EE17 - IS-U: Meter Reading Data Entry

The development package EE17 contains objects for "IS-U: Meter Reading Data Entry".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package IS-U/CCS. It belongs to software component IS-U-DM-MR.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package EE17

ELWEGStreet Route
ELWEG_LOGLog Numbers for Street Routes
ISU_AUNIT_MDATAUnit Test: Table for Master Data
TE017Meter Reading Group
TE017TMR Group (Text)
TE018Determination of Decimal Places per MR Group
TE115Meter Reader
TE115TMtr Rdr (Text)
TE121Tolerance Limits of Independent Validations
TE218Independent Validations (Value Table)
TE218TIndependent Validations (Texts for Value Table)
TE219Independent Validations (Control Table)
TE220User-Defined Independent Validations
TE259Notes from Meter Rdr
TE259TNotes from Meter Rdr (Text)
TE265TWeighting Procedure (Text)
TE408Check Classes of Independent Validations
TE408TValidation Classes for Independent Validations (Texts)
TE409Parameters for Independent Validations
TE410Parameters for MR Data Processing
TE410SPerformance Parameters for Meter Reading Data Entry
TE411Estimation Parameters: MR Data Entry
TE413Valdiation Groups for Dependent Validations
TE413TValidation Groups for Dependent Validations (Texts)
TE454Parameters for Changing Meter Read. Results (Upload Process)
TE455Parameters for Change to MR Result (CRM Integration)
TE491Dependent Validation Parameters
TE567Est. Reasons
TE567TEst. Reasons (Text)
TE613Priority of Meter Reading Reasons When Times Are the Same
TE620List of Customer-Specific Dependent Validations
TE620TLanguage-Dependent table: Customer-Specific Dep. Val. Point
TE621Allocation of Customer-Specific Validations to Val. Group
TE622Customer-Specific Validation Points: Independent validations
TE622TIndependent Validations (Texts for Value Table)
TE625Multiple Register Validations (Value Tables)
TE625TDependent Validations (Texts for Value Table)
TE627Multiple Register Validations (Control Table)
TE900Validations: Check Codes + Funct. Module Names
TE901User-Defined Validations
TE902Function Modules for Pop Codes (Dependent Validations)
TE903User-Defined Dependent Validations
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