FMBP_E - New Budgeting: generic part

The development package FMBP_E contains objects for "New Budgeting: generic part".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FUNDS_MANAGEMENT. It belongs to software component PSM-FM-BCS-BU.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FMBP_E

BUBUDCATList of budget category instances
BUCC_LIBConsistency Checks - Library
BUCC_RULEConsistency Checks - Rules
BUCC_RULE_MSGConsistency Checks - Message of the rule
BUCC_RULE_OPDConsistency Checks - Operands
BUFIELDSControl allowed Field Names - Field Status Management
BUFUNCTIONSBudgeting Functions to Activate /Deactivate buttons
BUKF_CATKey Figures - Category
BUKF_CATDSRCKey Figures - Category/Data source relation
BUKF_DSRCKey Figures - Data source
BUKF_DSRC_FIELDKey Figures - Data source field
BUKF_FGKey Figures - Field group
BUKF_FG_FIELDKey Figures - Fields of field group
BUKF_FIELD_VALUEKey Figures - Data source fields checks per category
BUKF_KFKey Figures - Key Figure
BUKF_KFCATKey Figures - Key Figure/Category relation
BUKF_KFDSRCKey Figures - Key Figure Datasources relation
BUKUTEXTCATBudget Text Categories
BUKUTEXTTEMPLTemplates for Budget Texts
BUKUTXTTEMPLVARVariables for Budget Text Templates
BUPOSTFIELDSFields Which Can be Changed in Posted Documents
BUPPSTFIELDSFields Which Can be Changed in Preposted Documents
BUPROCESSInternal budgeting process
BUPROCESS_UIUser Interface Process
BURBBLEDGERSLedgers for Revenue Increasing the Budget
BURBCALCRULESCalculation Formulas for Revenues Increasing the Budget
BUTECHORGTable of original Transactions (Technical)
BUVALTPROValid Combinations Between Process and Value Type
BUVALTYPEList of budgeting value type instances
BUVORGAMapping rules for migration from FBS to BCS - Field VORGA
BUWRTTPMapping rules for migration from FBS to BCS - Field WRTTP
CCF_CORRTable of actions in correction of carryforward
FMMIGOVOverview of Migration Status
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