A&D: General Tools
AD02IS A&D: Time recording
AD02_APPIS A&D: Time recording - Append Structures
AD03IS A&D: Earned Value Management
AD03_APPIS A&D: Earned Value Management - Append Structures
AD04IS A&D: US government contractor specific functionality
AD04_APPA&D:US govt contractor specific functions-Append Structures
ADEXOrder-Material transfer posting
ADPICA&D Parts Interchangeability Enhancements
ADPIC_APPA&D Parts Interchangeability Enhancements -Append Structures
ADPSLine Item Reports/Document Displays for Projects
ADS2KIPARCHSPEC2000: IP Data Archiving Package
ADS2KIPBROSpec2000: Initial Provisioning Browser
ADS2KIPUPL_ALSPEC 2000 Initial Provisioning Upload: File Readers/Parsers
ADS2KIPUPL_API_ALSPEC2000 Initial Provisioning Upload: API Layer
ADS2KIPUPL_CLSPEC2000 Initial Provisioning Upload: Customising Layer
ADS2KIPUPL_DLSPEC2000 Initial Provisioning Upload: DB Layer
ADS2KIPUPL_ULSPEC 2000 Initial Provisioning Upload: UI Layer
ADSPAREA&D Spare Parts Portal ADD-ON to Dealer Portal
AD_BOS_01Customer Bills of Services (IBU A&D/E&C)
AD_BOS_01_APPCustomer Bills of Services (IBU A&D/E&C) - Append Structures
AD_BOS_02Addons for Downpayments w/o Billing Plan (IBU A&D/E&C)
AD_BOS_02_APPAddons for Downpayments w/o Billing Plan - Append Structures
AD_BOS_03BOS: Objects with English as Original Language
AD_BOS_04BOS Development after 46C2
AD_BOS_ECPConnection Easy Cost Planning BOS
AD_BOS_ECP_APPConnection Easy Cost Planning BOS - Append Structures
AD_CEM_DDICDDIC_Elements (e.g. Search Helps, etc.)
AD_EDIA&D EDI Developments
AD_FSH_DDICFlight Scheduling (DDIC)
AD_GENERALGeneral package for the Business Function Set A&D
AD_GENERAL_01A&D Enhancements for EhP2
AD_GENERAL_01_TCTTest Case Templates for A&D Enhancements in EhP2
AD_GENERAL_02A&D Enhancements for EhP3
AD_GENERAL_02_TCTTest Case Templates for A&D Enhancements in EhP3
AD_GENERAL_SEGen. package for the Bus. Function Set A&D; ESA Fast Track
AD_IC_SERVICESServices for MPN-Interchangeability
AD_IWInspection Workbench
AD_IWBInspection Workbench (Version 2)
AD_KPIIndicators for the Aircraft Industry
AD_KPKAYearly Application of Overheads from Networks
AD_LEADING_ZEROSLeading Zeros in Serial Numbers
AD_MCHA&D Mass Changes
AD_MPDMaintenance Program Definition
AD_MPD_APPMaintenance Program Definition - Appends
AD_MPNRBA_ROTSUBMRO Refurbishment & MPN Material Exchange
AD_MPN_MDManufacturer Part Number: Material Master/Custom.
AD_MPN_MD_ICMPN - Interchangeability: Material Master/Custom.
AD_MPN_MD_IC_APPMPN-Interchangeability: Mat.Master/Custom.-Append Structures
AD_MPN_MD_MPN_AND_ICMPN and Interchangeability: Material Master/Custom.
