FMBPA_E - New budgeting: FM application part

The development package FMBPA_E contains objects for "New budgeting: FM application part".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FUNDS_MANAGEMENT. It belongs to software component PSM-FM-BCS-BU.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FMBPA_E

BTXCHKF01Budge_text: File Name of Last Check Out
BTXCHKO01Budge_text: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information Obj.
BTXCONT01Budge_text: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
BTXDOCL01Budge_text: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BTXDOCP01Budge_text: Instances of Physical Information Objects
BTXIDXST01Budge_text: Status Table for Indexing Documents
BTXLOIOT01Budge_text: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
BTXLOPR01Budge_text: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
BTXLORE01Budge_text: Outgoing Relations of Logical Information Object
BTXLORI01Budge_text: Incoming Relations of Logical Info Objects
BTXPHF01Budge_text: Files of Physical Information Objects
BTXPHHR01Budge_text: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects
BTXPHNM01Budge_text: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
BTXPHPR01Budge_text: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
BTXPHRE01Budge_text: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects
BTXPHRI01Budge_text: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects
FMACTIVPERActivate Period Control Budgeting
FMBCSABudget Control System activation settings
FMBCSA_USERUser specific Budget Control System activation settings
FMBCSSUBDIVFMBLExtension Fields for Subdivision
FMBCSSUBDIVFMHBLExtension table for table FMHBL (Subdivision)
FMBCS_FMBL_CDEmpty table for change documents on FMBL incl. local. fields
FMBDAActual line item table
FMBDCObject table 2
FMBDOObject table 1 - Budget address
FMBDPFM Budget change line items table
FMBDTFM budget totals table (no more updated!)
FMBHFunds management budget header (entry documents)
FMBLFunds management budget document lines (entry documents)
FMBSCDACTActivation of Change Documents for Budget Structure
FMBS_BOBudget Addresses
FMBS_BO_MIGConversion of Table for FM Budget Addresses
FMBS_BSBudget structures
FMBS_CONTROLBudget structure settings on FM area and fiscal year level
FMBS_CONTROL_LDRBS settings FM area, fisc. year and posting ledger
FMBS_FMADDRESSBudget Structure Elements
FMBS_HIE_ACTActivation of Hierarchical Budget Structure
FMBS_VERS_ASSBudget Addresses settings on the version level
FMBTGDEFBudget Group content definition
FMBTGROUPBudget Type Group definition
FMBTGROUPTText for Budget Type Group
FMBUCOBUSTRANSACRestriction Business transaction for CO Plan Transfer to BCS
FMBUCOPICO plan integration with FM Budgeting
FMBUDCATBudget category activation
FMBUDTXTBudget texts register
FMBUDTXT_KEYBudget Text Key Customizing
FMBUDTYPEBudget type definition
FMBULEDGERSRelation between posting and budgeting ledgers
FMBUMANAGERManagement of budgeting enironment in FM
FMBUSTATUSStatus and budget addresses settings on the version level
FMBWUDUser Documents
FMBWUSBudgeting Workbench User settings
FMCCFBDGT_CNTRLCustomizing settings: creation of budget during ccf
FMCCFBDGT_CUSTCustomizing settings: creation of budget during ccf
FMCC_CUST_LIBFM - Consistency checks - Assignment of libraries
FMCONSUM_FTYPEConsumable budget type for Fund Type
FMCONSUM_FUNDConsumable budget type for Fund
FMCUPRPField Profile for Preposted or Posted Budget Documents
FMCUPRPCDACTActivation of Change History for Preposted Documents
FMCUPRPCOMAssignment of Field Profiles for Preposted Budget Documents
FMCYDOCLinks source and targets during the copy of documents
FMCY_COPIFor CO plan data transfer
FMDIMSTATEDefinition of state for account assignment element
FMDISTADistribution Activation
FMDISTCDistribution Checks
FMDISTCKDistribution Checks
FMEDDOCFORMSAssignment of Forms for Entry document
FMEDDOCTYPEAAssign process to document type
FMFSGField Status Group definition
FMFSGAAssignment of Field Status Group
FMFSGTText for Field Status Group
FMFSSField Status String definition
FMFSSAAssign Field Status String
FMFSSDEFEdit Field Status String
FMFSSTText for Field Status definition
FMFSVField Status Variant definition
FMFSVAAssignment of Field Status Variant
FMFSVTText for Field Status Variant definition
FMHBHFunds management budget header (held documents)
FMHBLFunds management budget document lines (held documents)
FMKF_DSRC_EVALKey Figures - Evaluation class of data source
FMKF_TERMKey Figures - FM Terms
FMKF_TERM_AVCKey Figures - FM AVC Term
FMKF_TERM_RBKey Figures - FM Terms
FMKU_T_CCF_CORRtable of corrections for CCF
FMLALayout Variant
FMMAACTActivation of Multi-annual Budgeting
FMMIGDOCMigrated Documents
FMMIGPARPartially Migrated Documents
FMOPENPERControl Budgeting Periods
FMOPENPER_FUNDControl Budgeting Periods per Fund
FMORGFAVBCS : Organizer Favorites
FMPEPLAYFMPEP - Layout Customizing Settings - Basic Data
FMPEPLAY_COLFMPEP: layout customizing settings for columns
FMPEPLAY_COL_TFMPEP - Layout Customizing Settings - Columns (Text)
FMPEPLAY_HFMPEP - Layout Customizing Settings - Header
FMPEPLAY_TFMPEP - Layout Customizing Settings - Basic Data (Text)
FMPEPLAY_TABFMPEP - Layout Customizing Settings - Tabstrips
FMPEPLAY_TAB_TFMPEP - Layout Customizing Settings - Tabstrips (Text)
FMPEP_ADM_SVSession Variants administration
FMPEP_FIELD_ATTRFMPEP: system table for field attributes handling
FMPEP_UI_MODELDefine UI model for Multiple Budget Entry transaction
FMPEP_VARIANTHSession variants (header part) for transaction FMPEP
FMPEP_VARIANTHTSession Variant Text
FMPEP_VARIANTLSession variants (line part) for transaction FMPEP
FMPROFILEProfile for BCS budgeting
FMPRPDEFEdit Field Profile for Preposted Documents
FMPRPDEFBUTEdit Button Profile for Preposted Documents
FMPSTDEFEdit Field Profile for Posted Documents
FMPTCOMBAllowed combinations (process / budget type)
FMPTCOMBAAllowed combinations (process / budget type) for status
FMPTCOMBAGAllowed combinations process / budget type group for status
FMPTCOMBGAllowed Combinations Process/Budget Type Using BT Groups
FMRELSTATEDefinition of release scenario
FMREL_FTYPEConsumable budget type for Fund Type
FMREL_FUNDRelease settings for Fund
FMREV_STGRD_ACTActivation of the Reversal Reason for Budget Documents
FMREV_STGRD_DEFAllowed Reversal Reasons for Budget Documents
FMRIBDOCPDocument Based RIB Segment
FMROLLUP_FTYPEPreclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund Type
FMROLLUP_FUNDPreclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund
FMSIGNPREPSign Handling for Plan Data
FMSTATDEFBudgeting status definition
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