FUNDS_MANAGEMENT - Funds Management Main Package IBU Public Services

The development package FUNDS_MANAGEMENT contains objects for "Funds Management Main Package IBU Public Services".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package EA-PS. It belongs to software component PSM-FM.

Child development packages of FUNDS_MANAGEMENT

Development Package
BPREP_BWRETRetraction: BW -> R/3
FIN_LOC_CI_5_TEST_CASESTest Case Templates PS Spain
FMARFunds Management Archiving
FMAVCA_EActive availability control: FM application part
FMAVCCUBCS Customizing and System Tables Availability Control
FMAVC_EActive availability control: generic part
FMBASA_EBudgeting and availability control services, FM appl. part
FMBAS_EBudgeting and availability control services, generic part
FMBELIDCProcessing List (Assign/Process Unsolved Documents)
FMBGAPublic-Owned Commercial Operations
FMBL_EXT_EBudgetary Ledger Extensions
FMBMA_EBudgeting Rules, BCS
FMBMA_E_ESOA_TOOLSService Enabling tools for Budgeting Rules (BCS)
FMBMA_E_XI_PROXYXI Proxy for Budgeting Rules (BCS)
FMBOBusiness Object/BAPI
FMBO_EBusiness Object/BAPI
FMBPA_ENew budgeting: FM application part
FMBPA_E_ESOA_TOOLSService Enabling tools for Budgeting
FMBPA_E_XI_PROXYXI Proxy for Budgeting
FMBPA_WD_EWeb-Dynpro UI for Budgeting.
FMBPCUBCS Customizing and System Tables Budgeting
FMBP_ENew Budgeting: generic part
FMBSPFunds Management - Budget Structure
FMBSPDKFM - Budget Structure (German Local Authorities)
FMBS_ADDONFIFM: Basis (Add-On Objects)
FMBUFunds Management - Budgeting
FMBU_EFunds Management - Budgeting
FMCCFIFM: Cash budget management customizing
FMCDAdditional Developments: Government of Canada
FMCFFM: Year End Procedure
FMCJIS-PS: Cash Desk Subsidiary Ledger
FMCOCO-FM integration
FMD1FM: German Ministeries, F15 Interface
FMDKFM: Budgeting German Local Authorities
FMDLFM: Budgeting German Local Authorities (Interface for Stnrd)
FMEF_ADDONEarmarked Funds Add-On
FMEF_ADDON_ESOA_TOOLSService Enabling Tools for Earmarked Funds
FMEF_ADDON_XI_PROXYXI Proxy for Earmarked Funds
FMEUFExpenditure Certification
FMEUF_EExpenditure Certification
FMFDFunds Management: Not Used at the Moment
FMFG_ABP_EAutomatic Budget Postings
FMFG_BLCORE_ECore of the Budgetary Ledger
FMFG_BLCO_EFM Budgetary ledger for Colombia
FMFG_BLEXT_EUS Federal Government Extention of the Budgetary Ledger
FMFG_BLPAY_EUS Federal government creation of payment lines
FMFG_BW_EUS Federal Governement business Warehouse
FMFG_CATT_ECATTs for 'Federal Governement US' functionality
FMFG_CCR_EInterface to Central Contractor Registry (CCR)
FMFG_EUS Federal Government budgetary ledger account derivation
FMFG_FI_EValue Pack US Federal FI extensions
FMFG_GEN_SFWS_3_EUS-Federal Generic not reversible EhP5
FMFG_GEN_SFWS_REV_3_EUS-Federal Generic reversible EhP5
FMFG_JFMIP_EJFMIP funcitonality not officially released
FMFG_LORD_EUS Federal - LORD Enhancements
FMFG_MM_EUS Federal materials management extensions
FMFG_PAY_EUS Federal government Payment related
FMFG_PPAP_SFWS_3_EPrompt Pay and payment not reversible EhP5
FMFG_PPAP_SFWS_REV_3_EPrompt Pay and payment reversible EhP5
FMFG_PPA_EPrompt Payment Act
FMFG_RECON_EReconciliation Tool
FMFG_RECURRING_ERecurring Obligations
FMFG_RPT_EUS Federal Government Reporting
FMFG_SD_2_EPackage for the new SD changes from Ehp5
FMFG_SD_ESD enhancement
FMFG_UJ_EUS Federal fields in Universal Journal
FMFIIS-PS: FI Basics for Funds Management
FMFI_EUIS-PS: Basics for Funds Management for EU
FMFSUpdating Funds Management
FMFSCOREGeneral Funds Management Update Services
FMFS_EUpdating/Integration Funds Management (master lang. english)
FMFS_LORD_SFWS_EIntegration SD using Lord switched
FMGLNew General Ledger for Public Sector
FMGL_TOOLSFunctions for the New General Ledger for Public Sector
FMITPODCTranfer Transaction for Subledger Account
FMKKData Interface for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
FMKOFM: Reporting for German Local Authorities
FMKWIS-PS: Fiscal Cash Accounting
FMMDFunds Management: Master Data
FMMD_EFunds Management: Master Data