AD_MPN_MRPManufacturer Part Number: Material Requirements Planning
AD_MPN_MRP_APPMPN: Material Requirements Planning - Append Structures
AD_MPN_PM_PPDevelopments in the PM/PP Area for the A&D 3.0 Project
AD_MPN_PUR2MPN Purchasing: Non-relevant ALR Coding
AD_MPN_PUR2_APPMPN Purchasing: Non-relevant ALR Coding - Append Structures
AD_MPN_RBAMaterial exchange using rules-based ATP
AD_MPN_RBA_2Mat. Exchange Using SCM; Internal/External Component Repair
AD_MPN_RBA_DDICMaterial exchange using rules-based ATP - DDIC
AD_MPN_REPMPN Stock Overview Report
AD_MPN_REP_APPMPN Stock Overview Report - Append Structures
AD_MPN_SCM_TCTTestcase Templates for Interchangeability using SCM
AD_MPN_SLSA&D 3.0/MPN: Sales and Distribution
AD_MPN_STOMaterial Exchange in STO
AD_MPN_STO_TCTTestcase Templates for AD_MPN_STO
AD_MPN_SUCHEHILFESearch Help for Manufacturer Part Number
AD_MPN_SUCHEHILFE_ICSearch Help for MPN - only Interchangeability objects
AD_MPN_SUCHEHILFE_MPN_AND_ICSearch Help for MPN - Interchangeability and MPN objects
AD_MPN_WADevelopments in the Goods Issue Area for the A&D 3.0 Project
AD_MRO_CI_3_TEST_CASESTest case templates for Business Function AD_MRO_CI_3
AD_PARPartner Schema in the Project System (IBU A&D/E&C)
AD_REUSE_01Reused Objects for Switch Retrofit of IS-ADEC-ROT/SUB
AD_ROTSUB_01MRO Refurbishment with integrated Subcontracting
AD_ROT_BAPIA&D Rotables improvements: BAPI for PM order
AD_ROT_CALCStock Calculation: Rotables & Expendables
AD_ROT_ENHEnhancements for Stockdetermination and BAPI (IS-ADEC-ROT)
AD_ROT_KPIDevelopment class for the MTBE Extractor
AD_ROT_PRIOA&D : Rotable Control ( CMC )
AD_ROT_PRIO_APPA&D : Rotable Control ( CMC ) - Append Structures
AD_ROT_SSP_SUB_ENHEnhancements for Archiving (IS-ADEC-SSP/ROT and IS-ADEC-SUB)
AD_ROT_SUB_UNSWITCHEDUnswitched Objects for AD-ROT / SSP / SUB like e.g. Appends
AD_RRBA&D - Resource-Related Billing
AD_RRB_APPA&D - Resource-Related Billing - Appends
AD_S2K_SUBCommon Objects for SPEC2000 and Subcontracting
AD_S2K_UPLSPEC2000 IP-Upload
AD_SMCO Add Ons for Service Orders
AD_SN_STOBW Retrofit Serialnumber Stock Transfer Order
AD_SPCM_TRIAL_APPDevelopment for SPEC2000 AECMA - Append Structures
AD_SPC_2014AD SPEC2000 Version 2014 changes
AD_SPC_GENSPEC 2000 Development: General
AD_SPC_GEN_APPSPEC 2000 Development: General - Append Structures
AD_SPC_PH2_GENAll central objects for 2nd phase of SPEC2000
AD_SPC_PH2_OAAll Order Administration objects for 2nd phase of SPEC2000
AD_SPC_PH2_PPAll procurment planning related functions for Spec2000
AD_SPC_PH3_GENAll central objects for 3rd phase of SPEC2000
AD_SPC_PH3_GEN_APPAll central objects for 3rd phase of S2K - Append Structures
AD_SPC_PH3_INDevelopment class for Customer Invoicing for SPEC2000
AD_SPC_PH3_IPSPEC 2000 Initial Provisioning
AD_SPC_PH3_OAOrder Administration for Phase 3
AD_SPC_PPSPEC2000 Procurement Planning
AD_SPC_PP_APPSPEC2000 Procurement Planning - Append Structures
AD_SPC_PUREDI Modules: Purchase Order Change
AD_SPC_QUOTSPEC2000 Development: Quotation
AD_SSP_ENHEnhancements for Customer Stock in PP, MIGO and New Mvt. Typ
AD_SUBCON_MMSubcontracting Enhancements: Materials Management
AD_SUBCON_MM_APPSubcontracting Enhancements: Materials Management - Appends
AD_SUB_01A&D Subcontracting Enhancements
AD_TCFA&D: Tree Control Framework
AD_VAAD: Application development R/3 Sales
AD_VKONAD: Application development R/3 conditions
ATBLPTransfer/Borrow-loan-payback dev class A
CGK_WBMPreliminary Development BMW
CMT_CEPContains CEP-specific parts of CM
CPPEDISystem Connection iPPE in DI
CPPEDI_APPAppends for Package CPPEDI (System Connection iPPE in DI)
