/SAPCEM/DDIC - CEM Dictionary Objects

The development package /SAPCEM/DDIC contains objects for "CEM Dictionary Objects".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package DIMP. It belongs to software component IS-EC-CEM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package /SAPCEM/DDIC

/SAPCEM/ABLEReasons for Rejection - Settlement Calendar
/SAPCEM/ABLETTexts for Reasons for Rejection - Settlement Calendar
/SAPCEM/ABRALGVGSD Settlement PBE as TBE Old/New Logic
/SAPCEM/AB_ZUTAGSettlement: Retirement Date Same as Acquisition Date
/SAPCEM/BALDAUERRetention Period of Objects/Subobjects (Ctlg Tools/SmallEq.)
/SAPCEM/BREAKBreak in User Names in FB J_3G_BREAK
/SAPCEM/BWARTTransaction Types for Generation CEM Ship. Doc. from MM
/SAPCEM/DISPOBETTexts for Planning Areas
/SAPCEM/EMTLADMADefault Activity Type for Material
/SAPCEM/INV01Global Settings for Inventory
/SAPCEM/INV02Valid Administrator for Inventory
/SAPCEM/INVENTURInitial Entry of Stock Balances
/SAPCEM/INV_OLDTable for storing the data archived from /SAPCEM/INVENTUR
/SAPCEM/KATTEXTTexts for Catalog Data
/SAPCEM/LGLADEFDefault Activity Type for PBE Report
/SAPCEM/LGORTDefine Recipients for Plant/Storage Location MM->ShipDoc.
/SAPCEM/LISTFORMFORM Routines for List Output
/SAPCEM/MATERIALMaterial Assignment to Appropriate Catalog
/SAPCEM/MITTLEIntermediate Recipient per Organizational Structure
/SAPCEM/PSPBUKRSCEM Assignment WBS Element to Company Code
/SAPCEM/SPABRK_VBlock Settlment Calendar with Released Records
/SAPCEM/TACTDirectory of Activities that can be Protected
/SAPCEM/TACTTDescription for Activities that can be Protected
/SAPCEM/UMLFIXRedirecting of Acc. Assgnmnt for Fixed CO Object (4/5)
/SAPCEM/VSBLARTDocument Type for Generated Shipping Documents from MM
/SAPCEM/VSMPAssignment of Measuring Point in Ship. Doc. Entry
/SAPCEM/WF_EQUIWorkflow: Asset from Equi. Master Record, Default Values
/SAPCEM/ZULBAAllowed Movement Types for MM Inventory Posting
/SAPCEM/ZULPARTAllowed Partner Functions per Document Type/Equipment Cat.
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