FMMD_SUBD_EFunds Management Master Data Supplement
FMOVCover Eligibility and Collective Expenditures
FMOV_ECover eligibility and Collective expenditure administration
FMPDOC_EFunds Management P documents
FMPSPackage Public Sector ADD-ON
FMRE_ADDONEarmarked Funds (FM Add-On)
FMRPTR-FM: Information system
FMRP_EReporting funds management (master lang. english)
FMRWIntegration with CO/FI/AA
FMTMPIS-PS: Automatic Generation of Cover Pools
FMZEISPS: Payment program for payment requests - EU-specifics
FM_BCS_AVC_SFWS_REV_EPSM BCS AVC reversible (switched package)
FM_BCS_FMAA_DESCR_SFWS_REV_EPSM BCS FM account assignment texts, reversible
FM_BCS_FMPEP_SFWS_REV_2_EPSM BCS Transaction FMPEP 2 reversible (switched package)
FM_BCS_FMPEP_SFWS_REV_EPSM BCS Transaction FMPEP reversible (switched package)
FM_BCS_MASS_PPOST_SFWS_REV_EPSM BCS FM prepost option for mass transactions, reversible
FM_BCS_MBS_SFWS_NOT_REV_2_EPSM BCS Multi-Level BS non-reversible (switched package)
FM_BCS_MBS_SFWS_NOT_REV_EPSM BCS Multi-Level BS non-reversible (switched package)
FM_BCS_MBS_SFWS_REV_2_EPSM BCS Multi-Level BS reversible (switched package)
FM_BCS_MBS_SFWS_REV_EPSM BCS Multi-Level BS reversible (switched package)
FM_BCS_SFWS_NOT_REV_1_EPSM BCS Generic 1 non-reversible (switched package)
FM_BCS_SFWS_NOT_REV_2_EPSM BCS Generic 2 non-reversible (switched package)
FM_BCS_SFWS_RD_PROCESS_EPSM BCS Reduce Budgeting Process (switched package)
FM_BCS_SFWS_REV_1_EPSM BCS Generic 1 reversible (switched package)
FM_BCS_SFWS_REV_2_EPSM BCS Generic 2 reversible (switched package)
FM_BUDGET_PERIOD_SFWS_2_EBudget Period not reversible english EhP5
FM_BUDGET_PERIOD_SFWS_REV_2_EBudget Period reversible english EhP5
FM_BU_MONITOR_EFund Management Budget monitor
FM_BW_IS_PSIS-PS: OLTP Objects for Business Information Warehouse
FM_CI_EA_SFWS_REV_2_EFunds Management generic reversible -english-
FM_CI_MD_SFWS_REV_EFM Master Data Enhancements, reversible - EhP7
FM_CI_YEC_SFWS_REV_EFunds Management year-end closing reversible switch
FM_GEN_SFWS_EFunds Management generic switched
FM_GEN_SFWS_REV_3_EFunds Management generic reversible switch - EhP5
FM_IRF_MODELSInformation Retrieval Framework Models
FM_LGD_HEURISTIKClearing Control
FM_MAA_FINAL_AA_SFWS_EMAA - Final account assignment indicator
FM_PEROP_SFWS_EPeriod of performance switched
FM_PRL_ESPayment Release List - Enhancements for PS Spain
FM_PS_SPAIN_ITALY_TEST_CASESTest cases for FM PS Spain and Italy
FM_SFWSBusiness Function & Switches
FM_SFWS_EBusiness Function & Switches -english-
FM_SPAIN_ENHANCEMENTS_ERetrofit Spain/Italy: Enhancements
FM_SPLIT_EAutomatic FM account assignment splitting tool
FM_SWITCHABLE_OBJECTSObjects that Should React to the Switch Framework Switch
FM_SWITCHABLE_OBJECTS_EObjects which are switchable by Switch-Framework
FM_USERDIM_SFWS_REV_EPSM Activate Customer Field in FM (switched packages)
FUNDS_MANAGEMENT_EHP4Funds Management in EhP4
FUNDS_MANAGEMENT_EHP5Funds Management in EhP5
FUNDS_MANAGEMENT_EHP6Funds Management in EhP6
GLO_FIFM_CN_01_EAPSGlobalization: Localization FIFM China
GLO_FIFM_ES_01_EAPSGlobalization: Localization FIFM Spain
GLO_FIFM_ES_02_EAPSGlobalization: Localization FIFM Spain - GVA
GLO_FIFM_IT_01_EAPSGlobalization: Localization FIFM Italy
GLO_FIFM_PT_02Globalization: Localization FIFM Portugal
GM_GTE_GEN_SFWS_2_EGrantee management generic not reversible EhP5
GM_GTE_GEN_SFWS_REV_2_EGrants Managment Grantee Generic Reversible package EhP5
KABP_ADDONBudgeting Funds Management/Cost Accounting (FM Add-On)
KAFF_ADDONOverhead Cost-Controlling: Fund and Function Integr.-Addon
PSM_BU_MONITOR_EPublic Sector Budget Monitor
PSM_GEN_SFWS_EPublic Sector generisch switched
PSM_INVSPL_ESInvoice Split PSM Configuration View
PSM_TEST_CASES_US_FED_ETest Cases Public Sector US-Federal English no translation
PSM_TEST_CASES_US_FED_EHP5_ETest Cases Public Sector US-Federal English
VAFMSales Order Updating
VPACK_FUNDS_MANAGEMENTValue Pack Funds Management
This development package contains no tables.
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