CPPEDI_EXPL_APPImplementation Explosion - Append Structures
CPVS0CCustomizing for CPVS
CRESR3Resources, R/3-Relevant Functions
DEIG_PICDEIG Material Interchangeability
DFPS_FFFC_PDRFFFC for Product Data Replication
DFPS_MRO_TEST_CASESExternal Testcase Templates for DFPS_MRO_PDR
DIACL_APP_ADLogbook: application layer (A&D)
DIACL_DB_ADLogbook: database layer (A&D)
DIACL_GUI_ADLogbook: presentation layer (A&D)
DIMEB_ADDIMEB: Maintenance Event Builder (A&D)
DIMP_CO_XI_PROXYDIMP datatype proxies - common objects
DIMP_GENERALGeneral Functions DIMP Industries
DIMP_GENERAL_APPGeneral Functions DIMP Industries - Append Structures
DIMP_GENERAL_APP_BCSETPackage For Switched BC Sets
DIMP_ILMILM enablement for DIMP objects
DIMP_MOVE_FROM_CORE_PACKCommon DIMP objects, which were formerly in core
DIMP_NO_SWITCHDIMP package without assignment to a switch
DIOHFW_GUI_ADObject hierarchy framework: presentation layer (A&D)
DIPCSDI-A&D Enhancements for Pooled & Customer Stock
DIPCS1Stock Determination for PM/CS Orders
DIPCS_APPDI-A&D Enhancements for Pooled & Customer Stock - Appends
DIWP1DI-ADEC: Work Packaging and Sequencing
DIWPSDI: Work Packaging and Sequencing
DIWPS_ADDI: Work Packaging and Sequencing (A&D)
DIWPS_RLA&D: WPS (Reallocation of orders)
DIWPS_TL_ADWPS (Hierarchical Task Lists)
DIWPS_TL_AD_APPWPS (Arbeitsplanhierarchie) - Append Structures
DI_CCM_CMPLIST_ADDI: Configuration Control - Component List (A&D)
DI_CCM_ERPA&D-specific Component Conf. Control ERP-IS
DI_CCM_ERP_APPA&D-specific Component Conf. Control ERP-IS - appends
DI_CKTCConcurrent Costing
DI_COADI: Cost Object Analysis
DI_ESD_MONDevelopment Class for EDI Monitor
DI_ESD_MON_SFWSSwitchable Objects of Automotive EDI Monitors
DI_ESD_MON_SFWS_TEST_CASESTestcase Templates for EDI Monitors
DI_FIELD_APPENDSAppend structures for fields in core tables/structures
DI_JITOUT_01Enhancements in JIT Outbound for EhP2
DI_KCRDI 4.6C II: iPPE Activities (Internal Activity in Prod.)
DI_MLDI: Enhancements to Material Ledger
DI_MOVEMENT_TYPESEnhanced Customizing for Movement Types
DI_MOVEMENT_TYPES_APPEnhanced Customizing for Movement Types - Append Structures
DI_MRO_AD_01_TCTTestcase Templates for MEB/LBK/HTL in EhP2 DIMP
DI_MSPMaintenance and Service Planning'
DI_MSP_CIFMaintenance and Service Planning CIF
DI_MSP_EPSMSP - Enhanced Planning Service
DI_MSP_EPS_SFWS_1MSP - Enhanced Planning Service; Enhancement Implementations
DI_ROTDI Rotable Management & Planning 46C2 (A&D)
DI_SCEMEnhancements for SCEM (No Automatic Delivery)
DI_SCEM_APPEnhancements for SCEM - Append Structures
DI_SPPInternet Spare Parts Project
DI_TRACING_LCTracing of LiveCaches
DI_VVA_MEEESeparation of Purchasing and FI
DI_WPS9Reallocation of PM/CS orders
DL_BASEALE distribution unit: Core functionality
DM_COACost Object Analyzer
DM_COA_APPCost Object Analyzer - Append Structures
DM_QRPAPO Reporting Points
DM_QRP_APPAPO Reporting Points - Append Structures
DM_STPCShort-Term Production Costs for DI
DP_SPP_MAINSpare Parts for Dealer Portal - Main package
DRMDRM Routines
ERP_ECC_MSP_EA_TEST_CASESTest case templates for Business Function ERP_ECC_MSP_EA
EWU_ADDevelpoment Class: Euro Change-over A&D
GPD_MAINGroupping, Pegging, Distribution: Main package
GRPG-ISGrouping & Pegging
HTADA&D/E&C Hypertext test structures and manual test cases
HT_SW_GENERALGeneral package for IS-HT-SW development
IS-A&D-MPN-SUCHHILFESearch Help for Manufacturer Part Number
IS-A-EMM_XI_PROXYESOA for MM scheduling agreements
ISA-ROLLENWorkplace Roles
ISAUTO_AKHNew Application Components for Automotive 1.0
ISAUTO_AKH_APPNew Application Components - Append Structures
ISAUTO_APO_CIFAutomotive Enhancements APO_CIF (Free of Mod.)
ISAUTO_APO_CIF_APPAutomotive Enhancements APO_CIF - Append Structures
ISAUTO_AUTO_LOGISTICSPackage for Business Function Automotive Logistics
ISAUTO_BOR_VL_COMBIPackage for combination switch (used in LV50SF13)
ISAUTO_BPDevelopment Package for Best Practises for Automotive
ISAUTO_CKAutomotive Enhancements to PP Product Costing
ISAUTO_CKSACOPC-PCP Quantity Structure Tool
ISAUTO_CK_APPAutomotive Enhancements to PP Product Costing - Appends
ISAUTO_COMPL_APPCompletion of Shipping Notification - Append Structures
ISAUTO_GENERALGeneral package for the Business Function Set Automotive
ISAUTO_GENERAL_01Automotive Enhancements for EhP2
ISAUTO_GENERAL_APPAppends for Generic Automotive Functions
ISAUTO_GENERAL_SEGen. package for the Bus. Func. Set Auto.; ESA Fast Track
ISAUTO_JIT_01JIT Inbound Enhancements for EhP2
ISAUTO_LVSISAUTO: Application development Warehouse Management (WM)
ISAUTO_MDISAUTO: Application development R/3 requirements planning
ISAUTO_MD04ISAUTO: Repetitive Manufacturing
ISAUTO_MD04_APPISAUTO: Repetitive Manufacturing - Appends
ISAUTO_MD0CISAUTO: Customizing R/3 Material Requirements Planning
ISAUTO_MD0C_APPISAUTO: Customizing R/3 Material Requirements Planning - App
ISAUTO_ME0CISAUTO: Customizing R/3 Purchasing
ISAUTO_ME_APPISAUTO: Purchasing - Appends
ISAUTO_MRMEnhancements to Log. IV; ERS With Handling Surcharge, Reval.
ISAUTO_MRM_APPEnh. Log-IV: ERS with Handling Surcharge - Append Structures
ISAUTO_NOSWITCHFor Unswitched Append Structures
ISAUTO_PICSubstitutions of Parts (Supersession and MPN)
ISAUTO_PIC_APPParts Replacement (Supersession and MPN) - Append Structures
ISAUTO_SUEPacket for Supplier Extensions
ISAUTO_SUE_SACOPY_01Scheduling Agreement Copy Report EhP2
ISAUTO_TEST_CASESAutomotive Testcase Template for Customers
ISAUTO_TEST_CASES_MAINMain package automotive test cases
ISAUTO_VHU_RLReturnable Packaging Logistics
ISAUTO_VHU_RL_APPReturnable Packaging Logistics - Append Structures
ISAUTO_VHU_RL_CUSTCustomizing for Returnable Packaging Logistics
ISAUTO_VHU_RL_CUST_APPReturnable Packaging Logistics Customizing-Append Structures
ISAUTO_VHU_RL_TEST_CASESTest Case Templates for Returnable Packaging Logistics
ISAUTO_VLISAUTO: WS-SHP: General Processing for Shipping
ISAUTO_VLC_01Enhancements VMS for EhP2
ISAUTO_VLC_MAINVehicle Management System (VMS) - Main Package
ISAUTO_VTRKISAUTO: Shipping communication (delivery/transport)
IS_AUTO_MD03ISAUTO: Appl. development R/3 MPS/determin. requirements pla
IS_E&C_AHKDevelopment Class for Component E&C
ITOB_IBASETechnical Objects: Synchronization IBASE
ITOB_INHERITTechnical Objects: Data Inheritance Install Structures
IWO1_REV_ADRevision in Maintenance Order (A&D)
J3GACEM Append Structures
J3GA_APPCEM - only Append Structures
J3GBORCEM Business Object Repository
J3GCCEM - Customizing
J3GDCEM Dictionary Objects
J3GD_APPCEM Dictionary Objects - Append Structures
J3GD_APP_NO_SWITCHPackage without a switch for append structures
J3GGCEM Global Functions
J3GICEM IDoc Development
J3GJCEM Condition Technique Price List
J3GLISCEM LIS Information Structures
J3GMCEM Master Data
J3GMODCEM - Customer Modifications
J3GPCEM Module Pools
J3GRELNCEM Release Notes
J3GSCEM SD Order Processing
J3GS_APPCEM SD Order Processing - Append Structures
J3GWFWorkflow for CEM
J3GXApplication Development R/3 CEM Customer Modifications
J3GZCEM: Central Functions
J4GPCEM: Transaction Codes
LOG_EAM_ELBK_AD_01Elogbook implementation in DIMP, EhP3
LOG_EAM_ROTSUB_2_TEST_CASESTest case templates for Business Function LOG_EAM_ROTSUB_2
LOG_EAM_ROTSUB_TEST_CASESTest case templates for Business Function LOG_EAM_ROTSUB
MEC_GENERALGeneral package for the ME&C Business Function Sets
MEC_VAMEC: Application development R/3 Sales
MEC_VFMEC: Application development R/3 invoice
MEC_VKONMEC: Application development R/3 conditions
MGVERSMaterial version in material master
MGVERS_MVDAssignment Screen - Document Version to Material Version
MGVERS_NUMBERMaterial versions - Material numbers (Application)
MGV_CONV_EXITConversion exit implementation for LAMA
MGV_GENERATEDLAMA: Mat. no. conversion (long mat. no.) - generated coding
MGV_MATNRMaterial number conversion (long mat. no.)
MGV_MATNR_GEN_NEWObjects Generated for the Long Material Number
MGV_MATNR_LAMALAMA: Material number conversion (long mat. no.)
MGV_MATNR_LAMA_APPLAMA: APPENDS for Material number conversion (long mat. no.)
MGV_SCREENSLAMA (long mat. no.) - flow logic, etc. of screens
MGV_SH_EXITSLAMA: Search help Exits enhancements
MILLMILL Main Package
MILL_FAST_DATA_ENTRY_GEN_APPMILL: Fast Data Entry General - Appends
MILL_GENERAL_01Mill enhancements in EhP2
MILL_NFM_GENERALNF Metal Processing: General Package
MILL_OB_GENERALMILL: Original batch general
MILL_QUAN_COPRODMILL: Base Qty Proportional Settlement Rule for Co-Products
ODATA_ISAMain Package for OData Services for Automotive
ODATA_ISADMain Package for OData Services for Aeorospace&Defense
ODATA_ISECMain Package for OData Services for Engg. and Construction
ODATA_ISMPMain Package for OData Services for Mill Products
PHIN_DIMPTakeover/Handover of Technical Objects : DIMP part
PHIN_MPDIntegration of Takeover/Handover with MPD
PPC1Backflushing in PP
PPC1_APPConfirmation in PP - Append Structures
RECONCILIATIONAssignment, Comparison, and Adjustment of Graphs
REFURB_ORDERRefurbishment Order (PM04) Enhancements
RFW_APPLApplication component for RFW
WTYSC_APPService Integration with Warranty - Appends
WTYSC_MAINService Integration with Warranty: Main Package
WTYSC_MAIN_01Plant Maintenance with Warranty: Main Package
WTY_DIWarranty DI specific developments
WTY_DI_APPWarranty DI specific developments - Append Structures
XADVMaterial Exchange Transaction
XCSDocument Generation in BOM Comparison
XS4SIC_DIMPSIC Class for Discrete Industries / Mill Products
This development package contains no tables.
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